Divine Mind’s plans

June 14, 2024 | 21 comments

Have you ever made well laid out plans, only to implement those plans and see them fall apart before your eyes?  And then wonder, “What happened?  Why did everything go so wrong?” 

If so, take heart.  There is still hope.  Divine Mind always has a plan that works.

When human plans go awry, that doesn’t mean events are turning out poorly for us.  It’s a call on our outlook to see further, to see beyond human plans, that inevitably come up short anyway, to divine Mind’s plans that always get us to the best place.

Divine Mind’s plans for you are awesome!  They are plans of Love that support your best interests, know what best meets your need, and puts every resource necessary into place for you to progress.

What the human mind cannot see, the divine Mind already knows.

If wondering what to do next, be patient.  Listen.  Hear.  You’ll discern what to do that gets you going again.  

What Mind reveals will be the perfect solution for whatever situation you are facing.  Divine Mind sees what the human mind cannot see.  Mind knows what the human mind overlooked.

You can trust Mind’s plans.  They are the best plans.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take” (Prov 3:5,6, NLT)

21 thoughts on “Divine Mind’s plans”

  1. Perfect Evan! Calming and encouraging…
    The beautiful photo just says to me…take that leap of complete faith in your/our Father/Mother for He is always there for us all……for underneath the everlasting arms of divine Love , eternally present welcoming us to embrace Minds plan.❣️

    1. Yes! The Loving Infinite Mind is always there to catch & carry us forward
      What a perfect picture of absolute trust
      Thank you, Evan and BarbaraUK

  2. Thank you, Evan. A most perfect and timeless message! Your Spiritviews are always so welcoming in my inbox!

  3. I took a tour of The Mother Church in Boston with my parents on a vacation. A friend had told my parents that they shouldn’t leave Boston without visiting the church. My parents wanted to breeze through and get back on our schedule of sightseeing, but I lingered afterwards and was gathering up all the pamphlets I could. God had plans for me to become a Christian Scientist and heal myself, my family, and pray for those in government and the world. I never could have planned that!! God has put the desire in mankind to seek him. “If ye seek him, he will be found of you…’ (11 Chronicles) People seeking God are going on the tours today. God’s children.
    (From Hymn 318)
    Suffer the children to come to me,
    This was the Master’s tender plea;
    Gentle and loving, they are mine,
    Ah, will not ye who see this sign
    Come unto me?

    He who receive to the Word as they,
    Teachable, ready to choose my way,
    He shall have peace of sin forgiven,
    He shall this wise enter heaven;
    Come unto me.

    (Tours are at 11am, 1pm, and 3pm)

    1. Should have been “He who receiveth the Word as they,”. My tablet does not understand the “th” on the end and corrects it for me!

  4. Dear Uta, I answered your question in yesterday’s SV immediately after it.
    I just noticed it as I was having a last look early this morning before I deleted it.
    Blessings. Maggie

    1. Wow dear Maggie, you are a wonderful Musician! And by the way I noticed that you are from England, from which place there?

      Yes Maggie, I love music also very much. For a short time i was in a singingschool during my schooltime. And I startet learning to playthe Block fluit but that teacher left our school . My singing voice is deep and not anymore nice and high as it was as schoolgirl. But nevertheless I love music, modern (jazz) and old. My favorite is Georg Friedrch Haendel.

      Maggie thank you very very much for your comment in yesterday’s SpiritView about your gorgeous way and cariere in music! Music is most blessing! Lots of Love to you!♡♡♡

      1. I have learned something from you- I didn’t know what a block flute was, and I see it is another name for the recorder. They require quite a bit of skill to play them well. I have a descant, tenor and sopranino, but only play about with the descant as I am self taughtand just used to enjoy playing it for fun. I am sure your voice is still very good, even if i has dropped in pitch. I love a really rich contralto voice.

        I also love Handel, and particularly “The Messiah” – but he
        wrote masses of very beautiful music, didn’t he. One of my singing teachers was an expert on Handel, and she did a lot of professional singing in Germany. I live in a Berkshire village, and have lived here for many years.

        Much love and blessings to you, Maggie.

        1. Yess, thank you very much, Maggie!
          And surely we all are very very blrssed by Evan’s healind and comforting SpiritView Blog with all the blessing and inspiring comments!♡

  5. Thank you,Evan, for a very helpful message. If we make our own plans, without even giving God a thought, it seems obvious that God will not be with us – we cannot expectGod to follow us. But, as this blog makes clear, if we make sure
    we are in agreement with God’s plans for us, He will be with us and protect
    and guide us all the way, and it will be a wonderful and happy experience.
    We can expect everything to work together for good if we love God, as God is all good and wants us to experience all the goodness He is providing for us.

  6. Very timely and targeted support. Thank you very much for the wonderful conversation surrounded by Christian Scientists, especially to Mr Ivan for his wise and practical, meaningful statements!

