Don’t wait.  Find God’s good now!

December 26, 2024 | 16 comments

With a New Year upon us, it’s tempting to think about what may happen over the next twelve months, or at a minimum, what one would like to happen over the next twelve months!

In Christian Science, life is seen from a metaphysical point of view.  Limits of matter and time disappear.  Spirit and eternity appear in their place.  

What may appear to take a “long time” to mortal mind, may not take much time at all with divine Mind, for the goodness of God does not unfold over time.  It comes with inspiration.  And inspiration can happen spontaneously, at any moment!

To experience the maximum good this year, don’t put limits of time on it.  Drop any concept of time, and dwell in eternity—in the nowness of God’s good.

You don’t have to wait for God’s good to appear in the future.  It’s already here.  The more important question is, how fast are you willing to receive it?

16 thoughts on “Don’t wait.  Find God’s good now!”

  1. “ In Christian Science, life is seen from a metaphysical point of view. Limits of matter and time disappear. Spirit and eternity appear in their place. “
    In a nutshell – thanks Evan

  2. Very beautiful, inspiring and instructive, Evan. Thanks so much for all the spiritual nutriment you provide throughout the year. It’s always nice to begin my prayerful work each day by reading the SpiritView.

  3. “Drop any concept of time, and dwell in eternity—in the nowness of God’s good.”
    Thank you, Evan; let us all surround humbly in that eternity
    Where our prayers are answered.

  4. Thank you so much, dear Evan .. for these inspiring words of wisdom. It is
    refreshing to know that there are no limits on spiritual idea/man. We all,
    as reflecting God, in true harmony with the glorious perfection of the Christ ….
    “are without beginning of years or end of days” as described by Mrs. Eddy
    on page 333 of Science and Health….. “Christ expresses God’s spiritual,
    eternal nature.” Thus we, express this nature, also, being the spiritual image
    and likeness of God. How comforting to know that in Reality, our True
    individuality is without beginning (being born) or ending (so-called death).
    Happy NOW Everyone! : )

  5. Evan advises, “To experience the maximum good this year, don’t put limits of time on it. Drop any concept of time, and dwell in eternity.”

    Even in the hard sciences, physicists can’t agree on whether time is real. They claim that trying to fully understand it will take one into the realm of metaphysics/philosophy. I found this recent quote from an article in a mainstream science publication (Scientific American) called ‘Time’s Passage is Probably an Illusion.’:

    -“Albert Einstein famously expressed this point when he wrote to a friend, “The past, present and future are only illusions, even if stubborn ones.”-

    Yes indeed, all good is present NOW . There are many reports that Einstein studied Christian Science and was seen at reading rooms and services.

      1. Thank you Rose for the share.
        Weren’t his “Gifts” at the end just perfect?
        (John 7:24), “Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment.” Christ Jesus, really spoke to me. ❤️

        1. Yes thank you Fay. I also loved when he explained that we don’t have to worry about whether we’re able to hear/understand God’s answers clearly when we pray, that God MAKES us receptive to His communication.

          1. Thank you Rose for posting the YouTube link. I just now had a chance to listen to it and loved it – so good.

      2. Thank you Rose for sharing this link. It was wonderful and inspiring to hear. May you all be blessed now and in the New Year.

  6. Thank you very much Evan for your encouraging sharing today. And thank you J for the excellent article! Today it came to me that there is no healing in mortal mind. There is only healing in the divine Mind, in the light which we are reflecting. However, in the divine Mind there is no need for healing…

  7. I just read the article, J and LOL. Yes, it is an excellent article. Thank you J and all above
    for inspiration. Within Divine Mind, we are always perfect in Perfection/God’s creation
    and purpose. Our God-filled Mind corresponds to the divine- is the divine … so Spirit
    and eternity are with us now and whenever we turn to this One Mind source of all good.
    The testimony in the article reminded me of a time a friend had asked if I would take her
    to an appointment because she was having trouble with her car. On the way home, my
    car started having issues, but I was able to pull off the road right away out of traffic
    where there was a large parking lot of a restaurant that was out of business, making it
    very easy for the AAA driver to hitch us up and get us going. I was thanking God for
    this protection as along this particular route, there would not have been an easy place
    to pull over. I also held a good thought for my friend who said she seemed to be the
    night before experience dizziness. The flatbed truck was extremely bouncy, but my
    friend said that she was fine. It was just another experience that proved how, when
    we turn to the Nowness of God’s power and Love, no matter what seems to be limiting
    our joy at the moment, can instantly be changed to a harmonious transition.

  8. Thank you Evan for the Christmas Spiritviews – especially time taken over the holiday season. Much appreciated.

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