Have you ever felt like you’re living in a dry and weary place with no hope? Take heart, help is closer than you think.
I share a few healing thoughts on this video I produced while in Moab, Utah.
August 18, 2017 | 15 comments
There’s a story in the New Testament about a father who brings his child to the disciples for healing of an evil spirit, which moderns often interpret to be an aggressive form of epilepsy, and the disciples fail to heal
June 28, 2017 | 29 comments
Have you ever felt like you’re living in a dry and weary place with no hope? Take heart, help is closer than you think.
I share a few healing thoughts on this video I produced while in Moab, Utah.
June 13, 2017 | 24 comments
Are you looking for a good friend? Then look no further. You have a friend to find in every person you meet when you look for Christ. Christ is the best friend you could ever have, and the most reliable.
April 14, 2017 | 29 comments
Easter is upon us, a potent reminder of the spiritual life Jesus Christ demonstrated for the benefit of all mankind. In his resurrection, Jesus taught us to never fear death, that God is our Life, in Spirit, untouched by anything
February 14, 2017 | 22 comments
If you’re looking for a companion to love and be loved by, you can start with valuing the very best companion you could ever have—Christ! Christ keeps excellent company. Christ is the understanding ear of God that hears your every