Everything works together for good

October 16, 2024 | 2 comments

When life events turn against you, and prospects for success look dim, don’t lose hope.  There is a greater power than yourself at work on the scene that can turn the situation around and bring about a good outcome. 

I explain how something good can come out of something bad in this vlog that was filmed at the Cedar Breaks National Monument, in Utah, when my wife and I visited the area in September 2024.

2 thoughts on “Everything works together for good”

  1. This is a wonderful vlog, Evan! Woohoo! Our God is good! Thank you for telling us this amazing story. Yay! Just when you think you’re “done,” God says, “There’s more to the story.” Beautiful. Thank you!

  2. Evan, thank you for sharing this testimonial of God’s omnipresent Love. When we know how much God loves each one of us we are healed of our fear of any belief of separation of His ever presence of Good. Each year I read I read/study our textbook in addition to our Bible Lessons and periodicals. I am so grateful for knowing how much and how ever present God’s Love is in our lives.

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