Is there a way to love someone who hates you?
I tell how love conquers hate in an article published by my local newspaper,
The Tri-City Herald, titled “How to love someone who hates you.”
October 20, 2022 | 39 comments
Is there a way to love someone who hates you?
I tell how love conquers hate in an article published by my local newspaper,
The Tri-City Herald, titled “How to love someone who hates you.”
Hi Evan. I am unable to open this article without signing in or subscribing. I don’t know if anyone else has been able to.
Try this link;
This link works! Thanks, Kirsten!
This link works. Thank you. And thank you, Evan, for such a simple yet profound spiritual solution.
That worked, thanks
Thanks Kirsten
This works as long as you don’t click on CONTINUE. just keep scrolling down.
Great article Evan. Seeing others in the correct light is blessing them and freeing ourselves. LOVE is the answer.
Hooray, this link works! Thanks Kirsten for providing the link!
A wonderful article, Evan! So glad it was published in the newspaper.
Thank you SO much! The link worked beautifully. It was inspiring to read and take to heart.
Hi Linda, I have the same problem and cannot get to your article, dear Evan without dubscribing the newspaper. ♡
I had the same problem so guess we can’t read your article. Too bad it sounded really good.
Yes. Unfortunately the same applies to me.
I have just googled tri-city herald evan mehlenbacher and it has brought it up! Hooray!
Tried that – it still says you must subscribe.
And me!
To: Linda in UK,
Your suggestion to Google the article and Evan’s name worked for me in Oregon USA.
Thank you!
To: Evan
Great article. Thank you!
worked for me too!
Me too!!
Direct copy and paste of Evan’s article:
“How do you love someone who hates you, is a question many wonder when hearing Jesus Christ’s instruction to love your enemies and bless them that curse you (Matthew 5:44). To answer this question, I think back to when a person who I thought was a friend, turned viciously against me, making me the target of his slander and malice. I was taken aback by his cruel words and intent to harm me. What was I to do? I fretted. In praying for a healing response, I thought about Jesus’ instruction to “Love your enemies,” and wondered how obeying this rule would protect me this man’s evil intent. I quickly decided that Jesus was not telling me to overlook evil in another and pretend like it wasn’t there. That would be naïve and foolish, for evil must be destroyed, not accommodated. But I had no desire to return in kind what I was receiving from him. In praying further, I saw that a primary purpose of Jesus’ admonition to love your enemies was to keep another’s evil from becoming my evil. It was to prevent their hatred from becoming my hatred, their resentment from becoming my resentment, and their false accusations from breeding intimidation and fear in me which would lead to weakness and vulnerability. The most effective counter attack to the evil I was facing, I decided, was a consciousness illuminated and empowered with the calm and composed authority of love. As light destroys darkness, love destroys the effect of hate. I wanted to side with the power of love, not with the depravity of hate. I had to remember that healing love is infinitely more than a personal attribute. “God is love” (I John 4:8) the Bible teaches.” Genuine love is a divine power, a heavenly influence, that is invincible, immortal, eternal. It is above the reach of any attack on character. It rules supreme in the mind that knows it, and no evil on earth can knock it down or take it away. When we choose to love rather than to hate, we side with the almighty power of God, which in turn, protects us from evil mindedness. To counter the personal attacks coming at me, I showered this fuming person with love. I prayed to see that a child of God was underneath that charade of carnal mindedness. I knew that the hate he manifested was temporal and destined to end. I had confidence that the power of God’s love would prevail, and that the truth about me would stand strong, unstained by the circulated lies. As I chose to love this man, rather than to hate him, I found peace. I dropped concern about what he had done and continued to send love his way. I’m happy to say that the attacks stopped, my life went on untouched by the guile, and he took a different route in life that was far from mine. I’m grateful for the spiritual lesson learned. Jesus taught us to love our enemies because he knew that was the best way to live free of them.
Read more at:
Thank you so much Fay! Nothing was working for me in UK.
A blessing of an article… thank you Evan
Thank you
I googled “evan mehlenbacher, tri-city herald“ and that worked. Yay!
To handle such hatred at you, I was advised to imagine that very person asking you for CS treatment on another matter. How would you, as practitioner, proceed?!
By first dropping any human history as not from God and seeing him/her as Jesus would — as the perfect, loved idea of God‘s creation, whole, good, made in God‘s image and likeness. (I’m working at that
Also worked for me meanwhile, to google the newspaper and Evan’s name.
Thank you dear Evan for your perfect and wonderful demonstration in loving our enemies. As I remember, you told us in one of your SVs that praying for our enemies, seeing them in the divine light, is important and good for our wellbeing. That is natural in CS as knowing our brother as God’s loved child blesses all.
