Don’t lose your place

January 20, 2011 | 12 comments

When I stepped onto the platform in front of a clapping enthusiastic audience at the Church Alive Summit last week to speak, I got mentally absorbed into what was going on in the auditorium. I looked around at all the smiling faces, was a bit overwhelmed by the immensity of the audience, wondered what everyone’s expectations were, and entertained other momentary distractions. And I forgot what I was going to say next! I lost my focus.

This is not good for a speaker of course. People in the audience expect the speaker to talk and if he loses his place, nothing comes out of his mouth, especially when the message is coming from memory, which is my style.

I quickly got my bearings back again and proceeded and I don’t think anyone even noticed. But I had to instruct thought to get focused, to quit analyzing the material surround and what was out in front of me, and get centered on my message and the ideas I intended to share.

I continued without a bump, but the almost slip-up gave me pause to think about later.

I realized that a speaker cannot mentally go out into his audience. He brings the audience to his message. A good speaker is certainly aware of his audience, responsive to their place in thought and listening for how best to interact and get a message across. But the speaker has to stay focused on his message to stay clear and be effective.

Then I applied this rule to every day living. To be spiritually productive and a presence of healing, we have to “stay on message” as we go about our daily routine. We can’t get pulled into other people’s fears and false beliefs. We need stay focused on Truth.

Jesus Christ stayed on message. Mobbed by hundreds of people begging for healing and attention at times, he did not let his thinking fall to their level of fear and false belief. He stayed in the Mind of Christ which was a healing presence to those around him. He stayed focused and didn’t “lose his place.”

Spiritual consciousness is the place to stay. Material surround is not the place to go.

So, don’t lose your place today—your awareness of spiritual reality. Stay focused on Truth. Avoid any distractions and know God’s omnipresent Love without doubt or wavering. You’ll stay on message and many will be benefited, including yourself.

12 thoughts on “Don’t lose your place”

  1. This was such a helpful reminder that we can’t let anything going on around us (such as a snowstorm last night) distract us from declaring God’s presence and power. Earlier this week, I became very distracted by a situation where a friend was in distress and I got pulled into their dream and fearful of how to help them work thru homelessness, lack of income, etc. But when I focused on God, I was shown a way I could really benefit them. God always has an answer. Thank you as always for all you do. Vicki

  2. Oh boy! This is really helpful.
    I’ve often struggled with focus in the classroom. It’s so easy to get pulled in to the pathos of your student’s lives and be tempted to become a social worker rather than a healer. What great reminder not to slip into sympathy with error. 🙂

  3. Dear Evan, Just wanted you to know that last night at our Wednesday testimony meeting a speaker expressed their gratitude for your lecture at the Church Alive Summit. The message was spot on and delivered with so much life and love! Thank you for today’s message too! Pam

  4. Dear Evan,

    Of all the great and wonderful talks at the Summit your lecture stood out to me the most. I had no inkling you paused to refocus during the delivery – see – one in the audience who only saw and heard the best! I loved your humor and the quick pace at which you told your story. I loved that you kept returning to check facts (about your financial holdings) because you listened to “the angels” God sent to you when you were so certain that sufficient funds were NOT there. I loved that you repeated it for us several times…”look again!!” We laughed with you. I loved that you were able to purchase a home for your family after really understanding what true spiritual home is! Real spiritual vision first! The supply was always there for you. Amazing…(and they were all amazed at the wonderful works…) Thank you for this solid conviction and great energy and love you expressed. Now, I will be looking again too. Thank you.

  5. Thank you for this message! As an actor and future teacher I’ve been stuck in the spotlight with no clue to my next line many times. Dwelling on the audience or the mistake does me no good. The only way I can move on is to focus on the message. Focus on the play. What is happening. Doing this enables me to pull myself back together and continue the play.

    Thank you for presenting yet another way to connect reality with everything I continue to learn in the theatre.

  6. Hi Evan,
    I wasnt able to attend the summit but would LOVE to know more about what you said (Pam’s comments totally piqued my interest). In the event it was videotaped, please provide a link on your website; I know I’ll watch it a zillion times since it deals with finances.
    I’m so grateful for being able to watch your other lecture(s) on the CS website and am always hungry for more, since your healings are so spectacular–you give proof not just profession!.

  7. Wow, Evan, this is exactly what I needed to hear today. I had a temporary displacement in my work and was feeling very disturbed about it. Your insight is perfect. I cannot be displaced OR disturbed. I cannot lose my place. I cannot for a moment lose my spiritual consciousness of God, good, with me and providing for me in all ways. THANKS!

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