Improving weather conditions

September 16, 2024 | 19 comments

When fires rage out of control, hurricanes devastate large swaths through communities, and floods deluge homes, it can be tempting to feel helpless, even hopeless, about what nature throws our way.

Jesus Christ demonstrated dominion over the weather.  To a raging storm, he commanded, “Peace, be still” (Mark 4:39), and the storm ceased.  Calm prevailed.  

Our prayers can have a positive impact on weather patterns too.

Mary Baker Eddy explains destructive weather patterns from a metaphysical point of view when she writes, “Erring power is a material belief, a blind miscalled force, the offspring of will and not of wisdom, of the mortal mind and not of the immortal.  It is the headlong cataract, the devouring flame, the tempest’s breath.  It is lightning and hurricane, all that is selfish, wicked, dishonest, and impure.”

She continues, “In Science, you can have no power opposed to God, and the physical senses must give up their false testimony” (Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, p. 192).

The seeming strength behind destructive weather patterns is a belief that evil has power to destroy, namely, through fire, rain and wind.  In God’s universe, evil has no place or power.  Good reigns supreme!

There is a right place and use for fire, rain, and wind, but it’s not meant to destroy.  It’s meant to bless.

Let’s pray that the good in God’s universe cannot be co-opted by evil and used to destroy.  It is under the government of divine Mind, and present to nourish, protect, and enliven. 

The truth of being under God’s government, understood, can neutralize the “erring power” of material belief found behind destructive weather patterns, render it harmless, and restore order to our climate around the globe.  Our collective prayers make a difference!

19 thoughts on “Improving weather conditions”

  1. Thank you Evan for reminding us that as spiritual ideas, living in Mind, we can only experience the peace of eternal good, As hymn 144 puts it:: “In atmosphere of Love divine we live and move and breathe.” Stormy thoughts get calm as we see our real status. “Pilgrim on earth, home and heaven are within thee, / Heir of the ages and child of the day. Cared for, watched over, beloved and protected,”…
    (hymn 278) This week’s Bible Lesson reminds us that external, material conditions are erroneous, actually just idols of thought. God is All.

  2. Thank you, Evan! Add to this the widespread belief that weather can wreak havoc on the material body as well – migraine headaches, seasonal allergies, etc. NO power opposed to God means NO POWER. Start with God, good and go forward.

  3. Thank you, Evan. The above quotes from Mrs. Eddy brings into thought that she
    realized that weather has a lot to do with evil and evil’s supposed power … and this,
    so many years ago, before all of the influences that we have today. Many think that
    forces are not under mankind’s control .. that we are just victims of these destructive
    forces … and there is nothing we can do about them. There are so many misbeliefs
    of things just being from “nature”, but realizing the truth of what evil tries to do in
    such powerful ways, brings us into a reality of God’s realm of things that expresses
    peacefulness, harmony and appreciation for nature, rather than conflict with it. It is
    so refreshing to read this message today.

  4. Thank you so much.
    What a blessing in this day with a big fires in Portugal.
    “Peace , be still – and know that I’m God”.

  5. Thank you , Evan, for addressing this concern. I love your statement, “ Let’s pray that the good in God’s universe cannot be co-opted by evil and used to destroy. It is under the government of divine Mind, and present to nourish, protect, and enliven. ”
    With three major fires raging here in Southern California, it takes moral courage to persist in affirming God’s all-caring presence and governance. This blog is balm to my heart and a reminder to embrace the world in our communal prayers.

  6. In the Bible, 1 Kings 19:11-13 God talks to the prophet Elijah (who is feeling lost and overwhelmed and has run away from his home) and tells and shows Elijah that He (God, all-power), is not in the storm, earthquake, wave, wind or flame, but can be heard in God’s still small voice. So he didn’t need to fear those things that seemed so big and dramatic and destructive.

    11 And he said, Go forth, and stand upon the mount before the Lord. And, behold, the Lord passed by, and a great and strong wind rent the mountains, and brake in pieces the rocks before the Lord; but the Lord was not in the wind: and after the wind an earthquake; but the Lord was not in the earthquake:
    12 And after the earthquake a fire; but the Lord was not in the fire: and after the fire a still small voice.
    13 And it was so, when Elijah heard it, that he wrapped his face in his mantle, and went out, and stood in the entering in of the cave. And, behold, there came a voice unto him, and said, What doest thou here, Elijah?

    Also same message in the beautiful Hymn 457

  7. In the Lord’s Prayer we pray “Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil.” Evan says “The seeming strength behind destructive weather patterns is a belief that evil has power to destroy, namely, through fire, rain and wind. In God’s universe, evil has no place or power. Good reigns supreme!

    Let’s pray that the good in God’s universe cannot be co-opted by evil and used to destroy. It is under the government of divine Mind, and present to nourish, protect, and enliven.
    Thank you Evan.

  8. All of the above thoughts are so helpful in seeing weather as being positive
    in our lives, bringing our thoughts in line with God’s nurturing of our world –
    the healing soothing power of a gentle rain, the warming qualities of the sun that
    is necessary for plants to grow – snow that beautifies and purifies our landscapes,
    bringing peaceful scenes, as flakes softly fall … the awesomeness of a delightful
    rainbow after a storm. God’s beauty in our world is so powerful when we experience
    these lovely expressions of Soul. Our collective thoughts help to eradicate the
    negative forces that sometimes try to seem so destructive to our world.
    The hymn you shared, dear Rose is so lovely. Thank you! And the article also,
    dear Martine and all the thoughts, so comforting.

    1. Wow dear Carol, thank you so much for your very lovely picturing the diverse weather elements as God’s abundant gifts of Soul to His universe and His so loved creation including wonderful man!

  9. Thank you very very much für today’s wonderful message about the weather. That is so very important these days to understand the weather from the CS standpoint, as you explained it, dear Evan!
    In Eastern Europe and Eastern Germany the floods destroy houses and people died in the massive floods which came through extreme heavy rains so that rivers overflooded some regions. But I also thought in my prayers , as the Bible says when Elijah stood before the mountain, that God was not in the fire, not in the storm, not in the earthquake not in the winds and not in the floods – He just was in the still small voice, in the calmness and peacefulness of the omnipresence (the only presence) and omnipotence of God, divine Love! My understanding taught me that, if God was n o t in the destroying elements, these elements cannot be real and so actually cannot destroy anything in God`s wonderful Universe, where Divine Mind controls and governs everything absolutely harmonious! I also love the hymn which says: In atmosphere of Love divine we live and move and breathe. So in that sense.

    Yess, let’s all pray deeply that the good in God’s universe cannot be co-opted by evil and used to destroy, as Evan suggested.

    Thank you all for your inspiring comments and the link to the article and the lovely song.
    Here it it is middle of the night now and God is with us day and night!

  10. Thank you Evan and all for sharing your inspirations. Truth and Love are the only power and God our loving Father Mother cares for His/Her creation. God’s government is supreme.

  11. ‘There is a right place and use for fire, rain, and wind, but it’s not meant to destroy. It’s meant to bless.’

    It’s never occurred to me that these weather conditions are meant to bless – thanks for waking me up to this truth.

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