Destroy premonitions

February 8, 2017 | 26 comments

Have you ever had a premonition that something bad might happen, and then it happened?

It’s wise to not ignore premonitions, but to instantly jump on them with spiritual truth, neutralize them, and make sure that they don’t happen.

I’ve read many stories of mothers who felt sudden fear for one of their children, prayed for their safety, and then learned later that their loved one was delivered from a life-threatening situation.

I’ve taken this lesson to heart over the years and have done my best to catch premonitions when they come, reverse them, and know that all was well.

For instance, when I was on lecture tour, out of nowhere a fear might have appeared in my thinking for the safety of one of my children or my wife. It rarely happened, but on occasion, it did. I usually couldn’t tell what the fear was about, but that didn’t matter. It suggested potential harm of some kind, so I didn’t ignore it. I would quickly turn on it with spiritual truth and know that my family was in the complete safety of God, protected by the omnipresence of Love, and guaranteed to stay healthy and well by the law of God forever operating in their being.

I would pray for their safety until the fear vanished and I felt peace. I never followed up to see what was happening in their life when I felt concern, but that’s okay, because I didn’t need too. I knew that everything was okay and the spiritual reason why, and that was the case for them.

I have had premonitions appear about fellow church members and neighbors, and have prayed for them many times, and witnessed the premonition not coming true. I’m confident my prayers have prevented much harm.

Prayer always makes a difference, and prayer can stop evil from happening.

When completely honest, it’s enlightening how often we have mental warning of something not right wanting to appear in front of us. The ignorant ignore the warning, plow into it, and then wonder what happened. The wise pay attention and prevent it.

There is absolutely nothing to fear in the omnipresence of infinite Love. You are always safe in Love, always protected, always well taken care of. But if a suggestion tries to aggressively push its way into your thought that you are not safe, or that someone else is not safe, that lie needs to be identified as a lie and destroyed. Once destroyed, it’s harmless. There will be no harmful effect, only a continuing experience of God’s love and care. And this is the ideal to strive for.

Watch! For the good…

“When the watchman sees the enemy coming, he sounds the alarm to warn the people. Then if those who hear the alarm refuse to take action, it is their own fault if they die. They heard the alarm but ignored it, so the responsibility is theirs. If they had listened to the warning, they could have saved their lives.”

~ Ezekiel 33:3-5, NLT

26 thoughts on “Destroy premonitions”

  1. Thank you Evan for alerting us all to pray when presented with a negative premonition.

    I’m a Christian Scientist today because of a healing my Grandmother had of tuberculosis back in the early 1920s. My Grandmother went on to become a Christian Science Practitioner and introduced the rest of her family to Christian Science.

    My grandmother told me that during World War II one evening she had a strong premonition to pray for her son. Her son, my Uncle, was in the Navy and on a ship in the Pacific Ocean. My grandmother didn’t know it at the time, but the ship her son was on was in a typhoon. My Uncle told me that there was great concern during the typhoon because if the ocean swells hit just right such that the bow of the ship was supported by one swell and the stern of the ship was supported by another swell such that the middle of the ship was effectively “in the air unsupported by water”, the ship would have cracked in two. My Grandmother did pray for her son’s safety that night and the ship made it through the typhoon fine. My Uncle served on the bridge of the ship and he said the Captain of the ship was very “still” during this time…standing and just looking out without really saying anything. So I assume the Captain was also praying.

    I too have become conscious of the need to “see the falsity” of any negative premonitions. A few years ago when we were leaving for a week of vacation, I had a premonition that something bad would happen to one of our cats while we were away. But I prayed to see the falsity of any negative scenario in a universe governed by a God that is Love until I felt at total peace and was able to put the premonition completely out of thought. And of course, nothing bad happened.

