Choose your words wisely

April 4, 2016 | 9 comments

“Words kill, words give life; they’re either poison or fruit—you choose.”

~ Proverbs, 18:21, MSG

What kind of effect are your words having on people around you today?

9 thoughts on “Choose your words wisely”

  1. Often we say things like “I’m going to die if I eat this!” or “This is killing me or making me sick”. I will stop myself and correct a statement like this. I certainly didn’t mean it literally. I don’t want to manifest what I was saying. It is often stated in jest but BEWARE what you are claiming for yourself and choose the Good!

  2. Yes!
    It’s come to me to ask myself, if “iintercommunication is always from God to His idea, man,”
    (SH 284) do I need others to hear my opinions? Why?

    Or do I need to be voice Truth (with the spirit of Truth’s Love) of all that God’s word reveals to me: The loveliness, goodness and worth of God’s creation and the powerlessness of evil to harm it?

    Yesterday I looked up all of MBE’s references to “opinion”, and read several articles about it on Sobering. MBE says human opinions are valueless, not spiritual, and that they emit the effects of error at all times! The articles are blunt about this, especially Milton Simon’s 1969 “No mortal opinions.” Blunt AND freeing!

    Once a mom told me she despaired of her son, who wouldn’t get out of bed to go to high school, and who responded to none of her scolding and threatening. It came to me to ask her if she had faith in her son to do well, for surely if she had faith in his goodness, he may have more faith in himself and see himself in a better light. She realized she had great faith in and love for many of his beautiful qualities, his intelligence and creativity and unique charm. She decided she certainly could magnify those and tell him how strong and valuable she knew he was, and take every opportunity to affirm evidence of it. When I saw her a few weeks later she was radiant. Her son not only started going to school again, but took the initiative to get a part time job and was thriving in his school work. Her home was happy again.

    So if we found that we had inadvertently sent the poison out of erroneous opinion, we can immediately send out what’s really inside us, the great good fruit of truth!

  3. Thank you, all for commenting…and Diane,your study on opinion is so good! Especially the first line:”If intercommunion is always from God to His idea, man, do I need others to hear my opinions?”. I find myself spewing human opinion right and left about this election (no pun intended) in the U.S. and it came to me this weekend that prayer to establish in my thought that “divine Love alone governs man” (the Manual) would be much more worthwhile. Your comments here are so helpful, all. Thanks Evan for starting the dialogue!

  4. Human opinions aren’t always wrong to listen to since most are truly based on their life experiences and if who ever is giving it sincerely wants to help. So be careful of your response for human emotion is not based on the word of God but on a false material sense of the human equation.

  5. Just read this post after going to my room with such a sense of overwhelming sadness and disappointment for again losing my patience with a situation which is so daily beyond frustration and has been going on for years. I pray constantly to elevate thought and see only what God sees but still seem to blow it over and over. It doesn’t always feel like a choice to choose my words. Like Paul’s “for the good that I would I do not: but the evil which I would not, that I do.” Rom 7:19
    I work each day like the mom with the son that Diane mentioned but can hardly live with myself for my lack of demonstration. Whole heartedly looking for what I need to see to express what is truly in my heart.

    1. Dear mg, Not sure you’ll receive this – not always sure how these things work, but you dear child, God loves you directly and unconditionally. God never fails. It may seem silly to hear that you are not a suffering mortal, but you are the spiritual reflection of nothing but Love itself. You were never angry, impatient, or disappointed with yourself – that self that reflects God. If this does not seem to be your present experience, just acknowledge that this present perfection is, and always has been, true. Next, wait for God to wash away the error in your experience. Expect good, don’t go back over the past, wait on your – our – dear Father-Mother Love to show you what is true about the whole situation. Love is unstoppable. Love is all, right here, right now! You are enfolded in God’s arms.

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