Let go of that sickness

November 10, 2015 | 11 comments

Displayed on a church reader board in town:

“You won’t be healed if you love your sickness.”

It sounds ludicrous that anyone would love a sickness. After all, who wants to suffer? But then again, there are times when bouts of sickness have been majorly dramatized and used as a means of getting extra attention, eliciting sympathy, and dropping major responsibilities. It’s a subtle twist on a generally very unpleasant experience, but can happen, so it’s best to guard against it.

From everything I know there is nothing to love about sickness, even for a short while. It should not be held in thought as a friend or welcome companion. It’s better to love health, cherish health and stay conscious of health! It’s a faster route to recovery, and God’s plan for each of us.

11 thoughts on “Let go of that sickness”

  1. I have to look at the idea of struggling with a health issue. why struggle which makes it real at some level. Praying.

  2. Thank you Evan. It is so important we identify ourselves with good, with health and well being. Another important thing is not to personalize any negative or health malady as ” ours”. Too many times we hear, someone promoting a material drug in advertisements beginning with “MY ___________ [name of a disease ] . We must never identify ourselves with negative qualities or maladies. God is our creator. Child of God –made in His image and likeness is our true being!!

  3. This is so true. I’ve seen this happen in sports a lot where the athlete lacks confidence in their own ability against an opponent and’ walla’, they create for themselves a way out through sickness or an injury. We at times create the story, we see ourselves at a certain success level and then work hard to fulfill and maintain that level not realizing that we have much more than that available to us. That’s been a wonderful experience for me in Christian Science to see myself as God see’s me, whole, complete, fully capable to experience life and that my view of myself is not limited by some preconceive notion or false belief that I may conjure up for myself. Thanks Evan. Great post.

  4. As far as sickness goes, I use the word THE! instead of MY or YOUR. In that way I IMPERSONALIZE it and it becomes easier to rid it for good. Simple, isn’t it?

    1. I try to do the same, Tobias! I also try to not identify material senses and organs as mine, such as my ears, my hearing, my vision. It helps me remember we all see spiritually, clearly, hear only what God is telling us, perfectly, etc.

  5. Thanks for all that contribute. It is a great mental support. Staying focus and not letting down your guard or being complacent when a challenge lingers on. Thank you all for your thoughts on each thought that is presented.

  6. Thanks, Evan! With our weekly C.S. Bible Lesson this week making the distinction between Mortals and Immortals, I’m beginning to see that it really is a constant moment by moment choice to make in thought…….”Am I a Mortal or an Immortal?” So much out there in “The World” constantly trying to convince us of our mortality. Love what I heard on a C.S. Chat – “We don’t let the World do our Thinking for us.” Onward and Upward!

  7. Thanks so much, Evan, for this important reminder and for the comments that we neither claim disease or any part of a material body as ours. As Mrs. Eddy states in the Scientific Statement of Being on page 468 in Science and Health, “Spirit is God, and man in His image and likeness. Therefore man is not material, he is spiritual.”
    We are God’s expression of perfection and can only possess that which reflects God.

  8. I recently was feeling critical and judgmental of “my clear inability to heal” my beloved pet last winter, as well as a lingering perception of stiffness and weakness in my knees (which can metaphysically represent the expression of ego, pride and willfulness). Seeming without warning a “powerful cold” presented itself. Frustrated prayer and the sensation of raging pain in my throat and inability to breathe drove me to seek relief from medication in order to regain enough peace of mind to re-orient my thinking. Jesus Christ fully demonstrated our natural state of God consciousness alone, that “there is no evil” in medication but as mentioned above we can be lulled into believing relief is synonymous with cure, and coincidence is another word for cause by minds not thinking or reasoning from the basis of Truth: if Good is omnipresent and omnipotent, Spirit, there can be no such thing as the opposite of Good, therefore there is no absence of wholeness and it’s power and ability to reign supreme. Hmmn. So what words had I been saying all this time? What message was I therefore experiencing? Me and my – which don’t exist. I had been struggling with fear that I could be criticizing and judging Good – the All that is. Understanding of Good’s will alone being done has, is and forever will be present, and regardless of our veiled mindfulness.

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