    A few weeks ago I went to get my hair cut. I’ve been going to the same barber for 20+ years and have lived in the same house for 16 years. So for the last 16 years, about once a month, I have driven the same way to the barber to get my hair cut. That’s about 192 trips to the barber. But two months ago, on my way to the barber, the thought occurred to me to take a different route. I obeyed this thought, without thinking much about it. But when I got home there was a news report about a traffic fatality that had occurred at an intersection I would have driven through had I taken my normal route. The traffic accident happened about the same time as I would have been passing through this intersection had I driven my normal route to the barber. Later I wondered about this and would be interested in hearing what other people think occurred here. I know that God does not know evil, so I don’t believe it was a case of “God telling me to avoid the traffic accident”. I concluded it might have been a case of “reading mortal mind”. Mrs. Eddy speaks of that in her writings. So perhaps I detected danger in the “collective thought” of the community in which I live and by obeying Divine Mind I was able to avoid it.

    1. Great stories Brian. I think your conclusion is correct. Love keeps us on a safe path, and when we’re listening, we discern that safe path more readily and willingly walk down it, oftentimes without even realizing it.

    2. Relate your stories! It happened to my family. When we are in vacation and staying in the 5 star hotel with my mom and my 2 son’s. My Dad just passed away at that time a year ago. While we are staying at the hotel i told my mom to stay in the room and took a nap it’s a noon time she’s getting tired by 70 years old. Me and my kids went to activities at the ocean. I don’t take my my kom bcoz of to humidity and hot we just be careful
      For tje blood preassure. So my mom alone at the hotel room. When i come few hours later my mom was crying and i asked why you’re crying is there any something wrong? She’s said she saw someone looks like my dad setting in the chair beside tv. She details what they wearing that person. And my answerd to my mom maybe you’re dreaming. I ignored for what my mom told me. At the next day my brother pick me up to the hotel for check out. While we are in the car setting beside my brother i remembered what my mom said to me. And i told to my brother that mom has a dreams. And mom still remembered and details what dreams about. When i look to my brother i told to my mom for what in your dreams you deatails the color of the shirt they are wearing that’s my brother he’s wearing and everybody so quite in the car when i told to my mom and my brother. After 3 days my brother who pick
      Me up in the hotel he passed away for cardiac arrest at the age of 43. We can’t beleive bcoz he’s a healthy person. After what happened i believe the promination. We should not ignore the promination. Until now still in pain what happened to my brother.

  2. Thank you, great testimonies, Brian – and thank you Evan for todays SiritView touching this important Theme of premonitions. Decades ago my stepfather gave a testimony at church, that during the war when he was in the field when they hid themsolves he got the tought to change his hiding place. Afterwords in his former hiding place there fell a bomb, so he was protected.
    How grateful can we be for Mary Baker Eddy and that she really strove to give us Christian Science.

  3. Thank you Evan! I’ve never heard this before. I always prayed to be delivered from evil and have seen that happen, but it didn’t occur to me to pray to destroy the evil itself. And then you remind us how important it is to replace the void with Divine Love in my thought. I love the reasoned, logical way CS enables us to pray, with assurance. Thank you for this post!

  4. Thank you, Evan, and Commenters.

    It is comforting to know that, in reality, we are always and only safe in God’s loving care.
    In the Dream of Life-somehow-apart-from-God’s-Allness, it is wonderful to have the tools (Christianity scientific metaphysics) to break through “dream-situations,” to know the truth that frees!

    Every inspiring insight helps!


  5. the only premonitions i have every had
    were of “goodness’ approaching my experience…
    Probably depends on how your mind
    is ‘tuned’

  6. Much Thanks, Evan, with your Great Examples – and the Lovely Comments with Wonderful Testimonies of the effectiveness of Prayer when confronted by negative premonitions! Perhaps all this Political Turmoil in the U.S. and around the World could have been prevented if we all had been alert to Jesus’ command, “What I say unto you I say unto all….WATCH.”!! Maybe…..????? It surely does take a lot of mental alertness to Watch what’s going on in one’s own thought, let alone what’s going on in “World Thought” and then be able to Pray to prevent it. Maybe this is what Mrs. Eddy meant when she said: “…..either thru Science or suffering….” ???

