30 thoughts on “Life is not in the past”

  1. “And I will restore to you the years that the locust hath eaten, …
    (Joel 2:25 (to 1st ,))

    This has been my favorite citation from the time I found Christian Science. We don’t miss anything because of time for God is not subject to time, and according to the prophet Joel, neither are we.

    Christian Science is as potent to a new student as well as a more experienced Scientist. What matters is how much its loved and appreciated. I was so grateful for this healing Truth. Thanks Evan.

  2. The quote from Joel, that Jackie mentioned was a favorite of my mom’s.. it helped her live a life free of resentment.. She was an active dancer way into her 80s. And I never heard her say an unkind thing about anyone..

    1. John, I loved your mom when I was growing up in Sunday School. She did see the good in everyone, including me.

    1. Thank you for that little poem, so simple, pure and true. And thanks for still finding articles to share with us even though they are not that easy to find.

      On the topic of NOW, I watched a livestream yesterday of a young relative’s High School graduation. It was lovely to watch these young people so fresh and looking forward to what is ahead. I was grateful to hear expressed in several of the speeches by the faculty and the kids themselves, the advice to have gratitude for this moment and to live fully in this moment. Was nice to see this wisdom being embraced by young people. The earlier we learn this the better.

      1. Thank you Rose. It’s wonderful to hear how the younger generation is embracing good thoughts earlier and earlier.
        We get to support them in lovely ways as we embrace HOPE and LOVE.

      2. You’re welcome Rose. Agree that shareable articles are not easy to find. My stash of shareable links is running low. I noticed that the JSH-online site says that anyone with a subscription is welcome to share articles, which would include posting them on this site, if anyone is so inclined to do so. 🙂

  3. Thank you – this blessing of timelessness is so appreciated!
    Some thoughts to ponder. Not sure of who has written some, but
    I found them helpful and had jotted them down and will add a more
    spiritual interpretation:

    “Don’t live in the past … You have already been there”. [and as Evan wrote, “Life is
    not in the past. Life is what you’re living now”]
    “To get over the past, you first have to accept that the past is over. No matter how
    many times you revisit it or sweat it … it’s over. It can hurt you no more.” – Mandy Hale
    [It never really did hurt you. Just a false concept.]
    “Sometimes you have to forget what’s gone, appreciate what still remains and
    look forward to what’s coming next.” [Live in the right-NOW]
    “As I look back on my life, I realize that every time I thought I was being rejected
    from something good, I was actually being re-directed to something better” [We
    don’t have to accept any of the past, when we are living in the NOW]
    “The past is where you learned the lesson. The future is where you apply the
    lesson. Don’t give up in the middle”. [In Eternity, NOW is what we are living.]

    I love being in the NOW – here, with you all. : )

  4. P.S. A shout out to Rose for researching and providing two Alan Aylwin articles for the June 17th SV, and to DKM for so kindly providing the links. Love in action! xo

  5. Thank you Evan – and thanks to everyone who commented.

    Here is a poem I think I got from SV and it seems to fit the subject: I don’t have the
    name of the author.


    I was regretting the past and fearing the future.
    Suddenly my Lord was speaking:
    ‘My name is I AM’

    He paused,
    I waited,
    He continued.

    “When you live in the past
    with its regrets
    iit is hard,
    I am not there.
    My name is not I WAS.

    When you live in the future
    With its problems and fears,
    It is hard. I am not there
    My name is not I WILL BE.

    When you live in this moment
    It is not hard,
    I am here,
    My name is I AM

    1. Maggie, thank you so much for this wonderful poem. “My name is I AM’ I particularly love the last verse:
      “When you live in this moment / It is not hard, / I am here,/ My name is I AM.”
      I knew this, but suddenly I got a better view of what “I AM” is all about as His name. I love it when that happens.

      Thank you Evan for this insight, J for the articles you find and share, and all of you for sharing your comments. They are always so helpful.

  6. Thank you Evan for the Spirit View today! and all the comments left with very encouraging messages. This is something that I have struggled with for years, and all of the comments are very direct in letting go of the past and love the present since in reality that is where we really are all the time, in the present. My CS Teacher emphasized this living in the NOW through much of the class teaching, If we get stuck in the past we are missing out on the NOW of life, missing the good that is always there and I especially appreciated the comment from John about his mother. It was a wake up call for me. Resenting anything especially from the past does not open us up to what God has prepared for us today. It is just the push I needed to move forward and live in the now! Thanks to all.
    Suzie H.

  7. Thanks Evan. It reminded me my first healing in Christian Science. Before coming to Christian Science, I had a red patch on my thigh for which I had tried many types of medicines for three years but got no relief. After joining this path, When I approached a Christian Science Practitioner, he told me that I had past hurts in my consciousness which are causing irritation in skin. I had a deep resentment with a family member . The Christian Science Practitioner told me- God requireth that which is past. He asked me to wipe away all past hurts which led to complete healing with no scar & it happened sixteen years back. Grateful to God & to Mary Baker Eddy for this beautiful Science

  8. I really relate to living in the now, and Evans message and all the comments reinforce this. The poem I AM is great. It is getting clear to me the importance of how we see ourselves in the now and that is very important. Is most important. In thinking about John’s mother dancing into her 80’s wakes me up to the importance of timelessness and God’s control of it. That we are not controlled by the past and future. We are not less than the image a likeness of the perfect now, not 20 not 85 but ageless, expressing perfection. Perfect God and Perfect man. Perfect health with no limits. “All acting, all wise and eternal.” Love to all.

  9. For all of good the past hath had
    Remains to make our own time glad,

    Henceforth my heart shall sigh no more
    For olden time and holier shore:
    God’s love and blessing, then and there,
    Are now and here and everywhere.

    John Greenleaf Whittier. CS Hymnal Hymn 238

  10. Thank you all for such enduring and endearing thoughts on Life Eternal.
    I was sorting through some outdated catalogs to recycle and came across several
    gift ideas that I was going to share with my dear friend who passed on to her beloved
    sea in heaven recently. The wonderful thoughts shared here gave such a feeling of
    warmth and Eternal affection for this dear friend, whom we had shared experiences,
    cards, practical gifts for over seven decades. Her divine qualities of love, thoughtfulness,
    kindness, compassion, love of nature, etc, etc. Live On and are expressed and shared
    today – NOW – Always and in All ways and that is such a blessing!!! One of the
    timeless cards she had sent was of a bike, empty, lying on the beach of a beautiful
    seascape like she loved and loved to share photos of. The caption inside reads,
    “Leave your cares behind and have a wonderful [day]”.
    Yes … life is what we are living now!! Lovely! With gratitude and love to all

  11. Wow, thank you dear J for that so helpful and healing and very needed article :the discovery of now”!

    That article illumines or brings spiritual light to today’s toppic of SpiritView.

    Thank you dear Evan! It’s just 2 sentenses. However it is an utmost important theme for our wellbeing and our Salvation. To live in the spiritual now of our Father-Mother God!

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