Category: inspiration

The sun keeps shining

February 12, 2025 | 16 comments

Does life feel a bit dark?  If so, that can change for the better. No matter how dark and gloomy life feels, the goodness of God is always present to break through the gloom and bring light.  I explain how

Don’t wait.  Find God’s good now!

December 26, 2024 | 16 comments

With a New Year upon us, it’s tempting to think about what may happen over the next twelve months, or at a minimum, what one would like to happen over the next twelve months! In Christian Science, life is seen

Please divine Mind, not mortal mind

December 6, 2024 | 24 comments

Are you a people pleaser?  The type of person who is willing to bend over backward to keep people happy around you, even willing to compromise your principles to maintain peace with others, if necessary? There is merit in learning

Follow God’s plans

November 21, 2024 | 21 comments

Whose plans are you following today? We are often quick to form human plans about what we want to happen.  Sometimes these plans work out, and sometimes they don’t. What is important to remember is that God’s plan always works

Under no obligation to hate

November 8, 2024 | 24 comments

If someone says something mean to you, is it a requirement that you say something mean back?  No, it’s not.  That would be a choice. If someone is hateful toward you, is there an obligation for you to be hateful