  7. Listen to the warning then follow God’s guidance, the thought(s) he gives you. When we moved to a large city in Southrn California I was not too fond of the freeways and I would pray each outing acknowledging order and safety and intelligence expressed by all drivers. My husband and I were driving in the lane next to the slow lane, traffic was orderly, but the thought came to me to change lanes, to move over to the center lane. I asked my husband to do this, and he did without even asking why…I didn’t even know why. Right after he changed lanes the car in the slow lane blew a tire and needed the lane we had been in to get control of his car. He did and was able to move safely to the shoulder. I refer to this experience often, when we hear the warning, the right action comes to us from God, and we must follow this guidance.
    The five G’s. God, good, guides, guards, and governs! Thank you Evan, for all your SpiritViews and for all you do. Every morning a blessing!

  8. Very helpful thoughts here, as always. Thank you all. I, too, Nancy, have often had thoughts come to me, when driving and at other times, that have avoided situations, when using wisdom and caution that have prevented situations that may have otherwise been detrimental. It is often so Awesome, like in your situation Nancy and Brian, where we just can’t help but praise God’s guidance in showing us the way. Sometimes it almost seems miraculous. I think it is tuning in to the One Mind, and like instruments in an orchestra, all in harmony with the conductor of Truth. I have once heard it said that CS can also stand for Common Sense, (in the spiritual aspect of it), as indeed watching and not letting in thoughts or any circumstances that would harm or disrupt our God-given peace that would cause discord and inharmony. I think we can also learn by past experiences that we and others have had (or are having) that move us forward and by pulling together in a way that benefits us all. As in driving a car, if we kept looking in the rear view mirror, we would not progress forward, but we do need to use wisdom and try to demonstrate the GOOD in everything and every one.

  9. Wow! Great SV! When I was very new to CS and had very little understanding of it but I’d always been receptive to prayer – on the way home from work I stopped st an interesting new store. I noticed a car parked in front and thought it was odd and went inside. When I went to pay for what I wanted one of the men from that car came beside, pulled out a gun and held the store up. I wasn’t impressed at all ( I’d never even seen a real fun before) and asked God what to do. I got one word: leave. So I did, got into my car – no one, not the gunman nor the guys in the car even noticed me. I went home (way b/4 cell phones) and called police. It was surreal and completely w/o fear.

  10. Some people find it hard to stand up and give a testimony. I find it difficult to write a testimony.
    This subject touches my heart enough to give it a try.

    When my son was a teenager, he bought an old used motorcycle. One warm summer day he
    decided to take a ride on his bike and left the house. I was preparing to take the other children
    swimming. Suddenly I felt a strong sense of fear, but I didn’t know why. I went to my room,
    sat on the floor and started praying the 91st. Psalm. I prayed it over and over unti the fear lifted
    and I was at peace. I was free enjoying the day. I never thought about my son. A little while
    after we came home, my son came home. When I opened the door and looked at him while
    he told me that he was coming down a steep hill and a car pulled out from a side street and hit
    the motorcycle. He and the bike were pulled under the car. The man pulled the bike and my son
    and asked him if was alright? He told me the wife was crying in the backseat with her children.
    Not really knowing whether there was any serious damage to the bike or injury to my son, he
    drove off. My son was able to ride the rest of the way home safely. He had a bruise on his hip
    and torn pants. I could see he was shaken up, but I was calm because I could see he was alright.
    I knew in my heart that God takes us all the way. He is a grandfather now, still taking long trips on his bike with his wife. There is no fear on my part. The 91st Psalm has been my protection
    on so many occasions.

  11. When I was a little girl, about 5 years old, I went with two neighbor kids (one was 6 and the other was 3) to the reservoir which supplied water to our little neighborhood. It wasn’t real big but was deep and we didn’t know how to swim. The boy reached in and picked out a nice looking stick which was floating on the water, so I reached also but fell in! I didn’t have any fear about my situation and instantly I heard a voice saying to “Roll over on your back”. I did and then I floated over to the other side where the boy was able to help pull me out onto the bank. After I got home, my mother asked what happened. She promptly put me into swim lessons. Years later I mentioned to her about that incident and she told me that she was reading the Sentinel and felt that God’s protection was caring for all of the children. For years I thought that voice sounded like my father, but later realized it was my Father. I am eternally grateful for that demonstration of safety and refer to that in my thinking many times as a testament to my safety in God’s loving realm. Thanks everyone for your sharing and Evan for this topic today. I love this Spiritview!

