How to know when to speak

October 2, 2015 | 10 comments

“Speak only if it improves upon the silence.”

~ Mahatma Gandhi

10 thoughts on “How to know when to speak”

  1. This is definitely true, and I appreciate the message; but honestly, I was disappointed with this one, because when I saw it in my email, I thought it was going to be on knowing the right way and time to communicate something.

  2. Thanks, Evan. Whenever I’ve been in doubt about knowing the right way and time to communicate, this has been very helpful. “Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength and my redeemer.”Ps. 19:14

  3. I felt that this morning and it was so peaceful. I was able to take more in. What a lovely thought for the day!

  4. “SILENCE IS GOLDEN,” only when that silence allows God’s thoughts in, for it is God’s voice and not false mortal mind you want to hear.

  5. Thank you, Evan. Traveling through the desert without a word between us for a couple of hours, my wife asked, “Ervin, don’t you have something to say? If you don’t, no one else will.” We had not seen so much as a jack rabbit during this interlude of time. Obviously, I had not a thing to say that would improve upon the glorious silence. Yes, my wife enjoys conversation. Good advice from Gandhi.

  6. Thank you Evan, I read this just before leaving for work this morning and it was just the answer that I needed.

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