Category: Safety

Salmonella outbreak

July 11, 2008 | 1 comment

Salmonella outbreak fears are growing in the US as the FDA searches for a cause and source of the problem. Certain types of tomatoes were thought to be the culprit. But now serrano, jalapeno peppers and cilantro are under investigation.

Always prepared

July 5, 2008 | 5 comments

Yesterday, we stopped at the local fire station to borrow a life jacket for a river outing my family was taking that afternoon. The fire department loans out jackets to community members as a public service and promotion of safety.

The devil can only talk

May 22, 2008 | 6 comments

I attended a Christian Science lecture by Ryder Stevens a night ago, and I’ll never forget how he described evil’s tactics to influence the human mind. He said something similar to, “Evil can’t make us do anything. It can only

Divine Mind’s rescue

March 13, 2008 | 2 comments

Last weekend, my brother took my family out on a long adventure into the woods on our snowmobiles in the Blue Mountains of Oregon State. We had a grand time exploring new territory, improving our riding skills and enjoying the

A heartening story

March 11, 2008 | 3 comments

A reader shared this story with me today that warms the heart and brightens hope. I was told that the state of Maine had a large number of snowmobile fatalities last weekend, around seven. Most often, accidents result from people