  12. Thanks, Evan, for the reminder to “keep watch” and also for the wonderful testimonies. I, too, have experienced God’s omnipresent and omnipotent care. Many years ago my husband and I with another young couple were driving out to the beach. We stopped at a signal and heard a loud thump under the car. When my husband got out to look, there was something that had fallen from the car. We were at a corner where there was a gas station and a mechanic ran over to see what happened. He looked and said, “Wow! If you hadn’t stopped your car would have flipped over. Your drive shaft fell out of the car!.” We were so grateful for the protection we experienced!

  13. Great topic along with great responses. I’m so grateful for God’s omnipotent care for all of his/her children. Praying for safe travel (car, train, boat, or plane) is a good way to bless our fellow man. Lifting the impositions of accident, delay, anger, etc. frees us and others from the lie of random error and allows the harmony and order of God to shine through.
    Thanks to all!!

  14. THANKS ALL. I am sending fitting snippits to a friend, not a CS, who is facing for the 4th time a very serious cancer.

  15. Thank you for these thoughts on premonitions. Several years ago I was awakened in the middle of the night which wasn’t so unusual but what was different was I immediately had the thought, “why am I awake and who do I need to be thinking about?” The next thought was the name of my oldest son who was working on a fishing boat off the coast of Alaska. He and I had not talked about what he was doing since he left and I hadn’t really been thinking specifically about him. The next thing that happened was I knew I needed to pray for his safety even though I didn’t know any details. I proceeded to know that he was in God’s care, that care couldn’t be interrupted or interfered with in any way. I continued to pray with some of Mary Baker Eddy’s hymns which I find to be very powerful spiritual poems until I felt certain that he was safe and then I went back to sleep. That weekend, several days later, I received a phone call from him and he told me about this very alarming experience he’d had on the boat in the middle of the night. I asked him which night that would have been and it coincided with the time I was awakened and knew I needed to be praying. I told him and he said he was calling out in his thought for support. I was so grateful that I did awaken and that I listened to the thoughts that came to me. I know God is supporting and caring for each of us always and we definitely benefit when we listen and follow his guidance.

  16. Since Love and Mind are governing us we should remain alert and keep in concert to what God has to say. I always like to know that God is in control and He keeps us in our rightful place. Our part is being a clear transparency for God to guide and govern us.

    1. All of these testimonies and shares are wonderful to read and so inspirational and are so appreciated. Thank you, too, Patty. What you had written about God being in control and being a clear transparency for God to guide and govern us is very helpful to me. It lets us off the hook from the feeling that We have to be the ones who are in charge of things. I believe what you had written on the other day’s blog is very helpful, as well. I was thinking today, about the harmony of our world. How, if we can get our own thoughts in harmony with the Truth, Love, Mind, Spirit, Soul, Principle, Life ~ God, as our conductor, we will see it expressed in sites like this…a microcosm where Evan has given us the wonderful way to share with each other and then come in harmony, branch out into a larger orchestra of our community, our country and the world. The song, “Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me” comes to mind. But we must use wisdom, as well and let in only that which will bring Harmony and Good to our peace of mind and to the world through caring and understanding. We are all individuals and unique and like instruments in harmony, we Can make beautiful music together.

  17. Thank you everyone for the many demonstrations of the tender, omnipresence of our infinite Father-Mother God’s constant protection. When my oldest daughter was in Girl Scouts, I volunteered to go on an outing to the zoo for the day with the girls. It was raining heavily and I didn’t want to go as I felt the animals would be inside. The thought occurred to me that I needed to go as I had said I would. When my daughter and I loaded on the bus, it was overwhelmed as if a heavy curtain of death dropped on me. It took all my courage not to run off the bus. As I sat and thought what to do, I realized all my scout masters had been Christian Scientist and surely the had done protective work for all our outings. As the only Scientist on board, this was why I felt compelled to go that rainy day. I began quietly to pray for everyone’s safety – the children, the leaders and the bus drivers. I prayed for the other drivers and us that Mind alone was directing everyone harmoniously and intelligently.

