Category: inspiration

Live what you pray

February 19, 2007 | 1 comment

Living What We Pray For I knelt to pray when day was done And prayed, “O Lord, bless everyone; Lift from each saddened heart the pain, And let the sick be well again.” And then I woke another day And

Miniature works of art

February 3, 2007 | 3 comments

God’s universe is filled with infinite wonders. Occasionally we stumble across one of those wonders that is so out of the ordinary that it drops your jaw in awe. Willard Wigan’s works of art is one of those occasions. Willard

Life is the hot cocoa

January 31, 2007 | 1 comment

A group of alumni, highly established in their careers, got together to visit their old university professor. The conversation soon turned into complaints about stress in work and life. Offering his guests something to drink, the professor went to the

Are you in need?

January 20, 2007 | 1 comment

Do you need Me? I am there. You cannot see Me, yet I am the light you see by. You cannot hear Me, yet I speak through your voice. You cannot feel Me, yet I am the power at work

Don’t repeat the mistake

January 12, 2007 | 1 comment

  Two hunters from Chicago hired a pilot to fly them to Canada to hunt moose. They bagged six. As they started loading the plane for the return trip home, the pilot tells them the plane can take only three