For sweet sleep

December 27, 2024 | 21 comments

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding….

When you lie down, you will not be afraid; Yes, you will lie down and your sleep will be sweet.
~ Proverbs 3:5, 24, NKJV

21 thoughts on “For sweet sleep”

  1. My mother sent me the link to your website and blog (on the Rachmaninoff prelude) and I have to express my sincere gratitude for all that you do. Your everyday subscription is like having a lighthouse in the midst of the sea. Always a reminder to watch and pray, and keep my thoughts focused on Love (above the currents of everyday life). Thank you so much and Happy Holidays!

  2. The thought came to me the other day that Spiritual understanding in the way that Jesus taught is the science of being.

  3. The peaceful photo and endearing message reminds me of – “For He shall give his
    angels charge over you, to keep you in all your ways” and
    “Thou shall not be afraid for the terror by night; nor for the arrow that flieth by day”,
    from Psalms in the Bible.
    When we put our trust in God, our thoughts are peaceful and we realize that anything
    that is inharmonious is not derived from God/Love. Like a bad dream, we can
    awake from it and see it’s unreality. “The arrow that dost wound the dove, darts
    not from those who watch and love” from Mrs. Eddy’s Misc. Writings, pg 387 in
    her poem entitled, LOVE.

    1. I found it interesting in this article (Thank you, J ), where it says,
      “Today we seem to be in a storm-tossed world of material thinking,
      but we can demonstrate the Christ-Consciousness, which is never
      in the storm, never asleep in the dream.” This article, written in
      1957 relays challenges in those times, as were throughout all time.
      Sometimes we seem to think major challenges, worldly afflictions,
      economic, health related, war, famine, etc. are troubles that we need
      to deal with in just today’s world, but have been challenges to mortal mind,
      as in Jesus’ time, Mrs. Eddy’s time, and now. But with God ever
      present, we, like in every time, can see what is “reality” and meet them, too.
      “Divine Love always has met and always will meet every human need”.
      (Mrs. Eddy). She didn’t say only in her time, or in 1957, or any other specific
      time but will ALWAYS be met. I find that to be very comforting.

      1. Thank you all. Thank you, Angel, for reminding us of the eternal presence. Whether it was 1957 or 1000 years ago, the time there, and now or in Our future is irrelevant when dealing with God, the powerful and eternal sweet support, always ready to open and welcome us into its kingdom.
        Thank you for the beautiful picture of a child sleeping.

      2. Great take-a-ways Angel, thank you for sharing them. I always enjoy reading the older articles; but have sometimes wondered if they are still relatable to today. It’s interesting that 67 years later, the truths expressed in this article are still true – and will always be true and timeless. 🙂

        1. Yes, Pp and J .. the eternality of God’s presence is with us in all
          time. The older articles are very much relatable and often as
          if they were just written today, as are Mrs. Eddy’s writings that
          inspire and we adore as if she were present today, which, in
          her Christlike presence – she IS. Psalm 90: “For a thousand years
          in [T]hy sight are but as yesterday when it is past, and as a
          watch in the night” … God’s Love and presence is always with
          us and “will always be true and timeless”. Love that! : )

  4. What an uplifting, joyous gift is this blog today as is Spirit View everyday.
    I always appreciate the encouragements and contributions of so many readers too.
    Here’s to continued Christmas blessings and a beautiful unfolding of the coming new year.

  5. I love Spirit View! I love these fresh, inspired messages that arrive first thing in the morning! Thank you Evan and thank you all!

  6. A friend shared that when she awakes or has difficulty sleeping she asks, “Ok God, I’m listening.” Sometimes she’s drawn to listen to Jshonline, Science and Health audio, or a CS lecture on utube. I’m so grateful to have these resources day and night. Oh, yes, Evan, I also listen to you! Thanks!

  7. Dear Evan, thank you very much for that lovely and calming and peaceful foto!
    These verses from Proverbs 3 are one of my favorites! They are very comforting ! It’s very assuring us of God’s loving care for us all.
    I like Josef’s comment making clear that spiritual understanding and living is the Science of Being. You just have to pray with the SSB by MBE and that’s Truth, Love and our divine Life!
    And thank you Rose, for the link to the Christmas talk on 24th December in Third Church New York.
    I am very grateful and happy for SpiritView!! ❤️

  8. my mother was very ill for many years and had trouble sleeping and getting settled down at night so sometimes I used to go and stay overnight to give my dad a break and the quote above about lying down and sleeping sweetly was what I used to say to Mum after I had done the last thing for her so she would settle down and go to sleep. I am pretty sure it helped.

  9. Thanks Evan for thoughts of sweet sleep, divine rest. Which comes as we release all concerns and put ourselves in God’s loving care.

    Another good one is from Psalms 4:8:
    -“I will both lay me down in peace, and sleep: for thou, Lord, only makest me dwell in safety.” (KIng James version)
    -“In peace [and with a tranquil heart] I will both lie down and sleep, For You alone, O Lord, make me dwell in safety and confident trust.” (Amplified version)

    1. Another thought on peace and sleep,
      -“The calm and exalted thought or spiritual apprehension is at peace.” (S&H p. 506).
      I love the idea of thought being calm and exalted. Though we may not always seem to experience this, that is thought’s natural state.

  10. Winged in flight beneath thy wondrous care,
    so sweet to meet
    where wonders first appear,
    so sound, so confident to radiate
    Love and peace forever
    .SpiritView (s)
    Quenching our thirst ..Thank you

  11. Beautiful comments I’m loving so much. Thank you Evan .
    Psalm 42:8

    ‘’By day the Lord directs his Love,
    at night his song is with me—
    a prayer to the God of my life.’’ NIV

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