Category: Christ

The promise of resurrection

April 19, 2019 | 31 comments

One of the lessons that I cherish most from thinking over the meaning of Easter, is the promise of resurrection. Jesus Christ had his resurrection from being crucified, leaving a legacy that has blessed humanity for all time to come.

Keep up your mental housekeeping

March 21, 2019 | 29 comments

What happens to your house if you never give it a regular cleaning? If it’s anything like my house, it gets dirty. Dust builds up on the furniture. Used dishes pile up in the kitchen. Dirty laundry accumulates in the

Clean the haze off your mental window

February 6, 2019 | 15 comments

I have a large picture window in my office across from my desk that I look out through into my wife’s beautiful garden. To keep it clean, I must periodically go outside with my Windex and rag to wipe away

Don’t get mad at God when things go wrong

January 4, 2019 | 28 comments

Have you ever gotten mad at God because events were going poorly in your life? Perhaps you’re struggling with disease, or facing dire lack, and wondering, “Where is God in all this?” And then find yourself getting mad at God