Let out all your love-2

November 15, 2016 | 22 comments

I occasionally come into contact with people who have been taught to “let it all out,” to deal with emotional turmoil and angst held within. If they are angry, they should voice it, the reasoning goes. If they are mad, then they should get mad and be mad, they may argue. They should not keep negativity bottled up within and allow it to choke the life out of them because they are not being honest about their feelings, the logic may state.

I have also seen others severely hurt as a result of this let-loose-approach to whatever bothers one. Plus, the one voicing the evil may start to believe they have permission to say whatever they want to say without regard to how it affects others.

There’s a better way.

Angry emotions, resentments and frustrations can be honestly faced up to and effectively handled without causing harm to one’s neighbor or family members. They can be brought to the surface and moved out of consciousness without making another person a victim of their internal strife.

The “enemy” is never another person. It’s the negative emotion. And negative emotions are best dealt with when they are dissolved, not let loose to cause even more negative emotion in others.

Learning to love more is the solution.

Love is forgiving. Love sees all the good in oneself and in others.

Love is compassionate. Love does not get hung-up on the shortcomings, but sees the blessings, the good to be acknowledged, and then honors it.

Love is honest. It does not suppress anger, harbor frustration or carry resentments. It recognizes them as evil states of thought to be dispensed with promptly and replaced with forgiveness, patience and goodwill.

God is Love, which means love is more than a positive human emotion that may or may not be able to deal with anger. It is a divine power that reigns supreme over anger and wipes it out. Jesus Christ demonstrated this truth on the cross. He was attacked by vicious anger of the carnal mind, but he responded with love, and overcame it all. He did not harbor silent anger at his enemies. He loved them, and love saved him from their evil intent.

Love is what saves us from the evil intent of the carnal mind to bog our thinking down in negative places our thinking does not belong. Anger is not a necessary emotion. It is not a required state of thought that we are helpless to deal with. It is a lie about God’s man, and we all have spiritual power from Christ to dissolve it with love.

So, let your love all out! This is what blesses you and everyone around you. It’s love that masters anger. It’s love that dissolves resentments. It’s love that makes you feel better and sets your thought free from negativity.

22 thoughts on “Let out all your love-2”

  1. Thank you. In these angry times, we need to learn about love and that love is not a feel good feeling but a strength, a reality.

  2. Anger has never helped but always harmed. The one who gets angry suffers the most.

    The way that Evan has opened up for us, as to how to deal with anger is the best, most effective and workable. Increasing your love levels is the answer, and sure enough love is a quality that just dissolves all anger and calms the situation, harmonises it and takes the relationship to a much higher level. Moreover, since GOD IS LOVE, we have all the support of God, who surely helps us to tide over feelings of anger with love.

    I have tried some other ways too to get a grip on anger. Read many articles on how to cope up with anger. Its mentioned by one author that we get angry, when things do not work the way we want. We need to curb our self will by surrendering it to the Divine will. Then we will not be angry. Once we realise that everything that happens , happens according to the Will of God and in God’s will is our highest good, we shall never get angry.

    I am reminded of an incident that happened with me at office. A junior person sweet talked with my boss and took away my assignment at office. I was asked to leave and reassigned to some other boss. Well I was taking the help of a friend for prayers. We knew that God is on the scene, He loves us, and this experience too came to bless me, though initially, it appeared very unjust. That trust in God’s will, enabled me to gracefully leave that office. The outcome was amazing. I got a better boss. The earlier boss was transferred to another location, which I never liked and If I had been with him, I would have to go to that location. So, surrendering to God’s will did work a small miracle for me, though at that moment the situation seemed very unfair, very anger provoking.

    1. Your explanation and retelling of the way anger was handled helped me see more ways open to be the “Martha” who thanks God for being in charge of EVERYTHING. Your example buoys my thought today. Thank you for sharing the experience.

  3. Thank you for this writing. The simple but potent truth that spiritual love is our only power, our only being restores us to our rightful nature. I am grateful for this reminder today.

  4. We love because we reflect divine Love and we love the reflection of Love, the true identity of each of us…that is how we can do it.

