Could you do this job?

November 19, 2014 | 13 comments

This short video is too funny. It’s certainly a bit of exaggeration, but serves to bring home a point overlooked by most who receive the greatest benefit.

“World’s toughest job”

13 thoughts on “Could you do this job?”

  1. Hi
    I have seen this before and thought it was funny and true. I have sent this to my daughter who I think had sent it to me last Mother’s Day when she was expecting her first child.. Now that she has a 5 month old lovely baby, and he is teething. she will appreciate this even more!

  2. Fun way of reminding us to be grateful for mothers, and mothering wherever it is found.

    Mary Baker Eddy has written that divine Love gives us the clearest idea of Deity.
    She also gives us Father-MOTHER-God, in her spiritual interpretation of the first line of The Lord’s Prayer.

    Thank you, Evan.


  3. That was well done! I thought they were going to say God or divine Truth and Love, but then isn’t that what Father-Mother God is all about in each of us. Very Cool!

  4. I really have to give this video “THUMBS UP,” It’s exactly what I have been thinking for months. The idea came to me as I watched many a movie about Slavery in the USA before the civil war.
    Isn’t it so true that the one most important job is being a mother and she doesn’t get paid.
    SLAVERY does still exist even today in the USA. It’s called motherhood!

    1. I think most mothers love their children and I suspect they don’t think of motherhood as slavery, but as a special privilege. Sure, it has its trying times, but the long term benefits of seeing another blossom under your love and care is truly special!

  5. Brought tears to my eyes, too. I took that job and the pay is fantastic… two awesome kids who are now adults! Thanks for posting this, Evan.

  6. Wonderful life raising five children with help from good teachers, where possible, good schools, and Sunday School every week. We were a good team, cooperative children, always helping the younger ones, no arguing, no need for punishment, love was evident. Challenges were quickly met. The first lesson I learned was that each one includes his own supply. I learned to be a good manager and a good cook. Paychecks come (and go), but I’m still reaping rewards from each of these children, and grandchildren, of the Soul-filled kind.
    Thanks for the video.

  7. I love you, too. Dear Barb – and wish you were here so I could give you a big smooch
    and tell you how thankful I am for you . Mom

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