Category: Mind

Hacker Alert!

August 25, 2011 | 2 comments

Is your thinking protected against mental hackers today? Anyone with a computer connected to the Web knows about Internet hackers. They are evilly motivated individuals out to steal, manipulate, or disorder data in other people’s files and computers. They work

God makes your environment

August 22, 2011 | 5 comments

Do you ever complain that other people around you give you grief, bother you, irritate you, or make your life difficult?  If so, there’s a way to change that for the better. We take our environment with us. Yep, that’s

It’s all complete in Mind

July 27, 2011 | 4 comments

I was awed while watching Jean-Pierre Blanchard paint Roger Federer’s image on a large canvas in four minutes.   As I watched Jean-Pierre begin painting with a few obtuse strokes of his brush, followed by more strokes until an identifiable

When Politicians Clash

July 14, 2011 | 2 comments

What does a citizen do when the politicians of the land can’t get along?  It’s a scenario being played out in Washington D.C. now as Congress, the Senate and the President battle over deficit reducing measures.  No one seems to

Currency that pays the bills

June 16, 2011 | 5 comments

Struggling to pay the bills? Worried about floundering cash flow? Wondering where the next customer is going to come from? When faced with empty pockets, it’s tempting to think the primary need is for more money. But there is always a