Defeat temptation

June 14, 2017 | 16 comments

“The temptations in your life are no different from what others experience. And God is faithful. He will not allow the temptation to be more than you can stand. When you are tempted, he will show you a way out so that you can endure.”

~ Apostle Paul, 1 Corinthians, 10:13, NLT

If ever tempted to believe that you are sick or lacking or lonely, rise in the strength of Truth to defeat that temptation promptly. Take swift metaphysical action to keep your health, abundance and happiness intact!

God is faithful. God gives you everything you need to conquer any suggestion of evil and flourish.

The ordeal of temptation often brings with it the additional temptation of making excuses for suffering as if it can’t be helped or avoided. But this is never true. God’s will is for health, peace and strength, and God has built into your being the ability to stay well. It’s a permanent part of who you are as a child of God.

So, love what is true about you. Wholly accept your spiritual individuality as intact this moment and never susceptible to loss. Side with spiritual truth and defeat temptation to believe you are anything less than the beloved, cared for, protected, safe and secure child of God abounding in God’s universe where evil has no influence or sway over your thinking and actions. Side with Truth and win!

16 thoughts on “Defeat temptation”

  1. What a comforting post Evan. Thank you so very much. Yes, at times we do feel very morose..Why this had to happen? when will the situation change? etc.. But as you mention, these suggestions are temptations to take us away from God. God’s plans for us are always good. Being the divine parent, He can only shower us abundantly with good gifts. Never suffering, never pain.
    Whenever we are tempted to believe that we are suffering from some ailment, pain or injustice, at that very moment we need to reverse this thought and affirm that God’s will for us is health, happiness, freedom, peace and harmony. Whenever we feel injustice is done to us we need to affirm this quote. “God is the law maker, God is the judge and He will save us.”
    If we give power to temptations, we are making false Gods out of them, and taking that much power away from God. If we fear disease, we make a God out of it, thereby dishonoring God.”Omnipotence has all power and to acknowledge any other power is to dishonor God.”
    Making a Gratitude list and counting my blessings, has always opened my eyes to the beauty, bounty, grace, protection, care of God and the evil suggestions and temptations just disappear into their native nothingness.

  2. Oh how perfectly does your SpiritView fit to something I have to pray for, dear Evan.
    And you makes it clear, that in reality fear or any evil cannot harm our real us as God`s beloved child at all, if we defeat the temtation promptly. But thats not always easy. I know, vain excuses are no good and do not help. And I think, in reality we do love what is true about us.

    I am unspeakable grateful for your so very clear and loving metaphysical lesson specially today and always, Evan 🙂

    Thank you, dear Nergish for your loving and helpful comment. Also just what I need today.
    To your sentence of justice I can add a passage I love from SH 379: “The real jurisdiction of the world is in Mind,…” – that can also be applied for world situations.
    I also have found that thinking about all the good with which I was blessed in life also made me so grateful for God`s bliss for me 😉

  3. I love this always timely reminder that “your decisions will master you, whatever direction they take.” MBE S&H First thinking of spiritual self and our God given blessings, then realizing them in our daily activity is definitely the way to go! Thank you!

  4. Good Morning dear SpritView Family :<)))

    I was listening this morning to an article by Martha Wilcox, an early worker in the Movement, and one of the points she was making is that we need to acknowledge the Oneness and Allness of divine Mind, frequently, and to not fall into the trap of believing there are two minds: God, "up or over there," and "us" over here, struggling to find God! This, she wrote, is Scholastic Theology which teaches that there are two.

    It seems so basic and so true!

    One Mind, One Life, One Day of God's creating! This is for us, huh!

    With this in place, we can ONLY have a Good Day, huh! :<))))

  5. Thank you everybody! Aligning ourselves with spiritual affirmations is a very healing benefit. God good is always shepherding, husbanding and supporting us. When we know this is true we are healed. Gratitude is a great tool to reach our destination. God’s grace is our sufficiently in all things.

  6. Beautiful healing message! So comforting . I also like the reminder from Paul that we aren’t tempted beyond what we’re capable of handling. God always shows us a way out!
    The Christ is here to awaken us to the Truth, where all is good, harmonious and spirituallly perfect – a universe created and maintained by our loving Father/ Morher .
    In the lesson this week we are also reminded that God’s arm is reaching out to us and is illustrated in the story of the Christ reaching out and catching Peter when he started to sink. God has us in His arms too!

  7. I gave into the temptation to have an extra serving the other day. I felt unwell afterward. I appreciate you addressing this subject! Giving in is never a good thing!

  8. Thank you Evan. Often your posts are exactly what I need to hear exactly when.

    I was going through my e-mail and found a plea to help the elephants in Kenya, being poached at an alarming rate, the poachers are using poison tipped arrows, because the guns were too loud. I felt overwhelmed by grief for the woes upon our beautiful unique planet.

    Next I read your post for today, reminding me that all you said applies to the temptation to believe that the suffering of any life form is Reality.

    To “Rise in the Strength of Spirit/Truth,” and “Take swift metaphysical action to keep my happiness intact!”

    To side with spiritual truth and defeat the temptation to believe that these elephants, as well as the poachers, are anything less than the beloved, cared for, protected, safe and secure children of God abounding in God’s universe where evil has no influence or sway over any of our thinking and actions. This isn’t just way to keep my own spirits up, but helps bring an uplifting, happy, healing change to the mesmeric material outlook.

  9. Has anything changed in how we can print a copy of these lovely, helpful Spitit View articles? My normal way is not working. Thank you for any help or suggestions! Thank you, Evan

  10. Nothing has changed. Click on the green icon at the bottom of the post, and you should be able to print it out.

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