Category: health

Disease never changes you

August 21, 2024 | 43 comments

I was cleaning the exterior of a picture window in my office.  As I wiped away the filth on the glass with window cleaner, I saw an analogy to how disease is wiped away from the human experience. And it

Refuse the garbage

August 12, 2024 | 30 comments

If someone handed you a sack of garbage and demanded, “Carry this garbage around all day!”  Would you obey?  I doubt it.  You would likely refuse.  You have better things to do. To stay healthy, we must do the same

Healthy loathing

July 18, 2024 | 21 comments

Mary Baker Eddy said to one of her household staff, “The healthiest person is the one who loathes sin the most” (Christian Healer, amplified edition, p. 243). Sin is wrong thinking, thinking that deviates from knowing Life in Spirit where

God is with us in the hospital

July 11, 2024 | 86 comments

I had a woman call and ask whether I would pray for her because she was in the hospital.  She had taken a bad fall and broken some bones.   “Of course,” I said.  “God is with you as much in

The benefits of love over anger

June 25, 2024 | 22 comments

If you want to stay healthy, don’t stay angry, is a message from this article published in the Wall Street Journal, “Anger does a lot more damage to your body than you realize,” on May 22, 2024. The author, Sumathi