Consent to health

August 12, 2015 | 8 comments

How often do you consent each day?

Maybe your boss assigns you a project to complete, and you feel obligated to accept. “Okay, I’ll do it.” You consent.

Maybe your spouse asks you to run an errand and you consent to their wish, “Okay, I’ll do it.” You rely.

If the phone rings, you might consent to answer it.

Honestly, we do a lot of consenting all day long. It seems never ending.

Now, what about your health? Have you consented to stay healthy today?

With the onslaught of disease-images graphically described to the public mind through the media and built up by neighbors and friends either afraid or enthralled with its claims, it’s important that we not consent to everything we hear and see.

Mary Baker Eddy wrote in a book titled, Miscellaneous Writings, “People believe in infectious and contagious diseases, and that any one is liable to have them under certain predisposing or exciting causes. This mental state prepares one to have any disease whenever there appear the circumstances which he believes produce it.” She continues, “Common consent is contagious, and it makes disease catching.”

Hmmm…common consent is contagious. It certainly underscores the need to consent only to what we wish to experience. We don’t have to consent to disease. We can refuse to be pulled in a downward mental direction. Mind governs the body and its conditions, not the other way around, and this is a dominion we can exercise over the body.

It’s helpful to understand that God created us spiritual, designed to stay healthy at all times.

We all have much to learn in order to demonstrate this grand truth consistently, but when we keep the ideal in clear view, it makes it much easier to attain and it serves as a quick reminder to not accept the opposite when it presents itself either consciously or unconsciously.

It’s better to move from common consent to truth consent.

It’s empowering to understand that we have a choice. We don’t have to consent to disease. We can consent to health. Health is God’s plan for us, and backed up by Spirit-power.

So, get a good start on today and tomorrow and next year…and consent to health! It’s a wise choice to make.

8 thoughts on “Consent to health”

  1. What a wonderful time to acknowledge consent to health. I am in the process of receiving this healing both by my study and this enlighten message which strengthens my endeavor’s.

    Thank You.

  2. Thank you Evan for this wake up call to what we are consenting to each day. Healthy ideas are certainly much better than unhealthy thoughts of sickness, lack, despair….. Always appreciate the messages you share. They are so on target to keeping our thoughts focused in the right direction.

  3. I love the direction to keep the ideal in mind even when it seems far away from perceived experience. Thank you for always “keeping the watch”.

  4. Age is something that is on my mind a lot. I don’t want to consent to age but find myself often mesmerised by the images that seem to be appearing on me.
    The above ideas help a lot for rejecting the ideas about age.

  5. Thank you, Evan, For your enlightening message today.
    I consent to uninterrupted health, harmony, joy and independence right now. .

  6. Last week I had to go to Hospital for the 7 days. They found nothing and looking, looking, looking, they still found nothing because they used the physical instead of the mental to correct the issue. Finally they sent me home. But still their understanding of spiritual cause was closed. It was pitiful.

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