Look at Christ more

August 22, 2024 | 18 comments

When it comes to seeing beyond pictures of failing mortality around us, a friend cited me a rule she likes to follow:

For every one time you look at error, look ten times at Christ!

Christ is the perfect man of God’s creating.

18 thoughts on “Look at Christ more”

  1. So true❣️
    Apply it with the 10 commandments.
    Use flood tides of love .
    Reverse reverse reverse the lie
    The world has need of us as humble lovers of and livers of the word of God.
    It’s really all good because it’s really all God!

  2. Inspired me today…thank you Evan.

    Happy the man who know his Master to obey,
    Whose life of love and labour flows,
    Where God points out the way….
    Rising to every task, soon as the word is given,
    He doth not wait nor question ask
    When orders come from heaven…
    Gods will he makes his own and nothing can him stay,
    His feet are shod for God alone, and God alone obey…
    Give us , oh God this mind which waits but Thy command,
    And doth its highest pleasure find, in Thy great work to stand.
    Hymn 92
    Loving thoughts to all❣️

  3. Help me Father-Mother God, to listen to you and alone. Fill my conscioness with your Truth which expresses one Mind.

    1. O dear Maddie, that’s a wonderful article but it doesn’t open up fully.
      Could anyone help, please!?♡♡

      1. Dear Uta,
        when it didn’t open up completely I saw the option to continue for free, after I clicked , the article opened up in its entirety.
        All the best from Christine (Australia)

        1. Wow dear Christine, Australia, such a very interesting and lovely country!
          I know what you mean, but I couldn’t find the option “continue for free”.
          Thank you, I’ll have a try oncemore.

          Much Love from Germany!

        1. Oh my goodness, my comment got garbled!

          It should read, but as Christine said, you should be able to open the article using the free link in the article. Sorry about that!

          1. Yes, DKM, thanks a lot; that does open fully. Am very much looking forward reading that inspiring, very helpful article. ❤️

  4. For every false thought that tries to entice us, we can ask God to fill us up with ten (or a hundred) Truths about Him and His relationship with us.

    Mrs. Eddy said, “Keep your minds so filled with Truth and Love that sin, disease, and death cannot enter them. It is plain that nothing can be added to the mind already full.”
    “What Our Leader Says”

    Sometimes though, it seems that error beliefs are just running constantly through the backdrop of thought so I can’t catch them all and reverse them with Truth. Seems exhausting. But perhaps that is a human will way, to think “I” have to catch and reverse every wrong thought, maybe a better way is to humbly ask God to help keep thought in right channels. Let go and let God Any thoughts or suggestions?

    1. What came to my thought today is “” Be Still and know that I am God”. As we become still in thought it seems to me that statement covers everything attempting to divert our thoughts some place else. Have a blessed day.
      Suzie H

    2. I think you are on to something, Rose … with Let go and let God. Being absorbed
      in the additional reading links (thank you, Evan …. and Maddie and DKM and Desert
      Girl) … . the one article states, “Every day belongs to God. Every day is filled
      with the activity of God, and therefore there is no day in which evil begins or
      reigns.” That pretty much eliminates any time that evil can creep in. It sure does
      try it’s hardest though, but we have to try our best to listen to the “still, small
      voice”, when error sometimes Screams. The world is constantly trying to get
      our attention in believing a power opposed to Truth. It can sometimes be
      infuriating when we Know what is true, but evil negates this truth, trying to
      precipitate and build on lies – imposters of mortal mind’s creation – that would
      impede our growth in spiritually seeing Christ-like perfection.

  5. Thank you, Maddie, for sharing Wm McKensie’s article and the reference noted giving credit in this blog to Mary Baker Eddy.for that wonderful statement of taking ten looks at Christ!! And Desert Girl for linking us to that article the Ten Lawyers. Such an amazing, thorough unfoldment of the power of the Ten Commandments to heal.

  6. Yes, indeed, dear Desert Girl, such a good. very worth reading article. Grace said already all I agree and would also comment so good as Grace does!

    I am always very very grateful to Evan’s healing and inspiring SpiritView Blog and to all the suitable articles and all your inspiring and loving comments dear SpiritView friends!♡♡♡

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