  5. Anger closes down, turns thoughts to rehash over and over again what is not understood in a spinning wheel that goes nowhere until it breaks upon the wrong direction and finally adds regret to the anger. Patience and Love open up taking the focus away from what is not well understood to release us, allowing more opportunity for understanding and sharing. This release makes safe that which was before threatened and at risk. It allows wisdom to govern; lifting the clouds of misunderstanding to expose the light of truth; changing the isolated perspective to accept higher realms of spiritual sight. There is no regret in that because the principle of truth connects us to a sharing whole, a holy state where we all belong together in the unity of harmony. This may seem like an idealistic explanation, but at its core lies a truthful reality, immortal to any single person or identity. It frees us from the chains of self deception along with its self destructive path of mortal angst.

  6. Thanks Evan and All Commenters! I’m not sure if All that happens is “God’s will” and that we should just accept it. What about sickness and disease…..do we call that “God’s will” and just accept it? No, we recognize our need to know more fully the Truth that God is only All Good and is sending only All Good to his Creation and Reflection, man. It’s always our thought that needs correcting to bring it in alignment with Truth and Love. I don’t think Jesus said to never get angry. He used forceful and strong action to whip the money changers out of the temple. He hated iniquity and we can too! We do have a right to “protest” when we see wrong doing and evil actions, and we can listen for the correct action to take. Mrs. Eddy and Jesus both were Activists for Good and Activists for seeing evil and bringing it to others’ attention and then destroying it by knowing the Truth!

    1. Bevi I really love that you have offered thoughts to help us go even deeper in our thoughts regarding Love…..Thank you so much….Very stimulating

    2. Thank you Bevi for your thoughts about Jesus and the money changers. I have often wondered about Jesus’ anger in this incident, when anger is not a Godlike quality. Thank you for shedding more light. Thank you too Evan for this posting, and to all others who have commented.

  7. Good to realize that we are not working UP TO
    seeing and feeling
    true being, true selfhood
    (or, more specifically: GOD’s Being and our reflection of this),
    but OUT FROM IT.

    The dream would have us ever struggling with false identity, huh.
    …working within the dream, dealing with phenomena, etc., etc…
    when all the while,
    We ARE and HAVE and ONLY CAN BE
    God’s perfect ideas–reflections of Her Doing and Having and Being!

    Thus, ‘the relative’ stuff-of-dreams is swallowed up in the Absolute Truth!

  8. Interesting and stimulating Comments by so many……..What do we do when we are directly confronted by wrong-doing or hypocrisy or sheep in wolves clothing…..?? I’m reminded of Jesus telling his disciples: “Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves.” Jesus commended the qualities of prudence and discretion when he made reference to the wisdom of this world: “The children of this world are in their generation wiser than the children of light.” I think he’s saying, don’t be naïve, be alert, there are people out there who are intent on doing evil and we can’t put blinders on and just send them Love……there is some action and deep wisdom to be enacted and God will guide if we keep our eyes open and listen!

  9. Thanks a lot Evan, for your so inspiring lesson for us loving more, loving with Gods Love as his expression and loving how Jesus teaches us to do. Yes also forgiving is love, meeknes is love. Yes and also joy is love.
    Thank you all commenters for your inspiring thoughts to todays blog from Evan!

  10. Thanks Evan and everyone who has commented! What a great discussion.

    I too have worked on anger issues in a variety of ways, including reading books on anger management. They did help some, mainly by the instruction to walk away. My study of CS has led me to see that when I am secure in my identity as God’s beloved child, I am not bothered so much by others’ bad behavior. It doesn’t mean I don’t stand up for what’s right, but it makes it easier not to get sucked in.

    My biggest problem has been reacting to perceived injustices, which goes to Bevi’s point. Allowing wrong to go on is not right, but there’s a big difference between a minor slight and something important. Getting mad doesn’t help, it leaves God out! But knowing harmony is always present, and God rights all wrongs, and listening for the right steps to take humanly- as long as will is absent, good will ensue.

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