Category: sight

More to see than apparent

June 2, 2008 | 2 comments

While touring the Metropolitan Museum of Art in NYC, my wife and I came across the most fascinating work by American artist Stephen Hannock. The mural is huge, eight to ten feet wide, and around 6 feet high. The wonderment

Sight is mental

February 12, 2008 | 5 comments

Would you like to improve your vision? Any sight issues you’re grappling with? I’d like to introduce a video that will rapidly expand your understanding of the mental nature of vision. As a prelude, it’s helpful to understand that a

The right kind of light

August 28, 2007 | 4 comments

Light is light, right? Wrong. There are different kinds of light, I’ve learned from my family’s recent visit to the Lewis and Clark caverns in Montana. And depending upon the light you’re relying upon to see, you take in different

Avoid the blindness of materialism

August 23, 2007 | 1 comment

While headed to Yellowstone Park for a vacation, my family stopped at the Lewis and Clark caverns in southern Montana. Wow! What an incredible panorama of rock formations these caves have to offer. If you’re ever driving through the area,