“You’re blessed when you get your inside world—your mind and heart—put right. Then you can see God in the outside world.”
Get right with God to see God
November 7, 2016 | 11 comments

November 7, 2016 | 11 comments
“You’re blessed when you get your inside world—your mind and heart—put right. Then you can see God in the outside world.”
That’s “beatitude” for Christian Science healing! I love it!
Thanks Evan.
Thanks, Evan! When I really feel deep in my Heart and Thought, Love for God and God’s Love for me, I can only behold that Love in my outer world and in others. “And Love is reflected in love.”
Awesome quote! Thank you Evan!
Christ Jesus knew (KNEW) Truth, knew God, our Father-Mother… without effort. His crystal clear awareness meant the “work” that God gave him to do was instantaneous, outside of time and space. I love that he taught that “greater works (than mine) shall ye do.”
What confirmation of our present identity
as God’s ideas, full of reflected power over all illusion!
This Divine Science is … well, there are so few words that can really describe its wonder!!
Humbling, huh.
Matthew 5:8 “Blessed are the pure in heart; for they shall see God.” (King James Bible)
(Though I do appreciate the other translations. Anything for clarity! Thanks for your clarity, Evan!)
I would like help with this one from anyone so willing….
It seems to me that Christian Science study points to this…The idea of an “Inner and Outer’ is part of the illusion we are trained to specifically identify and then specifically treat with knowledge of truth…..So perhaps there is no inner vs outer…
Thank you for your help..
Maximo, you have the right sense that in God’s universe, there is no inner and outer. There is the omnipresence of Love, the one infinite Mind that is all-inclusive and all-encompassing.
The “inner” and “outer” used above is a relative statement of the human mind. As the human gets in line with the divine, in other words, get’s its heart and mind right with Truth, it begins to see that God is all there is–the “outer.” The “outer” becomes everything–God’s allness and infinite goodness.
Thank you Evan… being new to CS it has helped to know we need a relative way of expressing absolutes…language being relative
Many thanks…
Maximo, Great question! Glad you asked. My research helped me to understand it better. (= Maybe it’s not “vs” but just “and” at this point in our experience. Here are a couple of quotes from Mary Baker Eddy that were helpful to me:
“But the human self must be evangelized. This task God demands us to accept lovingly to-day, and to abandon so fast as practical the material, and to work out the spiritual which determines the outward and actual.” Science and Health p. 254:19
“At this period, the greatest man or woman on earth stands at the vestibule of Christian Science, struggling to enter into the perfect love of God and man. The infinite will not be buried in the finite; the true thought escapes from the inward to the outward, and this is the only right activity, that whereby we reach our higher nature.” My. 159:12
Thanks, Evan. This speaks to me as the coincidence of the human and the divine…love and truth made practical in the human experience. Love it!
Dear Evan,
Your insight of Christian Science and your take on it has and continues to be a gift greater than I can describe. You have a clarity of thought that several friends of mine, not CS are catching on and loving it. Joyous blessings.
Thank you Evan. I love The Message translation for giving us new light on the Beatitude we know so well. It is a BE ATTITUDE. So we are I aming all that God is in reality.
Your explanation to Maximo is very helpful, and actually all the comments today have really given me new insights and a great lift.
Much love to one and all. This SpiritView is marvelous!