Let Love lead the way

March 7, 2025 | 21 comments

If you’d like to improve a treasured relationship that is faltering, let the Mind of Love lead the way to how that improvement can occur.

The Mind of Love is an all-knowing consciousness of spiritual truth that has a solution to any problem you face.

The Love of this Mind is more than a pleasant human affection.  It’s a divine power that builds bridges, finds common ground, and unifies many into one.

It’s a Mind that is filled with positive outlook, goodwill, forgiveness, kindness, generosity, wisdom, and ideas that unite and heal.

The Mind of Love is void of resentment, anger, ill-will, complaint, self-will, or fear.

The Mind of Love creates an atmosphere of thought that allows people with different points of view to appreciate and honor each other’s differences, but to also find what they have in common that serves to unite.

Mary Baker Eddy writes, “Love inspires, illumines, designates, and leads the way” (Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, p. 454).  Love leads the way to happier healthier relationships.

21 thoughts on “Let Love lead the way”

  1. Thank you for this Evan. Timing is bang on as I have been struggling with a colleague at work but have been working on seeing her as God sees her. Listening to Him for direction rather than the human mind running rampant with negativity is a must and I really have to focus on where my thought is. This is very helpful!

  2. Thank you Evan for this reminder that Love, the only Principle, is also our only Mind. As Mrs. Eddy taught, the belief in many ruling minds is disruptive and creates a seeming rule of discord. This simply cannot be the truth. I will hold to this Spirit-view as I navigate the day!

  3. This healing message is one that is so simple, but yet, so profound. Thank you,
    Evan. If we all in the “world” would unify in the harmony you have described
    here .. there would be everlasting peace, with no wars or conflict of any kind,
    personal, regional or between nations, no t(errorist) way of thinking, no hatred
    or unkindness … but joining together in One Mind, where only God’s Goodness
    prevails with no resistance to the Truth … only Love, kindness, compassion,
    empathy for each other. A willingness to get along is certainly the way of a
    Spiritual View and a perfect place to try to keep thought. Such a worthy goal
    and attainable through divine Love.

    1. Angel l like what you did there in your comment with “t(errorist).” Terrorist thinking/activity that desires to instill terror in others for political or ideological reasons likely has a deep fear, desperation and hopelessness underneath. Those are all error beliefs. Turning humbly to the harmonizing “One Mind of Love” to lead, can heal all that needless pain.

    2. Oh yess, dear Angel that would be most wonderful. But it’s possible with the omnipotent, alloving God, Spirit, Principle. I remember that we pray “Your kingdom come” and Mrs. Eddy says in SH “Thy kingdom is come, thou art everpresent.!”
      So actually there is. o n l y. God’s harmonious . Kingdom But, yess we have to pray to understand that better and better. Thank you Angel for your precious comment! ❤️

    3. Thank you so much for your kind comments, Rose and Uta. I think,
      as you mentioned below, Rose, that the anxiety of the “material”
      world being in such an upheaval at this time, does tend to try to
      get us to feel that there are conflicting forces that are being come
      to the surface to be healed. mortal mind can be very stubborn and
      wanting it’s own way with power and control. Mrs. Eddy … on pg.97
      of S&H writes, “The broadest facts array the most falsities against
      themselves, for they bring error from under cover. It requires courage
      to utter truth; for the higher Truth lifts her voice, the louder will error
      scream, until its inarticulate sound is forever silenced in oblivion.
      ‘He [God] uttered His voice, the earth melted.’ This Scripture indicates
      that all matter will disappear before the supremacy of Spirit”.
      These are interesting times “humanly speaking”, but God/Spirit is in
      control, regardless what the mortal picture seems to be. Love Will
      lead the way.

      1. Janet is a fav of mine too. 🙂 Thank you so much Cheryl for adding an easier to read article and one we can listen to also!

      2. Thank you very much dear J for the link to the article and Cheryl. I like to listen to the articles when they are read by their author.
        Will listen to this helpful article again!

