How often do you start a sentence with the two words, “I am…”?
And if you do use those common words, “I am…” what type of sentiment usually follows?
Is it an upbeat and healing statement such as
I am feeling great.
I am happy.
I am looking forward to good things happening today.
I am strong and able.
I am going to be a positive presence everywhere I go.
I am grateful.
I am loved.
I am content.
Or, do they lead into a dark chasm of despond, in the form of…
I am tired.
I am poor.
I am sick.
I am fat.
I am discouraged.
I am going to give up.
I am unloved.
I am hopeless.
If you’re not consciously aware of your mental inventory of “I am’s…” it might be a good idea to review it! Kick out negative, despondent proclamations that lead to pain and suffering, and replace them with spiritually correct declarations.
God revealed His divine identity to Moses as the great I AM.
God is the “I” and you are the “AM.”

I am good.
I am well.
I am healthy.
I am strong.
I am able.
I am fully supplied.
I am spiritual.
I am safe.
I am perfect.
Always a great reminder! And Jesus used a lot of “I am” statements as well, like, I am the way, I am the bread of life, I am the vine, I am the door, I am not of the world, I am the good shepherd, I am he, I am the light of the world, I am the resurrection, I am in the Father, etc. – what wonderful lessons those “I am” statements teach us as well!
Always learning something from your posts, thank you. Ann