What are you going to wear today? How will you decide?
The apostle Paul made it easy to choose what clothes to wear when he wrote:
“Since God chose you to be the holy people he loves, you must clothe yourselves with tenderhearted mercy, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience…Above all, clothe yourselves with love, which binds us all together in perfect harmony” (Col. 3:12,14, NLT).
Clothe yourself in love! It’s not the shirt, pants, or belt you wear that make deep and lasting impressions. It’s the spiritual qualities of God you radiate. Love, kindness, forgiveness, compassion, and care are what people see and notice. The metaphysical clothes of spirituality are the most beautiful clothes of all!
So sweet and powerful! Thank you Evan!
Wow Evan, “The metaphysical clothes of spirituality are the most beautiful clothes of all.” The other day I was rushing to get out of the house and just kind of threw on any clothes, didn’t take time to select something nice, I noticed it during the day and felt less confident, but I did remember to pray on the way to work (which I usually do) to be able to express kindness, friendliness and helpfulness to my customers and to anyone I would encounter that day. So I did, in fact, clothe myself in spiritual qualities and I did have a fruitful day.
Way to go Rose! You put on the spirit and had a blessed day. Well done. Love Linda. X
Thank you Evan. Nieces attend a Catholic High School where everyone wears the same uniform. There are touches of individuality expressed, just a bit, in socks, shoes and hair, but everything else is the same. I like to think of it as a simple analogy. Everyone wears the same “uniform” as as child of God, as His expression.
Perfect! Love it! Thank you Evan.
Loving this message and sweet graphic this morning!! Thank you so much.
So heartwarming and true, that what is really important is that we “wear”
the endearing spiritual qualities that are so important. I am reminded of – in
Science and Health, Mrs. Eddy writes, “God, the Father and Mother of all,
as able to feed and clothe man as He doth the lilies”. Lillies are beautiful
in their creation, as are we, dressed in the perfection of everything good
that makes them/us so special in the garden of life. They/we express patience
in growing tall, gentleness in beauty, strength in being able to withstand
the winds of materialism, fragrant in their/our scent of loveliness that is
shared with the world, kindness that inspires a smile, uniqueness, but yet,
each part of a whole … what God has created. We truly are clothed in love.
Beautiful…I am reminded of the beatitudes in Matthew….our moral clothing or compass❣️
How perfect of a message today. Thank you Evan!
A good reminder….not that we need one…good for you Rose!
Always in style, and bespoke too.
I wasn’t familiar with the word bespoke, which means “custom made” in America.
“Always in style, and bespoke”…what a lovely thought. Thank you for sharing it John B. 🙂
I thought immediately of Hymn #292 when I read today’s very
inspiring message and it coincides with arming, enveloping and
attiring ourselves with spiritual Love to share:
“Put on the whole armor of pure consecration,
The breastplate of righteousness valiantly gird,
With shield of true faith, and the helmet of salvation
The sword of the Spirit is God’s mighty Word
For His is the greatness, the power and the glory,
The victory His, when for succor we call
His majesty shines in creation’s wondrous story
And He is exalted as head over all!”
I have read that penguin chicks can determine their parents from
all the noise of the colony, despite their appearing to be all
the same, (from a limited mortal’s point of view.) We, too, have an
innate ability, to turn to our Father/Mother God, amidst all the
din of mortal mind’s distractions – to listen for and express the love
that we are given – to clothe ourselves in the compassion that shelters
us from the cold of erroneous thoughts and warms us with the
encompassing love that God encircles us with, in turn, directing these
wonderful qualities to others.
Thank you Evan. Getting dressed properly is so important! Someone once said there is no such thing as bad weather, – it all depends on what you are wearing! Our daily defensive work is always a good start.
May I share https://kencooperpoetry.com/clothed-anew-with-you-tube-video/ It remeinds me of “Correct material belief by spiritual understanding, and Spirit will form (dress /clothe) you anew.”
(Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, Mary Baker Eddy, p. 425:24–26)
That is a lovely poem, Ken. It ties right in with this topic. Thank you
for sharing it.
Wonderful poem Ken, thank you for sharing it.
Thank you Evan.
Ken, thanks so much for your video. It’s a beautiful poem.
When I was a kid, my mother demanded “proper” attire to go to church (dress, white anklets, polished black shoes, and hat & gloves if possible).
I recognized that dress was one way of my mother’s to show respect for the service.
Flash forward six decades: one day a man came to our church who wore no shoes. His clothes were raggedy and dirty. He sat in a back pew and listened for the entire surface. As he was leaving, members told him to come back (except for one naysayer after he’d gone). A few items were collected for him should he return: shoes & socks, for instance). He did come back, more than once.
One day he quit coming, but I think he received a sense of his worth that was far beyond his clothes of financial conditions. I hope so.
Thank you for inspiring these thoughts and memories.
Thank you very much, dear Ken for your so very lovely poem! It expresses SOUL which is the title of this week’s lesson sermon.
Thank you very much, dear Evan for today’s topic!♡
The daily study of the lesson which should be first duty in the morning is likewise clothing us in LOVE, for the Spirit and Inspiration of all our weekly lessons i s LOVE/GOD! ❤️
The Holy Bible says that we shall not care what we shall eat and with what we shall cloth us. For God knows what we need.
Thanks, dear Blessed; the first verse of hymn 292 is indeed very suitable to today’s topic. It’s also a wonderful melody.
Thank you, Uta. And Marian, what you shared about the gentleman who came to
your church was so heartwarming. I’m certain he felt the love given to him, as
well as the needed clothes. It is always what is within our heart that is important.
The facade of what we are wearing or what the physical outward appearance seems
to be – is incidental when it comes to the love in our hearts, which is really
who we are.
Way back when I was quite young I thought I needed a new dress for church. I don’t remember if it was a holiday or – whatever – but my father, who was actually not particularly religious, informed me that God does not care what you wear as long as you are neat, clean and well mended. I don’t remember every wise saying from my father, but that one stayed with me.
Thank you so much for this ‘spirit View, Evan. I love the picture of the loving penguins and I don’t remember ever reading the quote from Paul before, though I’m sure I have. He certainly covers all the bases in hie letters to the churches and they are still relevant today. Ken’s video was perfect in making the picture complete. The comment from Marian was beautifully answered with Blessed’s comment. The man certainly was clothed by Life, Truth and Love that day. And Granny G, your father’s wise statement is one I totally agree with, Thank you all and Happy Valentine’s Day with God’s Love (our Love) at our disposal constantly.
Thank you all for sharing!