Learning to love your real self

August 15, 2024 | 26 comments

Joyce Meyer is quoted as saying, “If you don’t like yourself, you’re going to have a really hard time getting along with anyone else.”

There is much to consider here.  If we are constantly unhappy with ourselves, our unhappiness may spill over into our communications with others.  Likely, resulting in unhappy communications!  Conflict, misunderstanding, cruelty, and more.

If that’s an issue, it can be fixed.  We can fall in love with our true self, our spiritual self with God, and live true to it.

We each have a spiritual individuality that is loving, thoughtful, caring, beautiful, intelligent, worthy, and glorious.  It is our immortal self that is made in God’s image.

For better outcomes, identify with your true self, your spiritual self.  Live true to it.  Express it!  Everything will go better.

26 thoughts on “Learning to love your real self”

  1. Thank you Evan for this spiritual “eye opener”
    we need to first love our spiritual self before
    we can love others.
    Help me Father-Mother to love muself each

    1. Thanks Lorna, thanks Evan,
      Usually some people will say: “love yourself first “ before taking care of others.
      But here a big differenc with :” but first love your spiritual self
      before to live others “

      We can fall in love with our true self, our spiritual self with God”.
      Thank you I really dig that!

    1. Thank you for saying that. I’d never heard of her before, so I Googled her; I like her matter-of-fact, home-spun way of talking and presenting ideas.

  2. We are at all times expressing one idea or other, so why not express ourselves in a divine light of goodness to others. Who knows maybe it will inspire them to inspire others to do the same. Thank you, Evan for this inspiring post.

  3. Hurray! “Open up your heart and let the Son shine through.” Thank you Evan, for this reminder. We ARE all rays of His love.

  4. I love Joyce Meyer too! She really has a way of bringing Bible stories to life! Her tapes were very helpful in some distress I had years ago. I will always be grateful for the part she played then,

    I still love snd respect her; these days I am finding the most precise and immediate help – in our pastor!

  5. Thank you Evan for bringing up the quote by Joyce Meyer. I had never heard of
    her, so just listened to her Questions and Answers Pt.2. It is very enlightening.
    One could listen and be on the computer all day and get nothing else done.. Ha
    …. but it really is the Important stuff that needs our attention. Meanwhile the grass
    keeps growing, the gardens need attention, etc., etc., etc., etc…..
    It all does help to get us on the right track and to help us love ourselves, though and I
    love that!! Hugs to all and to Yourselves!!

  6. Joyce Meyer is great, sassy, funny, wise. I came across her on TV years ago, her show is called Enjoying Everyday Life. She struggled in early years to be accepted as a woman leader in the evangelical movement. But God led her step by step, like Mrs. Eddy.

    Popular culture recommends, “Love Yourself.” If we take that at face value and try to love a human, material self, it won’t work. That seeming “self” is always unstable, sometimes seems ok, then not so good, this is wrong, not enough of this or that, maybe I should try this or that that remedy/solution, make more money, lose weight, etc, and then I can be lovable. There is a lot of seeming self-dissatisfaction and self-hatred in the world, leading to dissatisfaction and hatred of others. Much of our economy is based on a type of mesmerism, where companies describe what is wrong with us, why we are unhappy, and trying to sell us their product/service that will make us ok.

    We have the wrong definition of self. Start with the highest Truth: Perfect God, Perfect man. There’s much to fall in love with in that unchanging, harmonious, perfect self.

    1. I love what you have shared, dear Rose. Every bit of it – true. When I was
      growing up, it seemed there were so many forces putting me down, all
      portraying how I wasn’t this or that. That I was Lacking this or that. That I
      wasn’t perfect. That made it more difficult to see myself as a child of God,
      when everyone seemed to be telling me I was otherwise. As you so rightly
      mentioned, Rose, the world today accentuates our Lacks, also.. to try to sell
      us their many, many products to make us “Better”, with all of their remedies
      of matter….. But the Spiritual Us is already whole, already perfect in every
      way. We need to love ourselves and others as we are, not lacking anything …..
      accepted as Perfection, as in the eyes of God’s dearest creation and this
      immortal being is who we have always been, are now and always will be.
      Lovely and precious. Awww….. that is who we really are! Any time we seem
      to see ourselves in a materially lacking way, we need to give ourselves a
      spiritual ((hug)).

      1. Thanks for your wise words Angel. I was listening to a spiritually minded speaker the other day and she was talking about how, for most of us, we get imprinted with negative messages from the moment we are born. They take babies away from their mothers, run tests on them looking for what could be wrong, implying we can be defective. Then as children we start to pick up on society’s messages about how to create a false outer self so we can be loved and accepted. Continuing on into adulthood where error tells us all about our flaws. Thank goodness we have CS study to help us see through the lies and put a stop to this madness.

