Category: inspiration


October 23, 2006 | 1 comment

Do you have the courage of a hummingbird? Reportedly, the speedy flickers have scared off eagles from devastating their nests. How the little twitters could send a proportionately monstrous bird like an eagle in the other direction sounds incredulous, but

Why work?

October 11, 2006 | No comments yet

  ”The highest reward for a person’s toil is not what they get from it, but what they become by it.” ~John Ruskin  

The light within

October 9, 2006 | No comments yet

A prayer from May the long time sun Shine upon you, All love surround you, And the pure light within you Guide your way on. ~kundalini yoga

What do you see in others?

October 5, 2006 | 2 comments

One of my readers said they had a dentist appointment Monday, and while checking in saw a little boy writing on a piece of paper behind the desk. The receptionist said her 5 year old son was doing his homework.