Every SV is helpful and blesses us, Evan, so also and special this one. Love to you and all!♡
Evan I nie read your testimony oncemor a bit deeper. It is very much revealing God’s great Love to man. And the following passage in your article stood out to me and I standin war before this truth: “Genuine Love is a divine power, a heavenly influence, that is invincible, immortal, eternal. It is above the each of and Attacke in Charakter.” This LOVE is very powerful. This week’s lesson says: “Love is the liberator.” p.225). Again, I am very grateful for today’s Inspiring a d healing SpiritView!
Thanks all for your loving support, dear SpiritView friends!♡
Sorry, there are a lot of writing .mistakes! I hope the important Part which I wanted to Pointe out, is understandable!♡
Had the same problem with the paper. Was so grateful for Fay’s pasting the article in but then came up against a wall again from the paper! Certainly got the gist. Thank you, Evan and Fay!
Had the same problem with the paper. Was so grateful for Fay’s pasting the article in but then came up against a wall again from the paper! Certainly got the gist. Thank you, Evan and Fay!
Great example of the power of Divine Love over hate (nothingness). I liked what you said about not wanting his error to become your error. This is what I was referring to a couple days ago in my comment about “becoming one with error for a time.” It’s exactly what error wants. It’s the sneaky snake that says “come on, you are totally justified. This person wronged you, it’s okay to hate them back.” No way! That’s the mindless mortal mind way. Love with a capital L is power, principle, protection. we must be wise as a serpent and harmless as a dove. Thank you for the example.
This will be helpful and I will pursue reading your article asap. It is sad to think of hateful thoughts being aimed at innocent, often unaware people. Counting blessings is the best way I know to keep calm in calamity of all sorts. When I was very young, my Mom told me point blank “You don’t hate anyone “. She said it rather emphatically. I wish we had talked it over at the time, but I have always accepted the suggestion and feel it’s for the best. Thank you for the message today.
When I was a child , my mother told me, rather emphatically, “you cannot hate anything.” I think I had said something like “I hate these peas on my plate.” Now I have to catch myself if I find my thoughts saying something like “I hate this kind of traffic“ or “I hate this weather“. That just sneaks in all the time! But if we are the children of divine Love there’s not one iota of hate there. And daily we pray “let the reign of divine Truth, Life, and Love be established in me“— there is no kind of hate in God‘s kingdom of harmony, where ALL Her children dwell in peace.
You can also tap on the triangle and hear an automated reading aloud of the article.
I like Evan’s words: “The most effective counter attack to the evil I was facing, I decided, was a consciousness illuminated and empowered with the calm and composed authority of love. As light destroys darkness, love destroys the effect of hate. I wanted to side with the power of love, not with the depravity of hate.”
“…As I chose to love this man, rather than to hate him, I found peace. I dropped concern about what he had done and continued to send love his way.”
Kirsten’s link worked fine for me to get the whole wonderful article. I know good Christians who struggle with this concept, but it works. Years ago a sniper was active around the DC area. After each incident the local officials would hold a press conference and ask for prayers for the families of the victims. Then they would call the perpetrators names like cowards, despicable etc. People were praying but the trouble continued. Then the tenth victim’s wife bravely stood up to the microphone and asked for prayers for the people who did this to her husband. I saw her on TV, turned it off and prayed fervently to support this loving Christian woman and stand with her in obedience to Christ. Some amazing events took place and the perpetrators were apprehended peacefully–while they were asleep–and that was the end of it. To me that showed the prayers uncovered their natural spiritual innocence.
What a great healing result. Thanks for sharing.
NOTE: Fay’s cut & paste misses the last several paragraphs of the article. Kirsten’s link under the first comment above takes you to the entire article – a clear and actionable plan to protect you, and those upon whom your thought rests.
I amended Fay’s post to include the full article. Thx.
Thx ever so, Evan, and Kristen!! This article really spoke to me. Evan’s explanation of “Love your enemies” makes it seem much more do-able. I very much needed this clarity and encouragement. Again, thx all.
Kirsten’s link worked for me. Thank you, Kirsten!
Great article, Evan. It’s so nice you share your ideas with your community by submitting articles to your local newspaper. And how nice that they print them!
Today’s SpiritView proves how important it is for those who truly understand God’s love to work together to support each other in whatever way we are led. Thank you Evan and my SpiritView family for this message and loving sharing.
When I was a child , my mother told me, rather emphatically, “you cannot hate anything.” I think I had said something like “I hate these peas on my plate.” Now I have to catch myself if I find my thoughts saying something like “I hate this kind of traffic“ or “I hate this weather“. That just sneaks in all the time! But if we are the children of divine Love there’s not one iota of hate there. And daily we pray “let the reign of divine Truth, Life, and Love be established in me“— there is no kind of hate in God‘s kingdom of harmony, where ALL Her children dwell in peace.