Follow God’s plans

November 21, 2024 | 21 comments

Whose plans are you following today?

We are often quick to form human plans about what we want to happen.  Sometimes these plans work out, and sometimes they don’t.

What is important to remember is that God’s plan always works out!  When we follow God’s plan we always get to where God wants us to be, because arriving at His chosen destination is part of the plan.  God ensures that it happens.  And it’s always a very good place, the best place we could possibly be.

We have our plans and God has His plans.  

Which plan are you following?

21 thoughts on “Follow God’s plans”

  1. Adam Dickey’s much loved article gives great backing to this SpirtView. It is full of promise! As an example:-
    “When we have reached the point where we are willing to do what seems to be best and then leave the problem with God, knowing that He will adjust everything according to His unchanging law, we can then withdraw ourselves entirely from the proposition, drop all sense of responsibility, and feel secure in the knowledge that God corrects and governs all things righteously.”
    It led me to write a poem “My Plan? No! God’s Plan!!”
    The infinite intelligence of Mind has all the right answers!! Worth listening! As Evan says, “Which Plan are you following?” From where are we starting?

  2. Hymn 216 comes to mind, and this is verse 2 which was what stood out to me
    by reading Evan’s wise spiritual advice By trusting in God’s plan for us,
    we will find ourselves in “the best place we could possibly be” as Evan predicts.

    O wait on Him with veneration,
    Be silent in humility;
    He leads you after His own counsel,
    His will is done and still shall be;
    All good for you His wisdom planned;
    O trust in God and understand.

  3. An American widower living in France who goes to another church said that after his spouse passed on he decided he would never marry again and live simply. My French tutor who went to the same church realized she really liked being with him and told him so. They married soon after and have been happily married for 15+ years. It prompted thought that it’s easy to make up our mind on big and little things and forget to pray Thy will be done. What is Your plan for today? This is a great reminder to do that as God’s plan always works out as Evan says.

  4. A good example, Lindajane. Thank you. We can miss out on God’s perfect plan
    if we forget to pray, and just go ahead with what we think is best for us.
    If we come to a crossroad in our life, as it seems this man you mention did,
    that is when we particularly need to seriously listen for God’s plan, as that
    is when mortal mind starts making suggestions But God did get his plan
    through to him anyway – so we can trust that if we follow the wrong path,
    Christ will lead us back.

    1. Yes, it’s a good reminder and example to go to God first with decisions or crossroads. Thanks Maggie for commenting.

  5. Thank you so much for that reminder. It was an answer to what has been going on in my life and suddenly I am awake and know God is my life therefore he does have the plan for us in place. Thank

  6. Thank you all who come here for inspiration and share. This activity is a important part of my “starting the day with God.”

    The direction I receive is enormously beneficial.

    Today I get the benefit of the power of God. With God’s plan it is God’s power. This day has Divine order, and is already established, And here I was flailing around “trying” to make things happen based upon my erroneous perception that I “had to get something done.” What liberation !

    Thank you God, thank you Evan.

    1. … a p.s.

      sometimes it takes me a while – as my dear wife will attest.

      At Luke 2:49 Jesus told me EXPLICITLY he must be, hence me too “… about my Father’s business.”

      Let’s see error argue with that !

    2. John thanks for pointing out that when we humbly trust God in all things, rest in Him, and yield to His plan we have all the power of God, good working for us.

      To know that God’s good, divine order, is, as you said, already established is an important concept to learn. Still working to grasp this beyond just intellectually, and glad to be reminded.

      Our plan = Human outlining, human willfulness, shutting God out.
      God’s plan = Harmony and perfect order manifesting

  7. A comforting message today. Thank you. Sometimes we may wonder what God’s
    plan is for us, as things may seem very confusing, sometimes downright scary with the
    unknowns and ways of not understanding worldly happenings (escalation of war, etc.),
    but it is comforting to have faith in God’s plan. We do not always understand why things
    “mortally” are happening as they are, but sometimes steps need to be taken that we are totally
    confused about, in order to get us to where God wants us to go/be in His design for us.

  8. “The Joy of Trusting God’s Plan” by Michael St. John O’Carroll from the June 7, 1947 issue of The Christian Science Sentinel:

    Thanks Evan. This topic brought to thought a new two-lane traffic circle in a nearby town. Not many traffic circles in the area, so it’s been a bit of a learning curve for many with some accidents and confusion. As you approach it, the circle can look a bit intimidating…until you realize the concept is really very simple – just yield and wait. That’s all you need to do. And when this happens, it becomes a beautiful circle of synchronicity, with an effortless flow of cars. Using our innate spiritual sense we can do the same – yield and wait on God’s plan for us and all.

    1. J thanks for the article which I look forward to reading, and your analogy about the yielding and waiting at the traffic circle. Life can seem confusing and random without the spiritual view to guide us.

      Glad to see you’ve been able to access articles again to share with us and I, as always, appreciate your time and effort to assist our upward growth.

      And thank you Evan for guiding our thought in a Good Orderly Direction ( G.O.D.).

      1. Thank you Rose. I’ve been fortunate in finding shareable articles lately and will include them when I can. What a wonderful place SV is for us to gather. Grateful for Evan’s blog and inspiring comments (such as yours), plus hymns, poems, articles, etc. We are truly blessed. 🙂

  9. Decades ago I had another understanding of what is right to do. When I felt good with a decision I did it. I didn’t specially pray for it. And I thought if this decision succeeds, it was divinely lead, and if it doesn’t succeed, it should not be.
    But today I know it better thanks to Evan’s inspiring and healing SpiritView!
    Today I must first pray that God may guide us and then listen and obediently do it!

    I love this hymn – # 361 – which is very suitable today

    Trust all to God, the Father,
    Confide thou in non other,
    He is thy sole defense;
    He cares for thee past measure,
    Seek Him who has they treasure,
    Thy helper is omnipotence.

    Behold His works of wonder,
    Yea, all His doings ponder,
    Else is thy toil in vain;
    Thy caring and contriving,
    Thy taking thought and striving,
    Are naught unless the Lord ordain.

    God lights the way of duty,
    And gives, for ashes, beauty,
    And naught His hand delays,
    Who trust in His providing,
    All glad in this confiding,
    Is He who without ceasing pays.

    I decided to follow God’s Plan, now and ever.
    Thanks, dear Evan, for the reminder to first pray and follow God’s decisions and guidance!

    Thanks dear “J” for the link to the article
    “The Joy of Trusting God’s Plan”. Printed it out and will read it now and then it’s bedtime here again.

    Have you all a blessed God-guided day – Lots of Love!♡

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