Category: Science and Health

Delineate thoughts of health

December 5, 2024 | 18 comments

You embrace your body in your thought, and you should delineate upon it thoughts of health, not of sickness. ~ Mary Baker Eddy, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, p. 208 If you think about your body, be

The continuity and freshness of Life

November 27, 2024 | 84 comments

As a teenager, and into my twenties, I was a very active musician, playing piano and organ at church, concerts, recitals, and weddings.  I thrived at the keyboard loving to play compositions of the great masters. Then along came marriage,

Affirm what is true

November 18, 2024 | 35 comments

I was listening as a patient rehearsed statements of truth she had been praying to heal a physical ailment. She said, “I’m knowing that the pain is not real, that I don’t have a disease, that I ‘m not material…”

Think out of the box

November 13, 2024 | 22 comments

Are you thinking “out of the box” today? In common parlance, the “box” refers to limited thinking, thinking that is stuck in old patterns, finite views, outgrown theories. In metaphysics, the “box” is matter.  Matter is a finite concept of

Fix your gaze on spiritual reality

November 5, 2024 | 24 comments

Fixing your gaze on the realities supernal, you will rise to the spiritual consciousness of being, even as the bird which has burst from the egg and preens its wings for a skyward flight. ~ Mary Baker Eddy, Science and