Hold your tongue and love more

September 8, 2016 | 12 comments

“Smart people know how to hold their tongue; their grandeur is to forgive and forget.”

~ Proverbs 19:11, The Message

Forgiveness is not weakness. It’s power. It’s the ability to not let anger, resentment and vengeance overwhelm one’s perspective and produce unkind thoughts and actions that hurt and harm.

Forgiveness is intelligence. It’s the ability to see through an evil and conquer it with truth and love rather than give-in to an evil and be conquered by hate and ill-will.

Forgiveness is open-mindedness to God’s help. It silences destructive ego and allows the touch of Love to be felt by those involved.

Forgiveness is what helps and heals. It keeps you out of mental turmoil, and also blesses those it rests upon.

Forgiveness is good.

12 thoughts on “Hold your tongue and love more”

  1. Dear, dear Evan,
    Thank you for this beautiful expression of the meaning of forgiveness. How blessed one is to be able to express this most noble, cherished, nurturing quality of Divine Love. Thank you for the daily blessing of SpiritView. It is often a lifeline that is gifted even before one know the need of the day. Thank you dear friend.

  2. Thanks, Evan! Great thoughts and ideas! Now, the REAL work begins……to actually achieve Forgiveness. It’s not an instant happening……it can take years of surrender and prayer and lots of experiences and softening of the Heart. And that’s OK……cuz God knows that – “It takes what it takes”! We need to be gentle and kind with ourselves and never, ever stop loving ourselves……cuz God never does – and He/She knows what we are struggling with and is always there to give us the support and Love we need! It truly is a Journey and every step of the way is important and is guided and is Good! Love to All!

  3. Thank you Evan! I really needed this, right now (funny how that happens)! I’ve been having a tough time working with some people that are just not doing their jobs and creating some problems for me. I found myself going down that road of anger, resentment and ego. I realized that forgiveness was the only way to harmoniously get through the situation. Now, things just seem to fall into place and I have all the time I need to get things done and help others. When you truly forgive someone, it fills your whole heart with Love and you feel like you can accomplish anything….

  4. Reminds me of this quote: “Forgiveness is the scent that the rose leaves on the heel that crushes it” – John Arnott

  5. Oh YES! Perfect Timing, once again. Obviously God is in charge of these things!!

    I am on our Executive Board at church. We recently had…rough places in our meeting, that
    required a good deal of love, patience, forgiveness, tongue-biting. UNfortunately,
    we needed more of these than we seemed to have (SEEMED, as these qualities are
    permanently OURS by divine right). Now we are working on the (SEEMING) repercussions.

    I am so trying to know, know, know that divine Love. God, is All-in-All…that the illusion of many minds in conflict (sound like our world?) is pure illusion…just evil trying to be real and powerful. Of course it is NOT! What a privilege to know this, to be reminded of this, to use this fact to overthrow the claims of error!!

  6. Love the thoughts on forgiveness. My last Sunday School teacher, a practitioner, said to me when I was struggling with thoughts of hurt and resentment, that when people who seem to have hurt us in some way, come to thought we must “Bless them, and let them go.” This has been very helpful to me over the years since. Thank you for your messages!

  7. Thank you Evan for this timely reminder of the blessings of forgiveness, to Sally for the beautiful quote, to Manuela for the link to The Gentle Art of Blessing” and to all for comments.

  8. Forgiveness is the “elixir of life” itself in metaphysical sense. It’s the stuff we live by, and
    grow by. We can never go up before we forgive others, conditions, whatever, and forgive
    ourselves. To forgive and forget, let go, is that which “passeth all understanding.”

    Thank-you all for the inspiration.

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