Keep on giving generously

November 24, 2015 | 8 comments

“Don’t let those who take advantage of your generosity stop you from being generous.”

~ Author Unknown

When one’s generosity toward others is taken advantage of and not appreciated, it can be tempting to pull back in one’s giving and withhold in the future for fear of being taken advantage of again. Jesus Christ did counsel his followers to not throw their pearls before swine–before the selfishness of mortal mind to be trampled in the mud of ingratitude.

However, Love never withholds. Love just can’t help but give, because that’s what Love does. And to the person who identifies with divine Love as His source and reason to live, it’s impossible to withhold.

But Love is also wise. The Mind of Love uses its assets for the best possible purpose and the best outcomes.

So, it’s okay to be discerning about where you bestow your generosity. There are always people who are grateful for help received, and any others are being taught by God how to be grateful in God’s own special way. Meanwhile, Love just keeps on loving and giving, helping and healing.

Love is not stingy, fearful or afraid. Love is beneficent, magnificent and all-inclusive.

Love is the happy way to live, and in truth, it is never taken advantage of because it always has more to give. It is inexhaustible!

8 thoughts on “Keep on giving generously”

  1. My parents always incouraged me to do the right thing no matter what others think or do. Let them do whatever, your duty is to do what is right to do.

  2. This made me think of something I once heard that a gift given releases the receiver from all obligations … the receiver can “re-gift” or throw it away or treasure it, be grateful or not. To expect gratitude is to not give freely.

    Yet to give where the need seems most is wise, a puzzle piece I appreciate, Evan.

    In a sense, generosity is merely my way of thanking God, expressing my gratitude for all I have been given (health, perception, things, or cash — whatever is needed that I have to give). Thus I look to my source of good (my benefactor) for all I need and not to a recipient as a source for gratitude that will make me feel good (because all good comes from God anyway!).

    Thank you!

  3. I agree whole heartedly. Also, I have always expressed gratitude but have learned not to expect it from others nor having the lack of it alter my giving. I am motivated by love alone!

  4. This is so precious: “Love is the happy way to live, and in truth, it is never taken advantage of because it always has more to give. It is inexhaustible!” I LOVE this! Thank you so much!

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