Live in the present

March 19, 2025 | 30 comments

If you ever get worried, afraid, riled up about what might happen in the future, or anxious about something unfortunate that happened yesterday, learn how to let it go and enjoy the moment you’re in. 

I explain how in this vlog filmed in the Santa Fe National Forest, in New Mexico, when my wife and I visited the area in September 2024.

30 thoughts on “Live in the present”

    1. Thank you for the good article Diane and thank you Evan for the video of Be Here Now in the spirit as the child of God in the rain and hail! Reminds me of a book called BE HERE NOW by Ram Das who was very joyful and had a foundation near Santa Fe.

  1. I had an appointment to prepare my taxes. Several things were perplexing my thinking including being prepared with paperwork, travelling to the tax accountant, being on time, and being new to an unknown area. I sought the necessary information for these things and proceeded to my quest. But I was not given the materials usually automatically provided, instructions for public transportation were incorrectly provided, i was let off two miles from my expected destination for a ‘three-minute walk’ and had to seek further help. I was already late, but I was praying that God has always taken care of me and I didn’t need to worry. I got to the accountant 1 1/1 hour late, was signed in with another’s name, and then provided information that the accounting couldn’t be proceeded. I was looking at another 2 1/2-hour bus ride home when the accountant offered me a ride home with her. During my short wait for her to end her position, I turned to my cell phone and listened to your blog for that day reminding me to not worry. I now am living in the present, being here in the middle of the night with Christian Science always “right on.” Thank you, Evan, and Thank you, God.

    1. I’ve had days like that, things seem desperate and then something good happens. Divine Mind is always present. I love how even though Evan is so familiar with the Science of Christ, he still keeps reasoning things out for us to learn from. Another beloved teacher wrote a book many years ago called Be Here Now, Evan’s experience is a clear example of what that statement is about..

  2. Thank you Evan
    Love your point of staying in the nowness of God’s love no matter what is thrown at you or seems to be. Father is always right and His protecting grace always evident when we turn to Him. Ever present Love envelops, protects, guides and governs. Amen!

  3. I loved the vlog Evan with those three short words that include God embracing us in each moment. I will take that message with me as I go through each day!

  4. The Daily Lift has the same thought.
    When I saw the words, Live in the Present,
    It came as a sweet, tender message, live
    in recognizing God’s gift, a love gift, a
    present, already at hand.
    Thanks Evan

  5. Good video, Evan. It’s easy to ruminate about the past or worry about the future. Thanks for this reminder to stay in the mind of Christ.

  6. These Nowness thoughts are So relevant and appreciated this morning!! Thank you
    so much dear Evan and All. Dear diane w.a. – the article corresponds so beautifully
    with Evan’s live-in-the-present message. I loved from the article, “We have nothing
    to fear when Love is at the helm of thought, but everything to enjoy on earth and in
    heaven”. That statement reminds me of the wonderful splash down of the astronauts
    and the exuberance of the dolphins, even, almost like they were jumping for joy that
    all went well in the astronauts safe return. As Mrs. Eddy had written before her time,
    “The mariner will have dominion over the atmosphere and the great deep, over the
    fish of the sea and the fowls of the air. The astronomer will no longer look up to the
    stars, – he will look out from them upon the universe; and the florist will find his
    flower before its seed.” Being in that space capsule and having the team caring for
    every need, is like being in the arms of Love, where we need to just relax and be
    calm and live in the moment, like with dolphins or chickadees rejoicing, or flowers
    starting to bloom, happily all around us.

  7. Thank you Evan and Kathy, for this so needed vlog message today. It encourages
    and lets us be just who we are Spiritually, without the angst that mortal ways
    would try to prod us into doing that may feel so foreign to us, like a fish out of water.
    In living in the now – You-are-here, Be-here-now, way of thinking, we can enjoy
    our Being as God has created us … whole and perfect, reflecting the peace and joy
    that is our birthright, without the anxiety of not knowing what the future might bring,
    the fear of the unknown, which can sometimes feel so overwhelming.
    I have loved a story, what is described as the “Daffodil Principle” which inspires us,
    like with your great video, to live in the now. It’s inspiration can be found by
    duckduckgo ing “Daffodil Principle” wmv (4:32) and under videos, scroll down to
    enjoy it’s message. When we take each step/day as it comes, we enjoy the journey
    along the way, without fretting or worrying about tomorrow or regretting the past and
    like you did, even in the rain and hail, or temporary seeming upsets we may be facing,
    our life is unfolding gently in a beautiful way.

