Category: progress

Keep your eye on the ball

April 30, 2007 | 4 comments

We did it! My USTA team placed number one in our division this weekend, and the whole gang is excited about advancing to districts competition a month from now. Hooray! As any of my regular readers know, winning the highest

Don’t take on another’s resentment

April 24, 2007 | 7 comments

I made the most fascinating discovery last week about not letting another’s resentment become my resentment. On my USTA tennis team, one player who signed-up last December, abruptly quit after the second team practice and joined another team in another

Yesterday’s problem

March 29, 2007 | 3 comments

A reader from the US wrote in telling me that she had called a PC repair center, which happened to be in India, for help on a technical problem with her printer. During the conversation, she realized that the tech

Clutter in our lives

March 21, 2007 | 3 comments

A reader sent in the below which I thought you might find inspiring, especially if you feel overloaded with things! I was watching Oprah recently as an expert who helps people organize their homes and de-clutter their lives was interviewed.

Autistic boy update

March 4, 2007 | No comments yet

For those of you who have been reading this blog for a few months, you’ll remember a posting in December about a teacher’s touching experience with an autistic boy in her class. If you’re wondering what happened, here’s an update: