Live in the light of Love

January 17, 2018 | 26 comments

When you consciously live in the light of Love, negativity coming from others has far less impact on you, if any. You can exercise more dominion over relationships with others. You can turn unhappy relationships around and improve them. You can heal conflict. Love can do all these things.

Love is like light. No amount of darkness thrown at light diminishes the light. Darkness disappears in the presence of light.

The same rule applies for hatred, rage, resentment and anger. No amount of ill-will thrown at a consciousness of Love diminishes the love it feels and knows. Love never feels obligated to go negative. It dissolves negativity.

When someone is mean to you, you are not required to be mean back. If someone is grumpy, you are not required to feel agitated. If another is depressed, you don’t have to be depressed with them. You can choose to love, to bring the power of divine Love to bear on the situation and improve it.

No matter what type of negativity mortal mind throws your way, choose to love. Side with all-powerful God and demonstrate your immunity to all types of negative attitudes.

Be a healer. Choose to love!

26 thoughts on “Live in the light of Love”

  1. Good morning, Evan. Another substantial article today. Like the one you wrote yesterday, today’s is to remind us of the way and its application in daily life. It reminds us that by staying in the awareness of Love, it creates an atmosphere that protects us while improving or healing everything it touches. It is a daily struggle, the carnal mind tends to deviate from the path, that is why the importance of praying for ourselves. When we get up and pray we have already laid the foundations to build a solid house from an awareness that protects and heals. Excellent day for all and that our conscience is flooded with Love and the effect is none other than love

  2. What a lovely healing message. It’s very easy to return love for love. But, extremely difficult to love back when in response to your love, indifference and hatred is thrown back at you. Evan rightly mentions, being persistent in our love, brings healing to any discordant situation.

    We have nothing to lose by loving everyone under all circumstances. It can only BLESS…we keep in the best of health, happiness is at hand, vision is perfect, heart is sound, relations improve, because “Love is the liberator” and “Love, love alone is Life.” Love surely brings in the light.

    On the contrary hatred, anger, rage, resentment and revenge ..only open up the way for suffering and more suffering. You lose on your peace, happiness, health, good friends, and experience darkness and despair. So why not live in the “Light of Love”??? Love will dispel all the darkness from our life. So, lets always chose LOVE.

    Thanks Evan for this lovely reminder of constantly living in the light of love and be blessed. Its so so helpful.

  3. Good morning Evan and friends!

    The world certainly needs a lot of love right now, and it is good to know that it is so easy to give love when divine Love is all around us, and, like light, cannot be diminished by darkness – which may come as fear, sorrow, anger, or poverty.

    Thank you for the reminder that we can all spread the light of Love around the world!

  4. For the last couple of days I have been consciously working on the very thing today’s blog is about. It was very helpful and encouraging to see that Evan’s blog was furthering that approach. Those past days have been particularly healing, uplifting, harmonious, loving, calm, productive. Will continue to strive living and being that way. Thanks for the support Evan.

  5. Thank you Evan for the most important reminder to love, love, love in every instance.

    Yes, I choose Love – and Love to all ! πŸ˜‰

  6. One may think
    they have nothing..
    But if they know Love,
    The world belongs
    to them…

    If one has comfort
    in abundance,
    but knows not Love,
    They have nothing
    but a barren dream…

    Do some have comfort
    and little worry and still
    succor from the vine?
    I don’t know… haven’t
    met one yet… but that’s
    why I’m singing this song…

    But I think I see a
    proportion True …
    The more comfort
    one acquires…
    The less they will seek You….

  7. Thank you, Evan. I have been trying to protect myself from hatred coming from “panoply of Love” idea of protection. Not working very well yet as I still found myself very emotional last night. Perhaps your idea of radiance of divine Love, as an outgoing and surrounding force, is a better idea at this point.

  8. Divine “Love is reflected in love.”

    ~Mary Baker Eddy

    I put the word “Divine” first, to clarify for newcomers here that Mrs. Eddy defines God, divine Love, as the Source of all Good…all spiritual light and life, and love.

  9. When I first read this this morning it brought to mind Pgs 49-50 in “We Knew Mary Baker Eddy – Second Series.” Mary Baker Eddy was with her students and was asking them questions.
    “One was, “What is the best way to do instantaneous healing?” Many arose. Some said, “Realize the ever-presence of good;” others, “Deny the claims of evil.” There were many answers, but when they had finished, she said, as I remember: “I will tell you the way to do it. It is to love! Just live love-be it-love, love, love. Do not know anything but Love. Be all love. There is nothing else. That will do the work. It will heal everything; it will raise the dead. Be nothing but love.”
    Then there came up what was, to me, the most interesting question in the whole class. Someone said, “But, Mother, are we not to discriminate between good and evil?” She answered substantially as follows: “Ah, now you have asked me what is to me the hardest thing in Christian Science! Yes, you must see and denounce evil. The Bible tells us that Jesus was God’s chosen because he loved righteousness, but the Bible does not stop there. It says, ‘and hated iniquity’! So often have I longed to see and know only Love-only the good-but I have not dared. I must uncover and rebuke and hate iniquity.” This was very valuable to all. To her this is the greatest struggle of all, the hardest thing in Science, but when one loves righteousness, one hates iniquity.”
    I think denouncing the evil you may see in a neighbor or an enemy, scrubbing off the graffiti, and seeing God’s man is love. It is easy to ignore it or think it is real. But, it is important to do this for ourselves and for our neighbors.

  10. I was thinking about the phrase fall in love with loving the other day. I think when we choose to be loving and love being loving it really doesn’t matter if the other person returns the love. If love is all there is, then that is enough.

    1. Thank you Nadine, I love what you said. And I think so, too, namely
      “If love is all there is, then that is enought” – very good!

  11. Hello Max, “if you know Love, the world belongs to you.” What a POWERFUL phrase Max. It penetrates to the deepest part of the error and pulverizes it. Thanks, friend, poet.

  12. Yes, Love, Love, Love. Thank you Evan and all for these healing messages – especially Nergish and Kirsten. Love to all.

  13. Thank you Evan! This is a gem β™‘

    Susano, keep loving, Love will lead your thought, and therefore you, to the state of grace where you find healing.

  14. Love it. But how to apply today’s message in situations like legal proceedings while someone by way of cheating resulted financial loss for many people.

    1. Hi Karen,

      When deceit, deviousness, dishonesty are involved, see Love as an intelligent and wise Mind that is smarter than any evil doer. Love is not naive and a pushover. Love possesses dominion, power, strength and ability to make wrong right. “Be wiser than serpents,” Jesus counseled his followers. Thought expressing the omnipotence of Love can see through the lies and deceits of the serpents and neutralize them. It also can restore loss in ways that the human mind would never figure out on its own.

  15. DEAR Susan: Grab onto Divine Love and wrap it tight around you. Evil thoughts or actions cannot penetrate the person (you) who absolutely knows, understands that God’s LOVE for his beloved children makes each one impervious to any kind of attack. Mortal mind may try to inflict wounds, always looking for a spot in which to agitate. Error tries so many different ways to curtail our LOVElight that can fill all thought and extinguishes darkness.
    Example: I was on a flight the other day (window seat) when a lovely looking young woman came on board and took the middle seat next to me. The intensive coughing,blowing the nose, etc. immediately filled our small space. My resentment began to build
    . “Sometimes she doesn’t even put h er hand over her mouth when she coughs.” or…she should not be out in public with that miserable hacking.” This went on for some 10 minutes …..silent ugly, resentful thoughts went flitting about. Them God’s flashlight went on. His voice said, “Love her, Pat. Love her, That is what she needs.” My LOVElight went on, shame for my negative thoughts flew out the window and I rejoiced that God’s lovelight was not only in our row of seats but filled the whole plane. Rejoicing in this one-eighty from negative to positive God love, within minutes the coughing scene evaporated—gone—no more error “showing off.”–the rest of the long flight was a joy as I learned to enjoy a wonderful conversation with this lovely young lady. Such an exchange of experiences,trips, common likes ensued and there was not another cough, blowing of nose–no distractions from the obvious congeniality (LOVE) exchanged. ” Thank you,dear Evan for teaching me/us to be at full alert to immediately reject negative thoughts in any disguise they are in ! Thank you, God!!!!!

  16. It is late—11:15 p.m.—but I’m so glad I read this tonight. All of the SV comments were great. It seems that there have been some hateful thoughts aimed at me, and I really don’t know why. Your statement, Evan, “No amount of darkness thrown at light diminishes the light” just hit me! Nothing can rob me of joy and the love I feel and want to share! Thank you so much!

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