Category: inspiration


December 20, 2006 | No comments yet

Meekness is not weakness, but strength, agrees Pastor Ben Alud from Glory Ministries. Read what he has to say in his e-article on “Meekness:” “Definition of Meekness: To be gentle or kind, mild mannered, to have a quietness of spirit.

Healing power of listening

December 19, 2006 | No comments yet

  “With the gift of listening comes the gift of healing.” ~ Catherine de Hueck In an often quoted old nursery rhyme, William Edward Norris wrote: “If your lips would keep from slips, five things observe with care: To whom

Gift of listening

December 19, 2006 | No comments yet

From “The Gift of Listening,” by Anne Murchison: A good listener listens with spiritual ears open, hearing and understanding the spirit beneath the words. A good listener listens with the heart and mind still and the mouth shut. A good

Breaking routine

December 15, 2006 | 3 comments

You’ve probably heard the old saying, “If you do what you’ve always done, you’re going to get what you always got.” Or, as one pointed out recently, “If you think what you’ve always thought, you’re going to see what you’ve


December 13, 2006 | No comments yet

Egobotomy. Have you ever heard the word before? Not me. In fact, it isn’t listed in my dictionary. But my hair cutter used it very creatively today in describing how she prayed to God for release from self-will. “Not my