  8. “The discovery of now” by Keith Nealy, from the February 28, 1983 issue of The Christian Science Sentinel:

    Thank you Evan. Great vlog and message. It felt like there was a bit of drone footage at the beginning walking through the forest – love the cinematography. This message is perfect for me as I received only 1 of 2 important documents yesterday through USPS, which was the only option for receiving them. Thoughts of the missing document being lost or stolen tried to take over my thinking…ugh. The thought came that mortal mind makes it feel like we are obligated and that it’s mandatory to react to these kinds of situations with feelings of stress, worry, and anxiety. I decided to mentally rebel and the calming thought came that I, and all, live in the Kingdom of Heaven where everything is already in its rightful place.

      1. That is so good, J … very happy for you. The feeling of elation you have
        must be wonderful. Thanks for letting us know, as there were probably
        some of us praying that you would.

    1. Thank you J for the excellent article!
      Nothing is missing in divine Mind, the all knowing director of all. So I trust your second document will arrive soon. Oh, I just read that it did. Good!

  9. Beautiful vlog Evan which has in turn provoked helpful comments and the link to the sentinel article. Thank you so much everyone.

    Take my life and let it be; consecrated Lord to Thee
    Take my moments , and my days
    Let them flow in ceaseless praise
    Take my hands and let them move
    At the impulse of Thy Love…hymn 324
    True being is the ( Love filled )Now❣️

    1. To BarbaraUK and LOL, encouragement from you both is RECEIVED. Wanted to recall “Roswell, New Mexico” this morning as I woke up, which had a ranch and horse business supporting C.S. church active there, but which has gone quiet. I waited and watched to recall the names of those living there, and waited for the name of the location, expecting an answer to come, When I opened Spiritview, and found the post of Evan and Kathy visiting Santa Fe, New Mexico, just up the road from Las Cruces, about 200 miles, the name ROSWELL popped up, where the Ranch and church have gone quiet. I pray the area will attract more CS newcomers, for the enjoyment and activity of CS, ,to arrive along with other seeksrs who enjoy the southern, central mountains here.. I love singing hymn 324 which BarbaraUK contributed, and so the day begins with moments and days filled with praise and all the answers arrived too,

  10. Thanks so very much to everyone who has commented. This is just what I needed this morning being overwhelmed with problems and no solutions in sight.

    1. Dear Laurel, the article by Elise Moore, CSB, with the wonderful title “United in Prayer” for which “J” gave us the link to yesterday, has as last sentence this healing, comforting Truth “The healing, saving power of Christ is with you now and forever.”
      With this in mind, surely are solutions in sight for you. This sentence helped me very much yesterday. With love to you!♡

      1. Uta, What you have written here is so lovely and comforting.
        There is always a solution. Sometimes patience is needed in
        situations that seem to be sluggish, but from God’s point of
        view, there is really no problem.
        And M, yes, the articles that are shared are always so loving
        and caring, as well as Evan’s initial message of inspiration.
        Your dear grandson is in Love’s hands. There are ways of
        helping that are becoming more known with “human” steps,
        such as nutrition. A lot of things are being uncovered that
        are helping to make this a better world. Love and peace to

  11. I do appreciate the article by Keith Neely. My husband (not CS) and I care for a “special needs” grandson , very high functioning autistic 21year old. We are very concerned about what the future holds for him. We’ve done all the steps necessary humanly for his future. This article will be something for me to refer to in my ongoing demonstration of peace about him.

  12. Dear Evan, I thank you very much for your so loving and comforting Vlog. I listened several times, and when I listened now at midnight the last time before I go to bed, I felt peace and love, being in the n o w of God’s kingdom in which we find peace and love, healing and safe guidance which I find so important for me.
    It is so very interesting and lovely how beautiful excursions you do with your dear Kathy, who is so lovingly doing the videos of all your inspiring Vlogs. Thank you very very much for it! 🙂

  13. Yes, yes, y e s UTA, the loving, healing Truth from God will overcome any denial of the Truth. Holding that healing thought in Mind, I am grateful for being here, for the healing ahead, and NOW!

    Your support and input are wonderful, healing, and the TRUTH. Thank you

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