        1. Yes, Rose, it does seem that the world is trying to become
          more aggressive with all of the “things” that we supposedly
          Need in life, implying that we do not Have everything we
          need in our spiritual image and and likeness of God … Perfect
          as we were created. Money seems to be the bottom line of
          so many mortal messages that are thrown our way, also, and
          trying to make us think that we are never good enough, until
          we buy this product or buy this other product over here. It
          is all part of mortal mind’s temptation to lure us into accepting
          matter as being real. I knew someone who years ago tried to
          sell World Book encyclopedias (that Was a while ago!) and in
          training, they were taught to try to create a need, that may not
          have even been there, just to make a sale. She thought that was
          rather a deceptive practice and didn’t continue. Kind of like how
          we need to be adamant when error comes knocking on our door
          with erroneous suggestions we do not want or need.

  7. THank you Evan. How do we see ourselves? This week’s lesson on Soul led me to write about the blind man begging by the wayside. What saved him was seizing the opportunity to be with Jesus, being persistent in his cry, and asking for what he wanted. .
    See “A BLIND MAN SEES AND REJOICES!” https://youtu.be/lFwDSgIYXpw We can hear the Christ saying to each of us “Receive……” and collect! And in following Jesus he found a love for himself, a love for others, and the joy of gratitude = giving!
    Believe and receive….
    Living is giving….

    1. That was beautiful, Ken. Such and “eye-opener” as you stated such beautiful truths along with the portrayal of what had to be the feelings and joy of the man which then spread to others. So should our love for ourselves and others spread to all.

      Thank you Evan and all for your inspiration and help. Love to all as our love for our true selves spreads the good word to others..

  8. Thanks Evan for giving Joyce Meyer a shout. I have several of her books – practical and entertaining application of Christianity.

  9. Sometimes we find inspiration and love in the least expected places and through
    venues we never thought would delve so spiritually into such topics. I do think the
    world is waking up to the falsities that have been lurking in thought and often tries to
    drag us down to a mortal level of deception with things that just are not true. It is
    very refreshing to see and hear God’s power helping in ways that express such Truth.
    Our immortal selves, made in God’s image … shines through, reflected in these
    inspirations and it is really lovely.

  10. There’s only one self. God. Our true identify is coming from God and is nothing but good. The great I AM expressing himself. And we are each distinct and eternal expressions of God’s nature. But what about the feelings that MBE once described as coming in as a rush? This happened to me the other night. I felt God wanted me to do a task that helped hummingbirds, which I love. But I needed my husband’s help to do part of it. He had agreed the night before, but that day other things had come up. (One involved taking care of a cat). So the feelings of frustration came in like a rush. But I am learning that is not me. That is something to be rejected, and not justified. So I thought of myself in an old fashioned marching band and God the director. In the band, you take four steps one way, turn and take two steps and then march in place. You don’t have the overall picture. You just OBEY. So I said, God, you told me to help the hummingbirds. Now what? The answer was, Wait. I am directing everything. Everyone is all right. You, husband, cat, birds. All mine. Everything’s in my hands, not yours. So I let that sink in. God directing everybody. That idea freed me from all negative feelings and I actually forgot about everything. Today I was surprised that my husband had taken care of not only the hummingbirds, but all the rest of the birds, a job he usually balks at. Putting God in charge is loving him, feeling his love for you, and at the same time his love for all.

  11. Yes Evan and thank you very much; it’s important but actually also natural that we love ourself. Because our God is Love and we are the idea of this utmost precious Love! So we express this omnipresent divine Love in that we love all creatures God made, specially including ourselves! And then we can love our neighbor as ourself good enough!
    Love and hugs to All!-♡♡♡

  12. My True Self
    (of course: yours, too!)

    I am loving, intelligent, wise, kind, thoughtful, caring, beautiful, worthy, and glorious! This is my True Self,
    made by God, divine Intelligence. I have no “other self,” made of dust and full of troubles, rolled up in shades, obscured by errors of belief…mine or others’. There is no need, or way, to get rid of this last, for it is unreal, untrue, false, a dream about me…and you! Amen and amen

    And p.s. Thank you, Rose from New York, for your loving-reminder:

    “Don’t try to love a human, material self; it won’t work. That seeming “self” is always unstable, sometimes seems ok, then not so good, this is wrong, not enough of this or that, maybe I should try this or that that remedy/solution, make more money, lose weight, etc, and then I can be lovable. There is a lot of seeming self-dissatisfaction and self-hatred in the world, leading to dissatisfaction and hatred of others. Much of our economy is based on a type of mesmerism, where companies describe what is wrong with us, why we are unhappy, and trying to sell us their product/service that will make us ok.”


  13. P.S. And thank YOU, Evan-The-Wonderful-Idea-Man,
    for your daily posts full of great inspiration and encouragement
    and reminders and love! You are a GREAT Listener and Sharer!
    Love in Action!!


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