Focus on the truth

March 19, 2013 | 7 comments

Does your thinking have a tendency to get centered on error or Truth when a problem arises?
For instance, if you rise in the morning with an ache in your back, do you spend all day thinking about that ache, wondering about it, analyzing where it came from and planning physical ways to accommodate and potentially alleviate the pain? Or do you immediately get your thought centered on the spiritual truth that corrects any fear, eliminates the ache from your thinking and restores the body back to health?
If you want quick relief, the latter approach is the way to go.
Health is a state of Mind, of the divine Mind expressed through you. The faster your thinking gets into line with spiritual truth, the faster relief is yours. For in the Mind of God there is no ache, no pain, no disease, and no trouble.
In spiritual consciousness, whatever error appears to be real to the physical senses melts away and is gone. Healing happens.
Don’t let your perspective get mesmerized by a mortal belief. Wake up to Truth, see what God sees, and stay there in prayer until you see it, too. Healing will come.

7 thoughts on “Focus on the truth”

  1. What human focus’s on Truth first? Let’s be honest. When we wake up in the morning and experience some sort of pain, humans always dwell on that first. Then and because of our study of C/S, we then turn our thought to what is really going on in our thinking. Then and only then, how fast and how receptive we are to exposing the error, we are healed. We needn’t be guilty of this, for God is always forgiving us for being human.

  2. Thanks Evan! I find myself really working to get better at this and although there are times, as Tobias indicates where we might dwell on aches or pains first, I am grateful I am getting better at taking a stand and not dwelling on the material first, but turning immediately to Truth, to God and claiming my identity as spiritual, not material or mortal. And as you indicate, Evan, when we do that, there is no room for error to continue to lodge because we are seeing it for the nothingness it is! How awesome is that!

  3. I later found out that the latter approach you mentioned here is for a quick healing and I found out that it is the only way out from further bondage. It was the approach I did for many many years and it worked.

    But last year it was different. A friend of mine mentioned I need to think back whatever thoughts I’ve been thinking or for past unforgiven experiences, etc. Then I followed through and I found out that using the approach the suffering was prolonged and it is so hard to get out from it. I gained a lot though as I did let go all sad experiences in the past that I thought I had already forgiven and I am very grateful too for the love lessons I learned.

    Evan, if you don’t mind, do you have any say? Thank you so much.

  4. I remember a time when I was making cookies for my son and his friends. I became distracted as I put the pan of cookies in the oven and put my hand directly against the red hot element. As I witnessed this happen, I immediately said to myself…No!!! this is NOT happening because I am God’s protected child and He would never allow me to be burned, even if I am careless. I thought about my purpose in making the cookies as loving and kind and again assured myself of my protection. This all happened in a split second and I even thought I was mistaken about what I had seen. At that very moment, some children ran into the house and said “Phew!, what is that awful smell” which to them smelled like flesh burning. I thanked God for my protection and went about doing for the children, and forgot about the whole thing. Later that night, as I remembered, I looked at my hand and there was not a mark, redness, burn there to be seen. I know this healing came so immediate because I did NOT let the “I am hurt thought come into my thinking at all” but right away declared the Truth of my protection. A few days later, I dropped the shampoo bottle on the side of my foot and did Not arrest this thought as quickly and suffered a few days with a hurt and very colorful foot. A good lesson to me of the right way to handle things that seem to happen to us and have been better about doing more of what I did the day of the cookie baking. Suffering is not God’s plan for us and if we can Not believe the lie from the beginning, it will not take root in our thought and become something we have to deal with…..God is sooooo Good and He loves us dearly!!! We can certainly count on that being a TRUE FACT!!! Thank you for your wonderful Blog, I enjoy it so much and there is always so much to SHARE with others!! Again, a heartfelt “Thank you!!!”, caydee kittredge

  5. It’s tempting to focus on the ache or pain, but I’ve learned to focus on the reality of good and the all-presence of God before thought turns to anything else – before I make any move. This starts my day more firmly entrenched with God’s allness. Then any ache or other error is dealt with as false right away, and it’s easier to keep thought on the truth of being, instead of allowing the material senses to enter a report.

  6. To anon above,

    We do have to part with all resentment, grievances, anger, etc, to experience the best God has to offer. And the best way to do that is to fill up with love and commit to living a life of forgiveness, charity and goodwill to everyone. Acting and thinking in this way necessarily forces, or dissolves, any resentments that might be hanging around in the background of thought. You can’t love and resent at the same time. So, stay focused on living a sincere love, and anything from the past you need to honestly deal with will become apparent.

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