Impress with health, not disease

December 13, 2024 | 40 comments

If you’re thinking about the health of a family member, friend, or neighbor, be sure to think about them only in ways that help them demonstrate better health.

Mary Baker Eddy writes, “The moral and spiritual facts of health, whispered into thought, produce very direct and marked effects on the body” (Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, p. 370).  This is a powerful statement.  

When you think of another in a healthy spiritual way, that helps them think better too.  Your encouraging thoughts of love and truth help them feel more truth and love.  They experience healing faster.

To the contrary, we wouldn’t want to mentally whisper fear, suggestions of disease or liability to suffer into their thought.  That is not helpful.  If we love them, we want to help them, and we help them by reminding them of who they are as a beloved, cared for child of God.  

Send out only messages of truth and love, whether verbal or mental.  They produce a good effect, and that’s what every sincere spiritual healer wants to see.

40 thoughts on “Impress with health, not disease”

    1. If God is Love and all is Love then Love
      is all. That is important and nothing else.
      Love does not and can not clash…
      It is the only truth there is,,❤️

      1. yes, it’s always our own thoughts which sre important. we need to heal our own selves about ourself and change our thoughts about the other person. we are a perfect child of God and they are too. Think that way about yourself and think that way about others. Perfect God and Perfect man
        .It is all about Divine Love, loving your neighbor as yourself.

    2. Jesus said to love your neighbor, period. He didn’t qualify it at all. He always saw the “perfect man” and we can strive to do this, too. Everything goes back to God and what God is doing and knowing. We can always go to God to get our answers about ourselves and everyone else- no matter what they are doing, taking, etc. It is all about Love:))

  1. Thanks Evan:
    God’ Love is omnipresence.. Therefore He fills all space. Mrs Eddy writes Love illumes,designates and leads the way.
    Father-Mother helps me each hour to follow your dirction.

  2. Evan, and all who shared comments, THANK YOU! This is exactly what I needed today. We are blessed with the gift of Christian Science which teaches us to LOVE and keep our thoughts above the mortal picture. I greatly appreciate the reminder that we can help best by knowing and sharing that our loved ones are cherished and loved and cared for by their Father-Mother God. Thank you all.

  3. Thank you Evan. This SV was right on, hit the spot. As I was reading Deborah Huebsch’s article
    “what’s needed for healing” which is in the January 2025 Journal I was thinking about a family member who has been struggling with life.
    He has been in and out of the hospital the last couple of weeks. He has been reaching out to many
    asking if he can come and live with them. As far as I know he has been told no and and told to get
    his act together. He retired a couple of years ago and took a large sum of money and has squandered all of it. He has taken on odd jobs but his health has gone downhill and this has made it difficult for him to work, I am the only Christian Scientist in the family. I’m working on the others. I cannot stand by and watch this child of God go by the wayside. He lives quite a distance from us.
    So, when his mom awakes I am going to tell her that her son needs Christian Science.

    1. Dear Dennis – I have recently been thinking of Hagar when she was alone in the wilderness
      with her son, and needed water for him, and there seemed to be none She despaired
      for his life and setting him apart from her, eh wept sorely. . Then God actually heard the voice of the slad – and asked Hagar what was the matter, why was she crying. God said He had heard the voice of the lad, , and told her not to fear, and showed her a well of water just right there for her and hers.son.

      So we can know that this relative of yours is in God’s hands and not fear for him. – God knows exactly what he needs, and will take care of him where he is in his thought, and shine His light on him to show him and supply him with the Truth and Love’s messages that will uplift him, and redeem him. We just need to keep trusting in God, loving this relative of yours,, and knowing these facts, and letting God direct him.

      I hope this is helpful. . .

  4. “Knowing the truth about someone is a Christian duty; it’s the Golden Rule. Wouldn’t you want others to know the truth about you? Go ahead and know the truth that frees you from worry about others. Go ahead and see them as God’s perfect reflection; love them as God loves them. You will certainly be the better for it, and there is nothing to keep others from feeling truth’s healing influence.” (Barbara Vining)

  5. “Glory be to God, and peace to the struggling heart
    Christ has rolled away the stone…”
    This quote by Mary Baker Eddy’ came to me instanyly with Evan’s clear introduction and the subsequent, thoughtful comments.
    It’s up to us to think rightly about everyone
    No exceptions.
    We need to see ourselves and everyone in this world as God‘s child. We need to love the Christly Love. Our loving Thought will change the world.
    Thank you for this glorious beginning of God’s Day ❤️

    1. Thank you a lot dear “J” and Cheryl; I like to sit cozily back on the couch and listen to the article clearly!

  6. This view through the window of Truth is so comforting and needed. Thank you,
    dear Evan and all. Very helpful. I had a dream, nightmare sort of, with just a few
    days remaining before Christmas, where I was rushing around like mad, trying to
    get things done materially, shopping for a lovely dinner, trying to think of gifts that
    might be appropriate for a loved one – just a tizzy of thoughts swirling around and
    not getting anywhere. But then, the light dawned, the nightmare ended and I saw
    reality for what it was/is…a beautiful sense of divine Love’s presence already here
    and with me/us, where calm, spiritual gifts are all that are necessary.. where the
    Truth of our being is with us always, regardless of what mortal mind would try
    to impress upon us or hide from our reality. The sharing of the Christ-like
    presence is all that is needed to reflect the comforting gifts that are pouring forth
    to us constantly through floodtides of Love. These are the greatest gifts that we
    can share with each other and thus, help to feed the world’s craving for them, in
    Spirit and in Truth. An awakening of spiritual facts, “whispered into thought” …
    governed and powered by divine Love.