  7. There is an old phrase: If you want to make God laugh, tell Him your plans.

    Evan’s message was beautifully Love inspired and so very helpful, but the short, Non CS, phrase above is one I’ve carried with me over the years as a reminder to listen for the still small voice first, last and always. And Trust God. Always Trust.

  8. Sometimes life can seem to be so very confusing – trying to connect the dots
    or put the puzzle pieces together. We think we have it all figured out, but then
    question if we do. Things often do not make sense, mortally thinking.
    But spiritually understanding Does clarify where we are in Reality, even if the
    human outlook can seem so very puzzling. Not having a crystal ball (metaphorically)
    to gaze in to and know how things are – can be quite confusing, but trusting
    in God’s plan for us is all we can really do, as our own way of trying to figure
    things out is often really an enigma. We know how we spiritually see and
    understand things, even if sometimes the human questioning seems to get in the way.

  9. Dear Evan. Thank you so much for this reminder that God has plans for us that are better than our own. I usually start my mornings with the Hymn 342 that says that “this is the day the Lord has made”, God’s day, and we are listening and rejoicing in it and that “God is working His purpose out”. At times I find that my own plans or mortal mind thoughts try to come in and distract me from praying and from knowing that God is in charge and that my job is to follow His direction.

    This morning’s Daily Lift (see link below), “Can we undistract our prayer time”, is by Tony Lobl and included a link to his editorial in the March 18, 2024 Sentinel. I was taken by this paragraph in the article:
    “The imposition is the belief that we’re prone to being influenced by an apparent power to do these things [our plans] at the wrong time or in ways that work against our efforts to be and do good. The Bible calls this power the “carnal mind” (Romans 8:7)—the enemy of all spiritual progress. The term describes a matter-conscious mentality. Divine Science reveals that such a mentality cannot govern us, because it does not exist in reality, being the opposite of the universal Mind, God. God is infinite Spirit, and there is no “outside” to infinity, therefore no room for an opposite to Spirit.”

    Just as there is no “outside” to infinity, so there are no other viable plans than God’s plans for us. It reminds me of this from Jerimiah: “For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end. (Jer. 29:11). Other versions of the Bible say “plans” rather than “thoughts”.

    After the Daily Lift, I was led to SpiritView. Thank you Evan and all for your inspired comments every day. SpiritView is indeed a blessing to include in our spiritual plans for the day, every day. May your day follow the plans God has for you and for the entire world!!

    Daily Lift: https://www.christianscience.com/christian-healing-today/daily-lift/can-we-undistract-our-prayer-time?cmpid=ema:JSH:DL:20240614&src=newsletter

  10. This is such a good “Go to” when in the midst of what seems like flurry of decision or activity not going as planned! Just pausing and silently implementing this solid spiritual concept brings me back to the God given direction to follow and rejoice in every step of the way!

    Thanks, Evan!

  11. Wow! I love the dear little trusting child jumping into his father’s arms. It makes me realize that we can all “jump” into our dear heavenly Father’s arms, every moment of every day! Thank you, Evan.
    Best to all!


  12. I love the thought from Evan (thank you!), “Divine Mind always has a plan that works.”
    Many years ago, when I was in community college, I took many classes in art, naturally
    thinking when I matriculated to the state college, I would continue with this plan. After
    getting perfect grades, I thought this would be very easy. But when the new college’s
    art director briefly thumbed through my portfolio – he curtly said, “This is Nothing!” and
    rejected the whole idea (being mostly of the abstract mindset), making me feel rather
    dejected and mortified, to say the least. But it turned out his blunt rejection worked out
    the very best and God’s plan unfolded without “my” plan being implemented.. Every
    time I walked past that art building, I smiled and was So Glad I wasn’t going that route.
    From being humiliated (in mortal thinking) to feeling overjoyed (in God/Mind’s thinking),
    we are blessed in ways we may not think we are at the time. If only I could trust God’s
    way without trying to interject my own (little me’s) way – I would have so many less
    anxious moments that the “human mind can not see”.r

  13. Hi Granny G, that is so very funny and I like what you said “If you want to make God laugh, tell him your plans!” yes, haha!

    Thank you Evan, this SpiritView is so loving and assures us of God’s total guidance. Yes we need to spend several quiet moments to patiently pray, listen and hear what God’s blessing plans are for us. And thank you very much for the verses from Prov. 3: 5,6 NLT. And yess, we can trust Mind’s plans. They are the best and only working plans!

    We had a wonderful and comforting and healing hymn as first hymn this morning in our sunday service:

    hymn 62

    From all that dwell below the skies
    Let the Creator’s praise arise;
    Let the Redeemer’s name be sung
    Through every land, by every tongue.

    Eternal are Thy mercies, Lord;
    Eternal truth attends Thy word;
    Thy praise shall sound from shore to shore,
    Till suns shall rise and set no more.

    Thank you dear God for a blessed weekend! Here is midnight now 🙂

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