October 4, 2006 | 2 comments
Have you ever heard this one? The word intimacy is built of three smaller words – “into me see.”
October 4, 2006 | 2 comments
Have you ever heard this one? The word intimacy is built of three smaller words – “into me see.”
September 28, 2006 | 1 comment
I find thought provoking ideas in the most unexpected places. Julia Cameron, author of the international bestseller “The Artist’s Way,” a book that has become a classic on creative discovery for countless aspiring artists around the world, wrote a follow-up
September 24, 2006 | No comments yet
“Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a great battle.” ~ Philo of Alexandria
September 19, 2006 | No comments yet
Quote of the day seen on a church sign board by a reader in S. CA: God is always a wireless provider. Cute!
August 4, 2006 | No comments yet
Remember my car collision story last week? Elaine Lang, from Thousand Oaks, CA, sent me an email I think you’ll find revelatory. With her permission, I’ve posted it below. As it turned out, on the car trip I was on,