  7. What a wonderful Spirit View I’m cherishing tonite. Lovely comments and articles to enjoy . Carol you have really put this busy Christmas season in to perspective for me. All we need is to let the Christ into our consciousness. Thank you Evan and blessings to all❣️

  8. I love the message today and the sweet childlike adoration in the photo
    above. Very heartwarming and expressive. I love all of the articles and
    comments, also…and love today’s Daily Thought, which ties in to seeing
    everyone as God’s spiritual identity. It reads, “Every function of the real
    man is governed by the divine Mind. The human mind has no power to
    kill or to cure, and it has no control over God’s man. The divine Mind that
    made man maintains His own image and likeness.”
    That would be a sweet, innocent child of God, of which, we all, are.

  9. Cheryl & L, you are welcome. I thought the article was excellent and I liked where she explained about the word ‘unselfed’. Thank you Maggie, What you wrote was helpful My Wife’s first marriage was to a man that had 2 young children and their birthmother has deserted the family. The son was the family member that I have talked about. My wife adopted these two children. I believe that the divorce between his father and stepmother and losing his birthmother and then finding his birthmother whose only intentions were to take advantage of her son who could be of help to her has taken it’s toll. The son is a good person and would do anything to help someone who is in distress. Over the 45 years that my wife have been married he has remained close to my wife and has constantly bombarded her with phone calls seeking advice and occasionally a loan. I have shown my wife todays SpiritView and what I had written for a comment. I know she is at wits end and was quite receptive of the idea of having her son seek out a Reading Room in the Chicago area where he lives. P.S. His father passed on 3 or 4 years ago and his sister who is single and cannot afford to take him has said no. Birthmother is being take care of by another of her children. I apologize for TMI.

    1. Dennis, no need to apologize. Bringing the healing power of Christian Science to “real life” situations is what it’s all about. That is a big part of why SV is here, so we can share and help each other with spiritual truths we are learning. I’m sure many SV will be praying for peace for your family and for this relative. As you said, he is the child of God, with all that goes along with that identity. Pointing him toward visiting a CS Reading room is a great start. As Maggie said so well in her comment, you can keep knowing and trusting that God is providing good care, direction and guidance to him. Love ❤️

      1. Very well said, Rose and Dennis, we certainly are praying for peace
        for your family member, who is a child of God. I found it interesting
        in the article, “the most powerful aspect of his (Jesus’s) healing
        ministry was that he was moved with, or felt, compassion before
        the person was healed” and as Mrs. Eddy wrote … “Just live love –
        be it – love, love, love. Do not know anything but Love. Be all love.
        There is nothing else. That will do the work. It will heal everything…”
        Yes, Love is all powerful, always present in our heart, Love conquers
        anything that would Seem to be an issue. “Divine Love always has
        met and always will meet Every human need”. Much love to you and

  10. Thank you Evan for today’s SpiritView. I so needed this tonight to correct my thinking. Thank you also to Dennis for Deborah Huebsch’s article
    “what’s needed for healing”. Thank you Cheryl for providing the link to this article. I will read and study it again before I go to bed. I especially loved the statement that Love is infinite and fills all space even where the problem seems to be.

  11. Dear Evan, thank you very much for this loving advice to think healthy about our brothers and sisters in divine Love. I myself can testify that when I seem not to be well and a friend or neighbor or family member doesn’t say anything about it, rather says something kind or just is normal to me, I feel very well and refreshed through the kindness coming over to me from a loving person. That is indeed a healing effect!
    Thank you all for the wonderful articles, which mostly today can be heard from the authors. 🙂
    Have you all a peaceful and blessed 3rd Advent – that means mental preparation of the coming of the Christ.

    1. Thank you, Uta, for your comment and the info on the 3rd Advent. I was unaware
      of that. A friend each year gives me an Advent calendar online which is so charming
      in it’s artistic creations, games, puzzles, music, etc. I have never met this dear friend
      but annually she gifts me with this wonderful sharing of love, in response to flowers
      I send her online throughout the year. I love how those we have never actually “met”
      can feel so close. Love’s gift of sharing is so awesome and time or distance is not
      relevant when Love is present.

  12. Oh dear Angel, thank you very much for your utmost loving comment! It is really touching my heart; and I dearly like your true mentioning “Love’s gift of sharing can feel so close and is so awesome and time or distance is not relevant when Love is present”. And actually Love is everpresent!!!♡
    Angie, this is the answer of my prayer tonight. I am happy about your wonderful comment!♡
    It’s very late – or better, early in the Monday Morning, and now I have still some hours to find peaceful sleep! Have a lovely and joyful pre-christmas week! ❤️

  13. Awww, so happy my comment was helpful to you, Uta. As Evan writes above, “thinking of
    another in a healthful, spiritual way, that helps them think better, too”. Your reflection of
    my comment about time and distance being irrelevant and your misspelling of Angel to
    Angie, reminds me of a dear, dear friend, Angie (short for Angela) who is truly an “angel”
    now, and the thought of her love being ever-present is bringing her spiritual qualities
    ever closer right now. That is a wonderful feeling. I love that SV is here, even during
    the weekends, to cherish the love shared here. Thank Evan and All.

    1. Yess, it’s nice, I have a dear relative who’s Name is Angie. And our former chanceler Angela Merkel was called hunorously Angie.

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