Have no fear of a wall

August 7, 2024 | 28 comments

If you ever feel like you’re “backed up against a wall,” with no place to go, dissolve the wall.

The “wall” may be fear of financial failure, a diagnosis of disease, a friend turned enemy, or some other type of mortal belief that argues you are limited.  

Mortal mind appears to build walls called material conditions that make the human mind feel stuck, but mortal mind is an illusion.  It is not the power and presence it claims to be.

God is all power, all presence, all reality.  There are no walls blocking progress in the allness of God.

If feeling “up against a wall,” lift thought to God’s reality where the eye can see into infinity and the path ahead is wide open.  Walk through the wall and keep moving with spiritual truth.

28 thoughts on “Have no fear of a wall”

    1. Hi jwl, how did you manage, to get the picture into your empty head here? What did you do?
      Would be grateful for your answer!♡

  1. ‘My dear, there is no wall, however thick or tall, that can separate you from the love of God.’
    Over 50 years ago, my grandmother was struggling after my grandfather passed on. She was unsure of her next step and overwhelmed with grief. She told a CS practitioner friend of our family (at a dnner party) that she felt like she was up against a wall. The comment above was the practitioner’s response. Her healing was instantaneous. She knew what steps to take and went on to live and enjoy many more years. ❣️

    1. Thank you Patty. I struggle with grief and feel like I am hitting a wall. Hearing about your grandmother is encouraging and I will remember I am wrapped in Gods love and this wall has to go.

  2. I love that Evan uses the word dissolve – – “dissolve the wall.” When something is dissolved it’s no longer there in this citation from Mrs. Eddy is so helpful in showing us how. It is effortless!

    “In patient obedience to a patient God, let us labor to dissolve with the universal solvent of Love the adamant of error, — self-will, self-justification, and self-love, — which wars against spirituality and is the law of sin and death.”
    (Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, Mary Baker Eddy, p. 242:15 In)

    Thank you to Evan for this wonderful reminder to everyone who comments here on SpiritView.

  3. Thank you Evan and all for such inspiring spiritual thoughts. Thank you, Fay, for the
    link .. In listening to the words of wisdom, I gleaned from it many good thoughts.
    Truth is always present, like the dynamics of flight, before the Wright Brothers
    “discovered” them…Like Mrs. Eddy discovered the healing truths behind CS. The
    wall that we may be challenged by may Seem like beliefs piled on each other over
    the years, making things Seem to be insurmountable, but that wall of erroneous
    beliefs can be torn down when we realize the Truth behind what seems to be
    obstacles or obstructions. Little by little, like cracks in a dam, when the power
    of Truth is behind our thinking, mortal mind’s beliefs are swept away.

    1. J, I did see your reply regarding online sharing of literature. I think there are two ways to look at this content. One way is to see JSH online as a replacement of the paper literature. This seems to be the desired direction: for instance, Sentinel spiritual content has been reduced in the paper edition and expanded online. But Reading Rooms were always free. Anyone could come in and read anything. There was a charge for the newest literature and books, if someone wanted to take them home, but the older periodicals and books were free to take. With the closing of many Reading Rooms, I wonder if thinking about JSH online as a Reading Room would be more in keeping with the original intent of Reading Rooms as free libraries of Christian Science literature and would reach more people than before. Support could come from contributions of members, and books and paper periodicals could be sold there.

      1. Thanks so much Kay for sharing this information about Reading Rooms and also your thoughts on reaching people. I’ve noticed there are fully readable articles from Teen Connect on JSH-online. But I’ve found nothing that is fully readable if I Google Christian Science articles – a topic.

    2. Thank you very much. dear J for the very good and clear article by Michelle Nanouche. It comforts and reassures us of our ability to express our divine source, our wonderful God in everything we are doing, in every aspekt of our life, as God is our life! So I understand Michelle in her article and I do understand the word “consent”clearly now. In any case it is very inspiring and helpful!♡

  4. I have been dealing with an issue that seems quite challenging. Your words today remind me that the obstacle only exists in my consciousness. There is no wall and there is no situation that Divine Truth cannot effectively dissolve. Thank you for the real hope and healing this article brings.

  5. Have been thinking about the wall analogy and looked up the definition of wall. For
    a different twist on the theme above, one definition says: “a thing perceived as a [protective]
    ..or restrictive barrier.” On the “protective” side – walls .. Spiritual walls … keep out mortal
    thoughts that would try to creep in to our thought. These spiritual walls, like locks on our
    doors or walls of our houses, protect the inhabitants within, keeping them safe from any harm
    that would try to disrupt their peace. Our home is divine Love where only Good resides in
    all it’s perfection and power. This Spiritual home protects us from anything that would try
    to infiltrate or gain access to our spiritual true being as children of Father/Mother Love. We
    experience our “human” home with our God-given qualities that finds us in contentment,
    knowing that we are safe in God’s care, wherever we happen to be.

  6. What you are describing, Angel, sounds like what Isaiah refers to in Chapter 60:verse 18:-
    “Violence shall no more be heard in your land, wasting nor destruction within your borders; but you shall call your walls Salvation, and your gates Praise.” Both meanings for “walls” are useful when used in the right place and in the right way that will help us.

    i was thinking of how solid walls seem to be, but are not,
    as Jesus proved to us that matter and all its claims are not
    solid facts, but illusions. And I was thinking about glass in
    this way also, because an old hymn from my youth before
    I knew anything about Christian Science, came to mind,
    which has always stuck with me. This is the first verse:-
    “A man may look on glass,
    On it may stay his eye,
    Or if he pleases through it pass
    and then the heavens espy”

    I was think about that the other day when a
    butterfly flew into our garden room. Once they
    come in, they cannot seem to find the open door
    and windows that will set them free. So I prayed
    to know that the glass was not a substance that
    could take away this beautiful butterfly’s freedom.
    It was free to fly without anything to imprison it..
    Well, I didn’t actually see it fly through the belief of
    glass, but it was certainly not there the next time I looked.

    1. I love the verse from Isaiah, that you mentioned above, dear Maggie.
      Thank you! I also love what you had written about the butterfly.
      What a true blessing it was to have the beauty of that winged treasure
      enter your “garden room” and how fitting. Within gardens, I am
      reminded of a quote by R.H. Heinlein that describes, “Butterflies
      are self-propelled flowers’ … Butterflies are such precious, fragile
      beings – such expressions of Spirit. I also love the quote, “If we
      could see the miracle of a single flower clearly, our whole life
      would change”… God/Soul is expressed so lovingly in butterflies
      and flowers!

  7. Thank you very much, dear Evan for this inspiring topic today! You say: “walk through the wall and keep moving with spiritual truth.” That’s wonderful, however I remenber that in the Bible is written “with God we can jump over walls.” Yes, over the walls of error.
    Your today’s topic is very helpful, I needed it, thks again, Evan!♡

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