Light bulb parable

June 7, 2010 | 1 comment

Some listeners of my Daily Lift last week about living in the light wanted the text to the parable I shared. Here it is…

There’s a teaching story about a lightbulb in the middle of a bedroom ceiling striking up a conversation with a closet in the corner.

The lightbulb puffed up its glow and declared to the closet, “Look at my brilliant shine. Isn’t it beautiful?”

“Oh yes, the closet answered. You do have a beautiful shine, but you should see my exquisite darkness inside. It’s some of the highest quality darkness you could ever lay your eyes on.”

“Oh really,” the lightbulb replied. “Can I look and see myself?”

“Oh certainly,” the closet responded as it opened its door for the lightbulb to peek inside.

As the glowing bulb prepared to take a good look and cast its gaze to the interior reaches of the closet, it sounded dismayed. “I don’t see any darkness anywhere,” it protested. “Where is it?”

And the lesson was brought home. When you live in the light, there is no darkness about you to be seen for there is no darkness in the presence of light.

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