Conquer fear of reversal

June 6, 2024 | 24 comments

Have you ever figured that you were healed of a problem, only to discover later a return of symptoms?  If so, don’t get discouraged or frustrated.  Treat the belief of reversal.

In metaphysics, reversal is a mortal belief that good can be gained then lost.  But in Truth, this is impossible, for what we gain from God is never lost.  It is spiritual, a permanent part of our being.

To conquer a suggestion of reversal, it helps to understand that real healing is not just an improved physical condition.  It results from new spiritual insights taking hold in thought, that in turn, bring improvement to the physical condition.

A new spiritual insight gained is never lost.  

For instance, when you learned 5 + 5 = 10, did you ever lose that understanding in the future?  Doubtful.  Most likely, you learned the lesson well, and have never forgotten that 5 + 5 = 10. 

The same truth applies to healing.  When we gain a new spiritual insight about God and our perfection as God’s creation, we never lose it.  It sticks and stays with us forever.  This is why reversal is impossible.

If tempted to believe reversal is possible, conquer the temptation by remembering the permanent nature of the truth you learned that brought you healing.  It’s still with you.  It’s still legitimate.  It’s still having a good effect on you.  

You cannot lose what is permanently yours.

24 thoughts on “Conquer fear of reversal”

  1. It was helpful to me to ready Mrs Eddy’s comment that the reverse of error is truth..That’s a truth we can all depend on..
    And our security is that you can’t reverse truth because by its very nature truth is irreversible..
    What a fun and trusting way to live.. Evan thanks for your good insights..

  2. Excellent❣️❣️An insight that is applicable to my
    experience; one I will copy in my journal and
    rejoice in often. Evan you are a blessing with all you share.
    So often it makes me jump for joy in thought. Thank you.
    And your comment is perfect John.
    A “fun and trusting way to live.” INDEED!

    I love SpiritView ❣️

  3. Thanks, Evan. Healing is a revealing of what’s already true, a revealing of our right now perfection as God’s spiritual idea. Perfect God, perfect man as Mrs. Eddy says.

  4. Thank you Evan for the declaration that a healing cannot be reversed. Once the truth has been declared and the problem overcome, some small aggressive mental suggestion will seem to bring the fear of the problem reoccurring so your statements have strengthened my. healing of a physical problem which was dealt with and cured seven years ago. It happened yesterday, however I kept declaring that the healing could not be reversed and today I am free. The Christian Science Bible lesson for this week was most helpful in tossing out the false belief that the problem was back.
    I am so grateful for your Spirit View blog for today and every day.
    Blessings to all – Suzie H

  5. This is so rightfully stated and thank you for the clarity of Truth never being reversed.
    If it is True, how can it be? Truth can never be tampered with or changed. Only false
    lies of inharmony or sadness or anything opposed to God/Truth can be reversed, because
    they were founded on an incorrect premise .. The basis of our True being and everything
    that comprises this perfection is Spiritual and reflective of only Good. Anything opposed
    to this is a counterfeit – untrue … .
    Wow – what an eye opener and what Freedom in expressing Truth. Just because any ..
    or many …. “mortal” minds may think in a certain way, doesn’t make it true. I love this!
    I’ve never thought of it in this light before.

  6. Dear Evan, thank you for today’s SpiritView. God (EverPresent Good) is always with each of us in permanent Love. He/She never gives and takes away. God is what we reflect and this SpiritView is a wonderful example of how we are never without Him. I am very grateful for your vlog and It’s dedicated followers.

  7. What I really love about Christian Science is its logic.
    When I finally “found it” for myself after spending years, searching and dismissing other theologies, which just were not logical at all, I really rejoiced! And I still rejoice!
    Other theologies would have us pray to a God that is changeable, vindictive, cruel, vengeful… Etc.
    But our Christian Science God is only and ALL Good, All Love, All Intelligence, Unchangeable And eternal. So if this All Goodness IS All, what else is there?
    Thank you, Evan and my dear SpiritViewers ♥️

  8. A practitioner used to tell me that there are no retrograde steps in CS. We cannot go backward, the greater understanding of good we have gained is permanent, as Evan has said.

    I found this Sentinel article from 1935 “No Retrogression” but it is not a fully readable version. Perhaps someone can share the full version.

    Blessings and thanks to all for your sharing and your presence here on this wonderful forum.

  9. Today’s delightful message reminds me of a butterfly. Once evolved into a
    being that takes flight into it’s beautiful world, it doesn’t crawl back into it’s
    cocoon and retreat to being a caterpillar again. This reversal just can not happen.
    It is impossible.
    Once we prove God’s Truth, we can not go backwards into believing a false claim
    again. I love Hymn # 175 ….
    “Lo, He sent His Word and healed them, Still that Word of God . . is here.
    Still its tender healing message Speaks to every listening ear.
    Truth divine, that overcometh All . . the ills . . that seem to be,
    In . . our hearts Thy Word abiding, We may know Thee and . . be free.
    Love divine, that faileth never, Still Thy presence and . . Thy power
    Mighty are . . to save and heal us, Guard and guide us every hour.
    Life divine, Thy Word proclaimeth All . . true being one with Thee.
    Sinless, fearless, whole, rejoicing, Now and through eternity” . . . . .

  10. My cup runneth over, with all the blessings that I have received today from this spirit view.
    Thank you, Evan.
    Thank you all.

  11. So, so helpful Evan…
    ‘ A new spiritual insight gained is never lost’….
    Christian Science teaches us that whatever the material picture , only man as Gods perfect idea , held in permanent harmony is true being., true Life.
    Thank you for all the comments above and for the link to the article Rose.
    Love filled blessings to everyone.❣️

  12. “Among the many inspiring statements that may be found in the Christian Science textbook, “Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures” by Mary Baker Eddy, perhaps there is none more calculated to restore hope and courage to the fainting heart than the one to be found on page 74, which reads, “In Christian Science there is never a retrograde step, never a return to positions outgrown.” “Swiftly upon an attaining comes the attempt of error to make us believe that what we have accomplished is but temporary, and that, after all our effort, we may slip back into the condition from which we have been extricated. Mortal mind labels this the “law of reversal,” the “law of reaction;” but this so-called law; which is the opposite of God’s law of continuous and perpetual harmonious action, can have no effect if we recognize it as merely part of error’s counterfeit material creation.”
    An excerpt from “No retrograde step” by Florence Saunders”: (I only have the word doc. which I’m not able to attach here. If you don’t have a subscription, you can choose to read it as a one per/month free article if you Google it, or if someone is interested in attaching the link.)

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