Live humble and keep progressing

October 11, 2022 | 17 comments

Those who lived high and mighty he knocked off their high horse.

~ Isaiah 26:5, The Message

Pride, ego, and self-righteousness are the “high horse.” Avoid the vanity of arrogant positions in matter, and you won’t be in a place that sets you up to be knocked down.

Humility and meekness keep us moving down the path of progress out of mortal mind’s sight and lead us directly into the kingdom of heaven where all the best is freely ours.

17 thoughts on “Live humble and keep progressing”

  1. I’ve used this Humility Prayer by Anonymous for years and have found it very helpful. I have even committed it to memory:

    “Humility is perpetual quietness of heart.

    It is to have no trouble. It is never to be fretted or vexed, irritable or sore, to wonder at nothing that is done to me, to feel nothing done against me.

    It is to be at rest when nobody praises me and when I am blamed or despised; it is to have a blessed home within myself where I can go in and shut the door and kneel to my Father in secret and be at peace, as in a deep sea of calmness, when all around and about is seeming trouble.”

    1. This prayer was written by Andrew Murray, born in 1828, so a contemporary of Mrs. Eddy. He was born in South Africa, educated in Scotland and was a preacher and teacher. In 1879 he became ill and his throat was impacted. He lost his voice for two years. These years molded Murray in a new way. He surrendered everything to God. He came to a place of deep humility and love for God and was completely healed. This quote on “Humility” sat on the desk of Dr. Bob (Dr. Robert Smith) who was the co-founder with Bill Wilson of Alcoholics Anonymous.

      1. Thank you Maddie for sharing such a wonderful, thoughtful poem, and Eleanor who has proceed the story of Andrew Murray. It’s assuring to learn how such beautiful and calming poem supported Dr Bob his powerful AA work . I love constantly learning more with all my SpiritView family .

    1. A very good article, Kirsten. thank you. It is spiritual ignorance that seems
      to cause pride in what seem to be personal abilities.

      Although this article was written a long time ago, it still applies today. The
      last two paragraphs particularly relating to present conflicts seeming to be
      going on in the world – particularly thinking of Russia and Ukraine.

  2. Recently when thinking about
    the words, A grateful heart a
    garden is, it came to me …
    A heart full of great.

    Full of love, joy, compassion,
    tenderness, trust, kindness …
    A ❤️ full of the greatness that is God.

  3. Beautiful Family of Students of
    the Science of Life!

    Like a church! (But without all the Rules
    to struggle over! Committees! And with
    So much upkeep on the shoulders
    of just a few dear Faithful Ones!)

    Sorry to vent…. but I wonder if “church-the-institution”
    needs revising….?!

    Helpful input?

    1. Dear SpiritviewFamilyMember,
      You are asking some relevant questions. Is the purpose/focus on maintaining a material structure or in having a place to bless others and heal? Is it about the rules or about blessing? Like in Evan’s current Spiritview today about forgiveness, one remembers that everyone is gathered to play a game and while it seems the point is to win, it is really about the fellowship of loving tennis and expressing God’s qualities on the court. The other player may have been aiming for the feet but ramping up to hit hard could have hit late and hit him in the chest instead. And, that player was able to express a loving response to Evan. A healing response but Evan also was blessed to learn a lesson on forgiveness. These lessons happen in everyday life and not just a certain place at a certain time on Sunday mornings and Wednesday nights. Life is about expressing this every moment. Living it. You can express it in committee meetings too. How would you revamp it? With what purpose in mind? So glad you reached out to your community for ideas. Have you also reached out to your committee members and asked them how to make it more purposeful for you and others attending? Sometimes by attending other churches you can see other ideas that are being incorporated and perhaps this will inspire the changes you seek?
      Not everyone will agree and that is ok. 😉
      Much love to you.

  4. No, dear SpiritViewFamilyMember, the “church-the-institution” needs no revising if you see God doing all those offices you mentioned, and that we just reflect effortless and joyously divine Love in these churchworks.
    If you understand church as the healing Christ in action in each church service there is no need for revising.
    The church how Mrs. Eddy organized it for the benefit of us all and the world and for the protection of our beloved CS movement.

    Thank you Maddie for the beautiful poem. And thank you Eleanor for your interesting, lovely comment about the original author of this poem.

    I am always grateful for the links to relevant articles presented us so lovingly here on SpiritView. They give me a lot.

    Wow Evan, thank you very much for this SpiritView, especially for the last paragraph, so wonderful.
    I simply would say that humility and meekness lead to healing which is very much needed in today’s times.
    Thanks dearly for the abundance of healing spiritual views and thoughts!♡

  5. Yes dear SpiritViewFamilyMember, “church-the-institution” is in need of revision. It indeed, is already well under way…along the Way as pointed through ‘Science of the Christ.’ Hallelujah! Divine Mind meets EVERY human need…simply stated.

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