Category: health

Affirm what is true

November 18, 2024 | 35 comments

I was listening as a patient rehearsed statements of truth she had been praying to heal a physical ailment. She said, “I’m knowing that the pain is not real, that I don’t have a disease, that I ‘m not material…”

Stay in the infinite

September 30, 2024 | 20 comments

Are you living in the realm of the infinite? God is infinite Love, infinite wisdom, insight, inspiration, joy, health, and every good thing that makes Life a joy to live.  It’s a fun place to live. Material sense is the

Health that sticks

September 27, 2024 | 33 comments

Sometimes people worry about staying healthy after they’ve prayed for recovery from a physical illness.  This worry vanishes when one understands the true nature of health. As learned in Christian Science, true health is not a state of matter that

Losing weight

September 19, 2024 | 40 comments

Would you like to lose some weight? Most people think of weight in terms of pounds or kilograms.  But there’s another way to look at weight that is helpful when seeking to exercise dominion over the body.  A mental point