    As the two bus entered the busy freeway interchange, the front bus instead of heading East, started West. As she corrected her bus slid so it blocked all four lanes of the interchange. Our driver carefully applied the brakes and came to rest inches from the middle of the front bus. All the traffic behind stopped with no fender benders. None of the children was hurt. The mother of only child that was upset was present.

    The front bus turned and continued and we followed. I am so grateful for this experience, having Christian Science to show me the way to deal effectively with these situations, and to be alert to God’s direction and always trust

  18. Thanks for all these wonderful testimonies of God’s guidance and protection. Also thanks Evan for this thought of praying about premonitions. I have never even thought of praying about that sort of thing but it is important…its the “protective work” that we always hear about in CS circles.
    I am not sure that I’ve ever had a premonition of something bad happening but if I do, I will be sure to pray about it immediately!!!

  19. Thank you, I really needed to read this. I’ve had precognitive dreams my whole life, including a dream predicting my brother’s suicide the night before it happened, but I’ve never had such a terrible waking premonition until today. My dad is a firefighter, and I just had the most intense feeling that something bad might happen to him. I haven’t talked to him in a month and I’ve had a guilty conscience about it. So I called my dad at work, told him I love him, and asked him to be extra careful today. How do I know I did the right thing, and didn’t just jinx him by warning him like a self-fulfilling prophecy? How do I know my dad will be safe?

    1. Hi Lynn,

      Your prayers for his safety help ensure he stays safe. Prayer is “doing something.” Prayer can change bad circumstances into good ones. Prayer can stop evil from happening. Prayer can make good things happen. So, pray to see and know why your dad is safe at all times in the omnipresence of divine Love.

  20. I have had many premonitions over the years, many have been related to things like child birth, what my children would look like, their sex etc. I was raised in an Apostolic church, by grandparents were the Pastors and I’ve heard and witnessed so many of their spiritual battles and knew my grandmother also had premonitions and visions… some good some bad.

    I’m having trouble understanding why I had this terrible feeling that something bad was going to happen to my oldest son about a month before he passed away. I warned him as soon as I had felt this, I told him not to go out so much that I had a bad feeling something terrible was going to happen. He slowed down going out with friends and heeded my advice for 3 weeks. Then three days before he passed away I was drawn to go to church after years of not entering a church. We moved from CA to Texas and I hadn’t found a new church home. But I had started researching a church after the premonition and went the Sunday before his passing, sat in the back row- closed my eyes and prayed “God- whatever it is that’s coming my way, please don’t take my children” and I sobbed. On that Wednesday my 20yr old son came from work and I saw a darkness sitting over him- I couldn’t understand it at the time. I was rushing to get kids to football practice and he had been out for two nights with friends so I asked him not to go that night but he said he wanted to go because his friend was going away for 6 months. I told him I didn’t care that he should stay home. That was the last conversation I had with my son. His phone died that Wednesday night around 7:30pm- he was involved in a car crash at 9pm , was a passenger sitting in the middle back seat wearing his seatbelt. He was the only one with a seat belt but the driver was speeding and rear ended an 18 wheeler. He died instantly, we were not called we had to find out on social media that there was an accident the next morning. I had to google accidents and see that one was dead and three were in critical condition, I had to call the hospital and confirm he wasn’t one of the survivors and I had to drive to the medical examiners office with my family if 8 to beg if my baby boy was there. I don’t know much about my gift, I wish I could’ve known what that was the last day I saw him … I feel that it was the spirit of death already over him. Had I know maybe I could’ve held onto him just a little longer . I need more understanding I need answers… my heart is shattered but my belief in God is not. He was the sweetest brightest soul, his light shined so bright- why god takes the best i don’t know but now my goal is to ensure I will see him again when it’s my time.

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