Category: Christ

Take Responsibility

January 13, 2014 | 6 comments

We are in an age of absolving responsibility for thought. Legions of scientists seek cause and effect in the physical body. They attribute absolute mind-power to the brain, creative power to DNA, and control over life to the heart, lungs

Merry Christmas

December 25, 2013 | 8 comments

May the peace of Christ fill your hearts with gratitude and joy for all the spiritual blessings God has freely given you. Wishing you all the best this Christmas! “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good

The Best Gift

December 24, 2013 | 8 comments

What is the greatest gift you could receive this Christmas? Does it come in a box, under a tree, in an envelope, over the Internet or through the front door? Special items and people may come from under wrapper or

The Christmas Story – another view

December 16, 2013 | 9 comments

Have you ever pondered the Christmas story from Mary and Joseph’s point of view? Here’s a beautifully composed video from that looks at the famous story from a fresh angle. “This is the Christ” Enjoy.

Demonstrate a peaceful home

October 23, 2013 | 20 comments

Would you like to feel more peace in your home? Perhaps have family members getting along better with each other? More respect, more gratitude and goodwill expressed? If so, you can make the difference. It’s tempting at times to feel