  4. “A Mind that is filled with positive outlook, goodwill, forgiveness, kindness, generosity, wisdom, and ideas that unite and heal.” Thank you Evan. A perfect description of what is ours to express as the children of God, if only we would humbly turn toward this One Mind and trust it.

    I’ve been dealing with some fears, darkness, agitation – seemingly related to anxiety about so-called government and world instability. It doesn’t feel like me. Must be picking up on some mass, worldly fears “floating around” out there. But that is not legitimate. Neither I nor anyone else is rightfully subject to these false fears, as God’s children.

    Two things that have been helpful:
    –“How comforting to know that the world can neither give us stability nor take it away.” This is a quote from the Lyle Young article kindly shared by Cheryl on 3/4. He also references Mrs. Eddy’s statement from Misc. Writings, “I learned long ago that the world could not deprive me of something nor give me anything.”
    –“Citizens of the world, accept the ‘glorious liberty of the children of God,’ and be free! This is your divine right.” (S&H, p. 227, it’s also the last citation in this week’s Lesson on Man). I’ve been adding the word ‘arise’ (arise and accept) because it feels like a battle cry, telling us to rise up and accept our rights to be free from all error.

    Thank you everyone, and a blessed weekend to all.

  5. Yes all so needed especially here in Canada today as the political situation seems to be filled with terror for our very existence. We are holding to the truth that our existence comes only from God and that is All there is to it! His way is the only way to heal the political relationship with our dear neighbours.
    Thank you Evan.

    1. Sending love to you dear Jennie and your fellow Canadians. What you say is right, His way is the only way to heal the seeming chaos. We stand by together in the Mind of Love.

  6. The Mind of Love cannot be interrupted as it continues its ever present harmonious protection of man, Gods beloved idea,
    We must examine our own thought and accept only the correct view of man to eliminate the fear of material based consequences voiced by others.
    Christ Jesus said we have to forgive not 7 times but 70 times 7. ..
    As Evan says we have to allow divine Love to lead❣️

  7. I love the gentleness and compassion portrayed in this beautiful message and
    graphic where the shepherd (perhaps Jesus) – Christlike comfort is coaxing
    the dear little lamb back to safety. The lamb probably has no idea the danger
    it might have seemed to be facing. As we, too, only focus on Truth that is
    before us … and that Mind of Love, which is helping us constantly to light our
    way through Spirit … and see us through to a peaceful place where contentment
    prevails … a place where the shepherd shows us “how to go” in the arms of Love.

  8. The soothing presence of light bathes us with the beauty of Love, cleansing
    the fear of mortal thinking and illuminating thought with the peace of Mind.
    Hymn #144 comes to mind ..

    “In atmosphere of Love divine, We live and move and breathe;
    Though mortal eyes may see it not, ‘Tis sense that would deceive.
    The mortal sense we must destroy, If we would bring to light
    The wonders of eternal Mind, Where sense is lost in sight.
    For God, immortal Principle, Is with us every-where;
    He holds us perfect in His love, And we His image bear.”

    Like a shepherd comforts and is there for his flock, Christ is here
    for the compassion we need … in guiding our thought away from
    fear and towards the ever presence of God’s dear Love.

  9. Thank you very much, dear Evan for this healing SpiritView, full of Love!

    A loved and wellknown hymnal comes to mind.

    # 179

    Love one another – word of revelation;
    Love frees from error’s thrall – Love is liberation.
    Love’s way the Master trod;
    He that loves shall walk with God.
    Love is the royal way.

    Love knows no eval, neither schade of sadness;
    Love casts out every fear, lifts the heart to gladness.
    Love heals our every ill,
    All the law does Love fulfil.
    Love is our answered prayer.

    Love now is dawning over every nation;
    Showing true brotherhood, publishing salvation,
    Love bids all discord cease,
    Conquering hate, enthroning peace,
    Love, Love alone is power!

    The third verse is the healing Christ for all nations!!! ❤️

    1. Yes, agree! Dear Uta … filled with Love. Thank you, too, for sharing
      such a beautiful hymn. Divine and so healing … so
      powerful and peaceful … and yes, Lovely!!!

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