Get-togethers during the holidays

December 3, 2021 | 32 comments

If you have any concerns for health reasons about getting together with family members, or other people, during this holiday season, you can put those fears to rest with an understanding of spiritual truth.

Be sure to meet in the Mind of God where you take your environment with you.

True environment is spiritual. It’s the omnipresence and omnipotence of God. You can never walk out of this environment, be separate from this environment, or enter a different kind of environment.

The environment of God is filled with the goodness of God. It is pure, clean, healthy, and safe. It allows only for good things to happen within it, and there is no room, space, or place for anything unlike good to occur within its atmosphere.

In God’s presence, there are no harmful germs, no dangerous viruses, no health threats. There is only the Love of God to witness, experience, see, and express.

Meet in the one Mind of Love with every party, dinner, and get-together you engage this holiday season, and you will stay healthy. Everyone around you will benefit too.

32 thoughts on “Get-togethers during the holidays”

  1. Thank you so much, Evan. I just love the picture.
    I also love what you say here: “Be sure to meet in the Mind of God where you take your environment with you.” Your whole blog is just wonderful! Thank you so much to you, and to all who contribute.

  2. Beautiful thought to sink into today. Thank you Evan.
    The bible verse …’in Him we Live and move and have our being…’ came to mind immediately. I think it’s Acts 17 vs 28.
    I also love the statement ‘be sure to meet in the Mind of God ‘ This is something to hold onto in any situation…calming…peaceful and loving. It just brings us all together where we really are , as expressions of the only Cause and Creator. Grateful❣️

  3. What a lovely ideas you have shared, just suited to my need for coming Christmas. One member of my close family was taken to the hospital just recently. He is not a Christian Scientist and it seems there is some uncertainty about his being present at home during Christmas time or what his condition will be, if he is present. Also my plans about spending Christmas with him and his family seem are uncertain. Now I know how prayerfully find myself and others in this situation. Thank you very much for sharing inspiration!

  4. How wonderful to wake up to such amazing thoughts to meet our day and our gathering with friends and family. Joy joy to you Evan for your gift to us. Linda H

  5. Thank you, Evan for these thoughtful reminders. Taking our true, spiritual environment with us benefits everyone.

  6. Thank you for this blog. What came to my thought was hymn 144 “In atmosphere of Love divine, we live and move and breathe:”

  7. Thank you Evan. This is a great thought to take into my classroom every day that I teach. Meet in the Mind of God!

  8. I love the picture, also! So joyous, warm and delightful. Like a turtle, we are surrounded
    by a protective shell of God’s goodness wherever we go. We are impervious to any harm
    that would try to influence us in any way. We take with us this protection everywhere. It
    is part of us whatever we do.

  9. Mortal man will gladly imprison himself until he that entrapment wears out its welcome and man cracks the shell of mortality for a spiritual flight above all mortal strife. We should be glad and celebrate our freedom with others free of the fear that besets us whatever the season.

  10. Thank you, Evan! This is a very helpful message providing beautiful and protective imagary for me to keep in my consciousness. I’m going to print this off and tape it to the door leading to my garage, with a conscientious reminder, especially as I go out, to embody the hymn, “In atmosphere of love, divine…” Thank you!

  11. I am printing this out and going to pray with it and refresh my thinking before every gathering.
    Thank you for the solid holiday season treatment. This blog is a wonderful gift to read, share, and practice. So grateful.

  12. Thank you so much, Evan, for this very helpful lift. You have helped me focus much more clearly on understanding the presence of God Mind. I have often prayed Bout this before and felt safe. Now you have helped me understand how to include everyone present in my prayers.

  13. God is the only atmosphere.
    God is the only environment.

    There is loud talk “out there” that the above statements are untrue, that God is sometimes absent. We don’t have to buy into those loud messages. God’s message is louder and it says “I am All.” Sometimes it seems hard for me to remember this. But the good news is that we can always turn back to Truth and remember it, it hasn’t gone away.

    Evan thank you, this topic is very needed for me, especially at my job which involves interacting with the public. It helps when I remember that every customer and co-worker that comes before me (mask or no mask) is God’s pure harmless beautiful child, and He put us in front of each other for His good purposes, and God gives me the ability to yield to that spiritual fact. Thanks for, “In God’s presence [my workplace, and every other place]….there is only the Love of God to witness, experience, see, and express.”

  14. Thank you, Evan and SpiritView friends, for this inspired forum. Psalm 121 came to mind. I like the paraphrase found in The Message: “God’s your guardian, right at your side to protect you—…. God guards you from every evil, he guards your very life. He guards you when you leave and when you return, he guards you now, he guards you always.” Have a blessed day.

  15. I love the phrase : “Meet in the one Mind of Love”. I think this is a wonder phrase for everyday living too! Thanks once again Evan.

  16. Dear Evan, I am very grateful for your so helpful and healing SpiritView. Everyday another wonderful I healing idea suitable for present situation.
    And also thanks to you all, dear SpiritView friends for all the helpful Nd inspiring comments. I needed every single idea here today Am deeply thankful for it!♡

  17. Dear Evan, This is exactly the thought I needed today! Thank you for all the inspiration you share, it is always right to the point and easy to put into practice.

  18. So helpful to keep this thought as we go out to public places where there Is the threat of violent attacks on the rise. We take our environment with us. All presence, all power from God. True environment is spiritual. Thank u

  19. Because God is All, all is good. And because the perfect Creator creates perfect creation perfectly unfolding perfection, there is no mind that can be scared or confused or vulnerable or sinning, and there is no cause or result to fear. So there’s no problem.

    “No prob-llama!”

  20. Edith says it, “Because God is all, all is good”. And one can further reason that God created all and everything, and so every creation is good. And God’s creation can only express good, everpresent God and nothing else. Our this week’s lesson sermon also states that very clearly.
    Wow, can we be grateful for Christian Science!♡

  21. Hi A whatever your lovely name is!
    That is a wonderful strong and so sure Truth
    I love that short and profound Truth – thank you@♡

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