Get Your Identity Right

March 14, 2014 | 8 comments

From a blog reader who spotted this advice on a church reader board…

“Don’t let your struggle become your identity.”

How true!

You are not an illness, a weakness, or a failure. You are a child of God endowed with spiritual capacities and intelligence that enable you to overcome mortal shortcomings and thrive.

Don’t get so close in thought to a struggle that you begin to think it is you. It is not! Your identity is much more. God gives you spiritual power and strength to conquer that trouble and leave it behind.

Identify yourself as belonging to God and not to a struggle, and be free.

Get your identity right!

8 thoughts on “Get Your Identity Right”

  1. Just in time as usual Evan. C/S demonstration should never be thought as a struggle. It was discovered by MBE to be a system bent on success, not a struggle to be successful. We are already successful, you, me and every one are successful because God, who is the epidamy of success have created us thus. Our one job is to realize this. Our only pressure in Life is to be separate from all the negative thoughts that mortal mind can push.

  2. This is so true. I have a co-worker who is not a Christian Scientist that has a fear of flying. She often discusses this problem with others to the point I’ve concluded she is treating this problem almost like a “prized possession”. She recently asked me to help her overcome this problem through Christian Science and I told her among other things to “stop hugging this problem close like it is a prized possession and just drop it…let it go…it’s no part of you!” This seemed to help her as she was able to fly shortly thereafter.

    Oooooo…how easy it is to see these sorts of behaviors in others, eh? Made me wonder just how many false identity traits I’m “hugging” and need to just “let go”? Great food for thought Evan!

  3. Ah yes, Evan-and-Friends, so true so true!
    God’s ideas have NO choice about identity.

    As our dear Leader writes in Science and Health, page 108: “….immortal cravings, ‘the price of learning love,’ establish the truism that the only sufferer is mortal mind, for the divine Mind cannot suffer.”


  4. Thank well! I love this statement a C.S. teacher gave yrs ago…”Be what you are not what you seem to be.” 🙂

  5. When we think a physical or mental problem belongs to us, then we are not expecting a cure. Our Father-Mother God made us in His/Her perfect image and we belong to him eternally.

  6. The Bible counsels us that God knows what we need even before we ask him. How reassuring: Expect good and see his perfect plan unfold for each of us. Much gratitude to all!

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